Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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071 Accounting and taxation educational program “Accounting and Taxation” (for the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education)


Program of professional entrance exams

Programs of entrance examinations (interview) for obtaining OS “Bachelor” on the basis of complete general secondary education Ukrainian language and literature Math History of Ukraine Physics Chemistry Biology Foreign Language Programs of professional entrance tests for obtaining the Bachelor’s degree  


Zhyla Viktor

Education and career In 1982 he graduated from the Kharkov Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture, specializing in electrical engineer; In 2000 he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences; 2001- to 2017 – Associate Professor, Department of Integrated Electrical Technologies and Processes; 2001-2004 – Head of the educational department of the Kharkov State Technical University of Agriculture (former KhSTUA); 2005–2017 – Vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture; From 07/01/2017 to present – Professor, Department of Automated Electromechanical Systems. Educational activities Teaches such disciplines: “Designing”, “Control and protection devices”, “Methodology and organization of scientific research”, “Energy saving in technological processes”, “Research of efficiency of electromechanical systems” Research activities Participates in researches in relation to development of low-energy laser technologies in agriculture, in particular, treatments of milk by means of semiconductor lasers. Works are conducted jointly with Institute of Animal Science of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine He has 85 scientific and methodological publications and he has 4 patents. International activities / participation in international projects Participates in work of international professional conferences Social activities Member of Scientific Advice and trade-union committee ofuniversity Awards and prizes He awarded 2 diplomas for years of conscientious work, high professionalism, conscientious performance of their duties.

Цибух Андрій Володимирович


Specialty 133 “Industrial Engineering” Level of higher education “Bachelor”


Pros and cons of distance learning

Professor of the Department of UNESCO “Philosophy of Human Communication” and social and humanitarian disciplines of KhNTUA Lyudmila Firsova commented for the newspaper “Vremya” on her vision of the place and role of distance learning in the educational process. She believes that the interaction of teacher and student is a very important element of education because such interaction involves communication, which forms the content, context, ways of their relationship, in other words – what is called a relationship of communication.

Плюси і мінуси дистанційного навчання

Meeting of Ruslan Tikhonchenko with the directors of the educational and scientific institutes, deans of faculties and executive secretaries of the admission commissions of KhNTUA, KhSZA, KhSUFTT and KhNAU named after V.V. Dokuchaev

On July 7, 2021, a working meeting was held with directors of educational and scientific institutes, deans of faculties, and executive secretaries of admission commissions involved in the reorganization process according to the MES Order of 18.06.2021 № 689 “On the establishment of the State Biotechnology University” and the MES Order of 25.06 .2021 № 717, on the organization of the introductory campaign for the 2021-2022 academic year. The issues of the current state of work of admission commissions, their coordination, prospects of recruitment of higher education applicants, implementation of a common policy of forming a contingent of students, as well as applications for the implementation of the state order for educational services in 2021 were considered.

Meeting of Ruslan Tikhonchenko with the directors of the educational and scientific institutes, deans of faculties and executive secretaries of the admission commissions of KhNTUA, KhSZA, KhSUFTT and KhNAU named after V.V. Dokuchaev

Abduiev Mahomed

Education and career 1981 – graduated from the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture with honors in “Mechanization of Agriculture”; 1989 – graduated from the Kharkiv Engineering and Economic Institute with a degree in “Economics and organization of the machine-building industry”; 1989 – Assistant of the Department of Agricultural Machinery; 2009 – present – Associate Professor of Agricultural Machinery, the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. Research activities 2007 – defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences on the topic: “Substantiation of the parameters of the separator with an inclined air channel for the separation of grain mixtures.” Scientific publications, patents, grants Author and co-author of more than 150 scientific papers, 2 of which – in “SKOPUS” 48 copyright certificates and patents Awards Diplomas, diplomas, and thanks from the university administration Candidate for Master of Sports in Wrestling Repeated champion of the university in weightlifting

Abduiev Mahomed

The visit to Turkey continues

As we have already informed, the delegation of the Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after P. Vasylenko as a part of the rector of the university O. Nankа, Vice-Rector for Research and Teaching and International Relations Yu. Vitkovskyi and the head of the training department for working with foreign citizens and stateless persons O. Azizov are in Turkey, where they hold working meetings with Turkish partners.

Візит в Туреччину триває


On April 6, 2021, the presentation of the project “ProfiFEST. Professional Network of the Future ”, which was created online by the team of the Kharkiv City Employment Center headed by its director S.V. Pizhenkom.



Specialties of Faculty of TSL and terms of study To obtain the first (bachelor’s) degree of higher education


Disciplines of the department

Construction Mechanics Determination and control of reliability this year techniques Test and test reliability Dynamic strength and reliability of machines Operation of oil depots and the Armed Forces Machine operation and maintenance Computer diagnostics and machine condition monitoring Computer Reliability Modeling Quality management and control in mechanical engineering Mathematical modeling and statistics Research methods and organization Research Methodology Mechanics of materials and structures Modeling the reliability of structures Car reliability Machine and CIS reliability Machine reliability TK oil product supply Resistance of materials Optimal equipment design Transportation of dangerous goods Car design Design of technological processes of MOT machines Calculations when designing machines Development of quality management systems Theories of machine operation and design of technical systems Technical and operational parameters of vehicles and their diagnostics Technical Diagnostics Engineering geology, basics and foundations; Construction production base; Construction technology; Building Materials Science; Basics of computer-aided design in construction; Inspection and testing of buildings and structures; Water supply and drainage; Building structures; Engineering structures; Reinforced concrete and stone structures; Architecture of buildings and structures; Theory of elasticity; Organization of production; Geodesy; Heat supply and energy efficiency of buildings and structures; Regulatory framework for construction; Fundamentals of management of construction companies; Energy facilities.


About the department

The Department of Reliability, Strength, and Technical Service of Machines begins its history in 1971 when the university management decided to train specialists familiar with the reliability of agricultural machinery. The first head of the department was Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor V. Anilovich, who, having experience in design and research work, was acutely aware of the need to disseminate the experience gained among future professionals.


Budget recommendations have been made public

The University has published ranking lists and lists of recommended entrants, which can be viewed on the main website of KhNTUA in the tab ENTRANTS, or at this link: In their e-offices, entrants can also find out if they have received budget recommendations. Applicants who have received recommendations must submit original documents to the university.

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