Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Andriy Khlyshchenko dreams of becoming an agronomist

The Department of Media Communications of KhNTUA continues to get acquainted with this by the annual entrants of our university and hopes that according to the results of the competitive selection they will all become students. Some will have the opportunity to study at the expense of the budget, and some under contract, but currently most entrants (except for certain categories) have equal rights to compete for the opportunity to obtain higher education in one of the best agro-technical free economic zones.

Андрій Хлищенко мріє стати агрономом


Until July 29, 2021, the admission of documents to the Voshchansk Vocational College of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture for the contractual form of education based on 9th grades continues. If you are a 9th grade graduate and dream of getting a prestigious profession, we are waiting for you!


The Ministry of Education and Science hosted a meeting of the Council for Agrarian Education

On July 19, 2021, a meeting of the Council for Agrarian Education took place. The event was attended by Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Serhiy Shkarlet, Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Roman Leshchenko, Chairman of the Council for Agrarian Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Alex Lissitsa, Chairman of UKRAGROOSVITA and Rector of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences Stanislav Nikolay agricultural education, directors of agricultural vocational colleges, academic institutes.

У МОН відбулося засідання Ради з питань аграрної освіти

Victory of students of the Department of Power Supply and Energy Management at the International competition of student research papers

In June 2021 on the basis of Kremenchuk National University named after Mykhailo Ostrogradsky was held the International competition of student research papers in the specialty 141 “Electricity, Electrical Engineering, and Electromechanics”, which was attended by students from 17 higher education institutions of Ukraine and 3 foreign educational institutions. 84 works were submitted to the competition, including from the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture.

Перемога студентів кафедри електропостачання та енергетичного менеджменту на Міжнародному конкурсі студентських наукових робіт

Educational practice of students majoring in 076 “Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities”

The practical component of the educational process occupies a leading place in the training of specialists in entrepreneurship, trade, and exchange activities. In the educational-professional program, it is realized through the acquisition of relevant competencies in practical classes and the process of training and industrial practice. The practice also allows achieving such program learning outcomes as:

Навчальна практика студентів спеціальності 076 «Підприємництво, торгівля та біржова діяльність»

Hot time for entrants

They say Monday is a difficult day. But not for our entrants who came to the university that day to get advice and fill their e-offices. Traditionally, members of the university Admissions Committee provide entrants and their parents with all the necessary assistance and, if necessary, conduct career guidance work.

Гаряча пора для вступників

July 21, 2021, at 14:00 in the conference hall (2nd floor) on the street. Alchevskykh 44 will meet with the chairman of the commission on reorganization Tikhonchenko Ruslan and members of the staff of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. Anyone can take part in the meeting and ask questions that concern them.


Completion of internships for students of the Department of Accounting and Auditing

This is the end of the second stage of production practices 2020-2021 academic year. 2nd and 3rd-year students majoring in 071 “Accounting and Taxation” and 072 “Finance, Banking, and Insurance”. This year the bases of practices were: PJSC “Industrial Insurance Company” (Kharkiv), LLC “Audit Firm” Factor-Audit “(Kharkiv), SE” Koryukivske Forestry “Koryukivskyi district of Chernihiv region, PJSC” Insurance Company ” Arsenal Insurance ”(Kharkiv), PJSC“ Balakliya Bread Receiving Enterprise ”(Balakliya, Kharkiv Region), PE“ Aspect-Audit ”(Kharkiv), Lipkovaty Agrarian College of Novovodolazhsky District, Kharkiv Region, etc.

Завершення виробничих практик у студентів кафедри обліку та аудиту

Happy Accountant and Auditor Day!

On behalf of the university administration and the trade union committee, we congratulate the employees of accounting, teachers, and students of the educational and scientific institute of business, management, and law on this professional holiday.

З Днем бухгалтера та аудитора!

In the former Zolochiv district of the Kharkiv region (now Bogudukhiv district), almost half of all heads of farms and agricultural enterprises are graduates of our university and still maintain a warm and friendly relationship with them. We recently wrote about one of such graduates, Anatolii Tsylyuryk, who is the Tsylyuryk peasant farm’s founder and head of the council of agricultural producers of Zolochiv region: see “WE WERE TAUGHT TO BE HUMANS …” At the same time, during Anatoliy Vasyliovych’s meeting with university representatives, he invited them to visit his farm and meet with the management of Zolochiv United territorial community to discuss possible ways of cooperation in training qualified personnel.

У пошуках нових форм співпраці


According to the state enterprise “Info resource“, for the first day of the admission campaign to the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture submitted 1621 applications from entrants (as of 12:00 15.07.2021). Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee of KhNTUA S. Skofenko says that this year the dynamics of applications are even better than last year, although the conclusions about the results of the introductory campaign are too early to draw.

Вступна кампанія 2021

Students’ practice: new knowledge, new impressions

The harvest has begun in the Kharkiv region. According to the Department of Agricultural Development of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration, this year the agrarians of the region are to harvest grain and legumes on an area of ​​over 750 thousand hectares. Despite the fact that this year’s harvest began two weeks later than last year (due to weather conditions), farmers plan to harvest no worse than last year. It will be recalled that last year more than 3 million tons of grain and legumes were harvested in the Kharkiv region.

Практика студентів: нові знання, нові враження

Educational practice of students of the Institute of Technical Service

At the Department of Materials Technology by the curriculum of the specialty 133 Industry Engineering, the internship of first-year students of the Institute of Technical Service continues. The purpose of the practice is to form students’ professional skills and abilities to make independent decisions and perform practical work on processing materials in modern production conditions and mastering by students modern methods of work organization in the field of their future profession.

Навчальна практика студентів  ННІ Технічного сервісу   

The procedure for land auctions

According to Article 14 of the Constitution of Ukraine, Article 1 of the Land Code of Ukraine (hereinafter – the Land Code of Ukraine) land is the main national wealth, which is under the special protection of the state. Land ownership is guaranteed.

Порядок проведення земельних торгів

Educational practice of 2nd year students of the ESI BML specialty 242 Tourism

The internship of the 2nd year students of the ESI BML of the specialty 242 Tourism in the discipline “Museum Studies, Excursions, Protection of Monuments” continues. Head of practice – Ph.D. Natalia Bondar, Associate Professor of the UNESCO Department of Philosophy of Human Communication and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines. During the internship, students visited the exhibition “Animal style. Images of animals in world culture ”in AVEC Gallery, where they got acquainted with the possibilities of using the cultural, recreational, tourist potential of domestic galleries and modern trends in the development of museum and gallery activities.

Навчальна практика студентів 2 курсу ННІ БМП спеціальності 242 Туризм