Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has launched a reporting campaign on the results of the activities of higher education institutions and research institutions for 2020. It will last until April 6, 2021. Reports of higher education institutions and research institutions are presented by vice-rectors for research and directors of research institutions. The reports will cover all aspects of the organization and implementation of scientific work in the Free Economic Zone and OU, provide comparative statistics for the last five years.


Fesenko Alla

Education 1995 – graduated from Kharkiv National University (honors degree), specialty “geoecology (environmental science)”, qualification “Geoecologist of general profile”, “teacher of ecology” 1999 – graduated from Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture, a master’s degree in Specialty: “Mechanization of agro-industrial production” Career 1995 – 2006 – Lecturer, a Senior Lecturer of Department of Life Safety. 2006-2015 – Senior Lecturer of Department of agronomy and ecology. 2015-2017 – Senior Lecturer of Department of optimization of technological systems named after T. Yevsiukov. 2017-2019 – Senior Lecturer of Department of agrotechnologies and ecology. since 2019 – Senior Lecturer of Department of Life Safety and Law. Educational activity Teaches courses Environmental Science and Safety of Agricultural Products, Environmental Engineering and Technics of Environmental Protection, Environmental Engineering and Industrial Sanitation, Occupational Safety, Occupational Safety and Environmental Management, Occupational Safety and Environmental Safety of Agriculture. Research activity She is the author of 3 textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education and Science, of 3 manuals and 2 monographs. The authors of more than 80 scientific works Is working on a dissertation on the specialty 133-Industry engineering. Publications more than 80 scientific works in domestic professional and foreign scientific periodicals the author and co-author of textbooks and manuals

Fesenko Alla

Responsibility not only for yourself but also for others

In order not to infect yourself and not to infect others, it is necessary to understand that all people are interconnected by invisible social plexuses, and the infection moves in these ways. When a person takes care to prevent disease, not to infect others, he automatically protects himself better, that is: I will prevent infection, they will prevent infection, I will avoid infection, I and my family and friends will not be exposed to danger. Today we must be responsible not only for ourselves but also for others to avoid getting COVID-19. .

Відповідальність не тільки за себе, а і за інших

Educational and Scientific Institute of Mechanotronics and Management Systems invites you to study

Traditions of knowledge and modern technologies in combination with thorough practical training at partner companies are your way to success! The educational and scientific institute of mechanotronics and management systems has created unique educational programs that take into account the requirements of modern European standards and are focused on training professionals in the specialties: “Agricultural Engineering”, “Road Transport”, “Agronomy” and “Ecology”.

Навчально-науковий інститут механотроніки і систем менеджменту запрошує на навчання

Poliansky Alexandr

Education • 1972 – graduated from Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, specialty “Mechanical engineering technology, metal-cutting machines and tools”, qualification mechanical engineer. • 1994 – defended of the dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences on specialty 05.22.20 – Operation and repair of vehicles. • 2004 – defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences on specialty 05.22.20 – Operation and repair of vehicles. • 2006 – awarded the academic title of Professor. Career • 1966 – 2000 worked at transport and agricultural engineering enterprises, headed technological departments and sections of plants. • Since 2000 – Associate Professor of the Department of Technology of machine building and repair of cars, Kharkiv Automobile and Road University. • Since 2008 – Professor of Department of Life Safety and Law of Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture (part-time). Educational activity Teaches the courses: • Car certification. • Occupational Safety in a branch Research activity • Since 2016 a member of the Specialized Academic Council for the Defense of Doctoral and Candidate’s Dissertations (Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture) К 64.832.03 – Operation and Repair of Vehicles • the author of more than 340 scientific works. • He prepared 4 doctors of sciences and 6 candidates of Sciences. • He is an official opponent of more than 20 dissertation works. Awards • “Excellence in Education of Ukraine”. • Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science. • Silver medal “For excellent academic achievement and exemplary behavior.” • gold medal of the competition of scientific developments “Colorful Ukraine. The best product of the year – 2013 “(August 20-23, 2013, Kyiv). • Diploma of the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine. • Honored Worker of the Transport Academy of Ukraine, Honorary Professor of Kharkiv Automobile and Highway University. • Awarded the diploma Fellow in the field of science named after Georgy Fedorovich Proskura (in technical sciences). • Since 2003, Scientific Secretary of the Northeastern Research Center of the Transport Academy of Ukraine. • In 2006 he was elected a corresponding member and in 2007 an academician of the Transport Academy of Ukraine. Publications • The authors of more than 340 scientific works including 8 monographs. • 3 textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education and Science. • 45 scientific works in foreign scientific periodicals. Patents • The author of more than 20 utility model patents.

Poliansky Alexandr