Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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The foundation for modern agribusiness

The rapid climate change that is taking place today requires agribusiness to make precise, balanced decisions. Optimal management for each square meter of field is not the future, but a requirement of time. Such management is successfully implemented by precision farming technologies. To date, there are comprehensive solutions from our partners – representatives of John Deere and Case IH. Students in the educational programs of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Mechatronics and Management Systems are already studying them in classes and workshops conducted by representatives of leading companies in the industry. But there are a number of small and medium-sized farms, agricultural enterprises that use a wide range of different brands of units. For such farms, the equipment from the world leader in systems of exact agriculture – the Trimble company is most often used.

Фундамент для сучасного агробізнесу

Yesterday she was an entrant, and today she is a student

Last year, Vlada Chorna also sat on the University Admissions Committee and was very worried about her admission. How to properly register an e-office, are all the documents in order, will it be possible to pass the competitive selection? … Fortunately, the Admissions Committee reassured her and provided all necessary assistance, and later Vlada learned that she became a university student in the chosen specialty 141 electromechanics.

Вчора абітурієнтка, а сьогодні — студентка

Prospects for cooperation with Istanbul Technical University

As we have already informed, in early March this year delegation of KhNTUA consisting of the rector of the university O. Nanka, Vice-Rector for Research and Education and International Relations Yu. Vitkovskyi and the head of the training department for working with foreign citizens and stateless persons O. Azizov were in Turkey, where she held a series of working meetings with Turkish partners. One of such meetings took place at Istanbul Technical University, where representatives of KhNTUa met with their Turkish counterparts and discussed with them the development of Ukrainian-Turkish scientific-educational cooperation between universities, as well as preparations for the signing of the agreement.

Перспективи співпраці із Стамбульським Технічним Університетом

Congratulations to the European champion

Today our university was visited by the European champion in sumo wrestling among youth and adults Demid Karachenkov, who recently returned from the European Championship and brought two significant awards from there. In the men’s competition (weight category up to 85 kg) Demid defeated a rival from Russia and won a gold medal, and in the youth competition in the weight category, up to 85 kg won a bronze medal.

Congratulations to the European champion


Every year meetings of graduates of different years take place in the walls of our university. But this happened for the first time. Today, graduates of the former KhIMEA 1971 met in the walls of the Institute of Mechatronics and Management Systems, who remembered their classmates, teachers and unforgettable years of student life.


Nikolaenko Natalia

Education and career 1987 – Kharkiv State Institute of Culture, specialty – Library science and bibliography. 1987-1995 – worked in the library of the Kharkiv State Institute of Culture. 1995-2004 – worked in the library of the National University of Internal Affairs of Kharkiv. 2004-2017 – Director of the Scientific Library of the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy. 2013-2016 – postgraduate study at the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture. Since 2017 – Director of the Scientific Library of KhNTUA, Assistant of the UNESCO Department of “Philosophy of Human Communication”, Social Sciences and Humanities.

Ніколаєнко Наталія Миколаївна


According to the Regulations on the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the fields of knowledge and specialties, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 18.04.2017 № 605, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 15.05.2017 at № 620/30488, the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 24.11.2020 № 1457 “On holding the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the fields of knowledge and specialties in the 2020/2021 academic year” and on the basis of decisions of branch competition commissions on the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the fields of knowledge and specialties 2020/2021 Order №865 of 28.07.2021 “On the results of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the fields of knowledge and specialties in the 2020/2021 academic year” approved the list of winners of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the fields of knowledge and specialties 2020/2021 academic year. Among them – 44 scientific works (7 works were awarded a diploma of the first degree, 11 works of the second degree, 26 works of a third-degree) the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture.


Skubij Irina

Education and career. 2010 – V. Karazin Kharkiv National University, specialty – History. 2010-2013 – postgraduate study at V. Karazin Kharkiv National University. 2013-2017 – Assistant of the UNESCO Department of “Philosophy of Human Communication”, Social Sciences and Humanities. 2017-2018 – Senior Lecturer of the UNESCO Department of “Philosophy of Human Communication”, Social Sciences and Humanities. Since 2018 – Associate Professor of the UNESCO Department of “Philosophy of Human Communication”, Social Sciences and Humanities.

Скубій Ірина Володимирівна

Pleasant acquaintance within the walls of the university

Today in the Admissions Committee of KhNTUA they met this year’s graduate of Balakliia Lyceum Anton Belevtsov and his mother Olena Anatoliivna. They came to the university to get advice on Anton’s admission to our institution, majoring in 208 Agricultural Engineering.

Pleasant acquaintance within the walls of the university


The regular meeting of the Academic Council of The Petrо Vasilenko Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture was held on September 24, 2020 at 10.00 in the assembly hall of KNTUА (main building, 44 Alchevskikh Street). Important issues were considered here.


Congratulations on the award of academic scholarships

Irina Romanashenko, a first-year master’s student at the Institute of BML Group OA 20-4m, majoring in 071 “Accounting and Taxation”, was awarded an academic scholarship by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, and fourth-year students at the Institute of BML Group OA 17-5b, specialty 071 “Accounting, and Taxation”, were awarded an academic scholarship to Maryna Romanishenko. President of Ukraine. Relevant documents were published by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Вітаємо з призначенням академічних стипендій

Department of Economics and Marketing

The Department of Economics and Marketing at the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture was founded in 1948, when the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture opened a department to provide economic training for future engineers. “Economics and organizations of agricultural production”.


John Deere class

In cooperation with the leader of the world tractor construction company John Deere and the official dealer of John Deere in Ukraine – the company AGRISTAR LLC within the functioning of the training center John Deere Training Center A tractor design class has been created.
