Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Ensuring the quality of education

The Sector for Quality Assurance in Higher Education of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture was established to provide consulting, coordination, and internal control over the quality of education at the university in cooperation with the Vice-Rector for Research and Teaching, Educational and Methodological department, student self-government bodies and other structural subdivisions.


Consultation schedule

Name of lecture From which disciplines consultation When and where it is held Antoshchenkov R. Mechatronics AIP Analysis and synthesis of mechatronic systems Mechatronics of machines and units Mechatronics Mechatronics of motor transport Tuesday, Thursday 316 М Kolomiiets V. Details of machines Details of machines and PTM Monday 318 М Ridnyi R. Details of machines Details of machines and PTM Tuesday, Thursday 318 М Lukianenko V. Conformity assessment of products Quality and safety of AІP products Quality, standardization and certification Quality and examination of agricultural products Wednesday 318 М Fabrychnikova I. Standardization and certification this year products Взаємозамінність,, стандарт. і техн. вимірювання Взаємозамінність і техн. вимірювання Monday, Wednesday, Friday 317 М Kis V. Interchangeability, standardization and technical measurement Interchangeability and technical measurement Total quality management Tuesday 317 М Bohdanovych S. Details of machines Details of machines and PТМ Applied computer aided design in Creo Parametric Monday, Friday 316 М Halych I. Quality management Statistical methods of quality management of agricultural products Interchangeability, standardization and technical measurements Interchangeability, standardization and technical measurements Monday, Wednesday, Friday 317 М Lukianenko O. Quality management Interchangeability and technical measurements Statistical methods of agricultural product quality management Вівторок, четвер 316 М Nykyforov A. Quality management Methodology and methods of standardization Total quality management Metrological quality assurance of products Wednesday, Friday 316 М



On May 23, Mykola Lysychenko, the first vice-rector of our university and a 1985 graduate of KhIMEA, celebrates his birthday.



Teachers of the Department of Mechatronics and Machine Parts are supervised by students of the Institute of Mechatronics and Management Systems in the specialty 208 – “Agroengineering”, namely:


051 Economics

Analysis and justification of business profitability, business planning and business diagnostics, project development, and evaluation of their effectiveness, economic justification of management, marketing, engineering decisions – these tasks are solved by economists.


Lukianenko Volodymyr

Education 1981 – graduated from Kirovograd Technical University of Agricultural Engineering with a degree in “Agricultural Machinery”. Career 1987 – Assistant of the Department of Agricultural Machinery. 1992 – Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization. 1993 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of “Agricultural Machinery”. 2001 – defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences on the topic: “Substantiation of the parameters of the process of separation of rapeseed and colza on a vibrating machine.” 2003 – Associate Professor of “Agricultural Machinery”. 2004 – Head of the Department “Quality, Standardization, and Certification”. 2005 – Dean of the Faculty of Mechanics and Technology. 2016 – Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship, Trade, and Exchange. 2016 – Associate Professor of “Agricultural Machinery”. 2017 – present Associate Professor of “Mechatronics and the Machine Parts” Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. Educational activities Teaches disciplines:

Lukianenko Volodymyr

International cooperation

Teachers of the Department of Marketing and Media Communications regularly participate in international programs and conferences, including as co-organizers, in order to improve professional activity and skills, as well as the formation of long-term relationships with foreign organizations, universities, and schools.


Kolomiets Natalia

Education 1975 – graduated from Kharkiv Zooveterinary Institute. 1996 – graduated from Kharkiv State Agrarian University named after V.V. Dokuchaev. 2007 – graduated from Kharkiv State Zooveterinary Academy. 2012 – Ph.D. thesis in Economics and Management of Enterprises (by type of economic activity) – 08.00.04. 2014 – Associate Professor of Management, Economics and Marketing. Career 1975-1986 – worked as a chief zootechnician on production in the poultry farm “Velykobagachansky” (village Birky, Poltava region). 1987-2018 – worked at the Kharkiv State Zooveterinary Academy from the senior researcher, assistant, senior lecturer to associate professor of management, economics, and marketing, 2014-2018 – associate professor of accounting and auditing part-time at Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture. 2018 till now working as an associate professor at the Enterprise, Trade and Exchange Activities Department at Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture. Educational activities Disciplines: – Modeling of trade and exchange market development; – Corporate social responsibility and economic security of business entities; – Fundamentals of entrepreneurship and starting your own business; – Management of strategic development in business and trade; – Strategy and business development in AIP; – Strategy of trade enterprises. Research activities Research interests: – business economics; – property relations in agricultural enterprises; – strategy and business development in AIP; – corporate social responsibility of business entities; – economic security of business entities; 2018-2019 – Member of the State Examination Commission “Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities” at the second (master’s) level of higher education – 076, Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture; 2019-2020 – Member of the State Examination Commission “Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities” at the first (bachelor’s) and second (master’s) level of higher education – 076, Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture; She has more than 61 scientific works in native and foreign professional publications, monographs, etc. Awards Awards and gratitude by the decision of the board of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine. Was awarded the “Badge of Honor” in July 2006.

Коломієць Наталія Опанасівна

Levkina Ruslana

Education 1991 – graduated from O.M. Gorky Kharkiv State University 1994–1997 – graduate student of Institute of Vegetable and Melon UAAN Department of Economics 1993 – junior researcher at the UAAN of Economics Department UAAN 2003 – Ph.D. thesis in Economics of Agriculture and AIР, 08.00.04 2006 – Associate Professor at the Economics and Marketing 2014 – Doctor’s degree in Economics and Business Management (by economic activity) – 08.00.04

Левкіна Руслана Володимирівна


187 Woodworking and furniture technologies 192 Construction and civil engineering 201 Agronomy 205 Forestry 208 Agricultural engineering 274 Road transport 274 Road transport 274 Road transport 051 Economy 051 Economy 175 Marketing 175 Marketing 073 Management 073 Management 281 Public administration and administration 281 Public administration and administration 071 Accounting and taxation 071 Accounting and taxation 133 Industry engineering 133 Industry engineering 181 Food technology 181 Food technology 123 Computer engineering 123 Computer engineering 123 Computer engineering 141 Power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics; 151 Automation and computer-integrated technologies 141 Power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics; 151 Automation and computer-integrated technologies; 123 Computer Engineering 076 Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities 133 Industry engineering 141 Power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics; 151 Automation and computer-integrated technologies; 163  Biomedical engineering 275 Transport technologies 081 Law 141 Power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics; 151 Automation and computer-integrated technologies; 163 Biomedical engineering 163 Biomedical engineering 101 Ecology 242 Tourism 242 Tourism 072 Finance, banking and insurance


Oleksandr N Moroz

Education 1984 – received a diploma of the Kharkov Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture (KhIMEA) in the specialty “Electrification of Agriculture”, qualification of electrical engineer. 1991 – defended his Ph.D. in specialty 05.23.16 – Hydraulics and Hydrology Engineer. 2011 – defended his doctoral dissertation in specialty 05.09.03 – electrotechnical complexes and systems. 2012 – received the academic title of professor. Career 1984-1986 – Assistant KhIMEA. 1986-1987 – Lecturer-intern at Moscow Hidroirrigation Institute (MHII). 1987-1991 – Postgraduate student of MHII. 1991-1993 – Assistant KhIMEA. 1993-1998 – Senior Teaching Assistant KhIMEA. 1998-2012 – Associate Professor KhIMEA. 1997-2008 – Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Energy and Computer Technologies of KhNTUA. From 2009 incl. – Director of ESI ECT. 2012 – Professor of the department PSEM. Teaches the following subjects Entry to the profession; Hydraulics and agricultural machinery water supply; Transitional processes; Management of qualifications by master’s works; Postgraduate student’s scientific guide. Head of accreditation commissions for accreditation of specialty 141 “Electric Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics”. Scientific interests protection of pressure pipelines from hydraulic shock; hydrology; construction of systems for processing wool using acoustic and electromagnetic fields; quality of electric energy; Smart Grid; solar power plants. Member of the specialized scientific council D 64.832.01 at KhNTUA in the specialty 05.09.03 – electrotechnical complexes and systems. He has more than 150 scientific and methodological publications, 4 patents, the author of 3 textbooks and manuals. Social activities Secretary of Subcommittee 141 Electricity, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics EMC 8 Engineering of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Certificate of MES of Ukraine, 2008 Awards and prizes MES of Ukraine Honorable Mention badge, 2015 Graduate of the XVII Regional Competition “Kharkiv Higher School – Best Names” in the nomination “Dean of the Faculty”, 2015.

Oleksandr N Moroz