Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Congratulations to the masters-scientists!

I sincerely congratulate you on the successful defense of qualifying master’s theses of this year’s graduates of the Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture. P. Vasylenko, who confirmed their high knowledge and practical skills in the following specialties: 133 “Industrial Engineering”, 141 “Electric Power, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics”, 208 “Agroengineering”.

Вітаємо магістрів-науковців!

A presidential university of the future will be established in Ukraine

This was announced by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy during the opening of the All-Ukrainian Forum “Ukraine 30. Education and Science”. “A presidential university will be established in Ukraine. It is a higher education institution that will train people of the future. It will gather in one place the best teachers and train specialists who will be able to solve important state tasks for the defense of our state. “, – said the President.

В Україні буде створено президентський університет майбутнього

Congratulations on the award of academic scholarships

Irina Romanashenko, a first-year master’s student at the Institute of BML Group OA 20-4m, majoring in 071 “Accounting and Taxation”, was awarded an academic scholarship by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, and fourth-year students at the Institute of BML Group OA 17-5b, specialty 071 “Accounting, and Taxation”, were awarded an academic scholarship to Maryna Romanishenko. President of Ukraine. Relevant documents were published by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Вітаємо з призначенням академічних стипендій

Video file. Who and why want to unite 4 Kharkiv universities?

Information evening on Simon TV channel. The Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, Kharkiv State Zoovekata Academy, Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V.V. Dokuchaeva, and Kharkiv State University of Food and Trade are merging into the State Biotechnology University. What is the real reason for this forced merger? Who is behind it? What kind of diplomas will students who have entered national universities and graduated from a state university receive? Simon TV Channel

Відеофайл. Хто і навіщо хочуть об’єднати 4 харківські виші?

Photo report from an interview on “Simon” TV channel. Watch the video tonight

A video on the unexpected reform of universities and the consolidation of higher education institutions has just been filmed at Kharkiv’s Simon TV Company. The event was attended by the rector of Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture O. Nanka, Vice-Rector of Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V.V. Dokuchaev I. Shvaika and Vice-Rector of Kharkiv National University named after V.N. Karazina A. Babichev.

Фоторепортаж з інтерв'ю на телеканалі "Simon". Відеозапис дивіться сьогодні ввечері

Scientific specialty “Agroengineering” to be!

On May 26, 2021, a meeting of the scientific and methodological subcommittee 208 “Agroengineering” SMC 10 on agricultural sciences and food of the higher education sector of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine was held under the chairmanship of the Director of the Institute of Mechatronics and Management Systems Professor V. Vlasovets. The meeting was devoted to making changes to the draft list of scientific specialties in the fields of science (specialty “Agroengineering”), which is undergoing a stage of public discussion. The chairman substantiated the inclusion of the scientific specialty “Agroengineering” in such a list and presented proposals from the subsection. The following spoke: Yu. Borkhalenko (State Educational Institution “Agroosvita”), Professor of the Department of Agricultural Machines, Ph.D. V. Pastukhov (KhNTUA), V. Bratishko (NULES), R. Kirchuk (Lutsk NAU), V. Zubko (Sumy NAU), V. Bandura (Vinnytsia NAU), S. Kyurchev (Tavriya DAU).

Науковій спеціальності «Агроінженерія» бути!

Sports achievements of KNTUA students

The journalist Alexander Sharikov told about them in the final issue of “Sports News”. In particular, he said that a pupil of the Kharkiv Sports Boarding Lyceum, and now a student of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture Andriy Kulyk, became the vice-champion of Europe in Greco-Roman wrestling among athletes under 23 years old. At the championship, he won a silver medal and the well-deserved title of “Master of Sports of Ukraine of international class”.

Спортивні досягнення студентів ХНТУСГ

To participate in the conference it is necessary

To prevent injuries and prevent accidents at railway facilities, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine offers students to get acquainted with the explanatory videos posted on the YouTube channel. Ukrainian Railways reports that in the first quarter of 2021, 7 accidents involving adolescents occurred at railway facilities, including 2 with fatal consequences. All cases of injuries were committed by the victims through personal negligence, neglect, and non-compliance with the Rules of the safety of citizens on the railway transport of Ukraine. Railway safety: 1. “Take care of yourself” – 2. “Railway safety” – 3. “Railway safety” – 4. “Safety of children on the railway” – 5. “Stars on railway safety” – 6. “Railway safety” – 7. “Safety of children on the railway transport of Ukraine” – 8. “Railway safety rules” –

Задля збереження життя та здоров'я

Students listened to a lecture on combating bullying

In 2019, the norms of the law “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Combating Bullying (Bullying)” came into force, which defines the concept of bullying and methods of combating this social evil.

Студенти прослухали лекцію щодо  протидії булінгу


The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has developed an algorithm for vaccinations against acute respiratory disease COVID-19 for education workers, who are a priority group of protection. Educators involved in the external independent evaluation (EIE) in 2021, at their request, are vaccinated with the CoronaVac vaccine against COVID-19 produced by Sinovac Biotech from April 14. Educators involved in the EIT are vaccinated in an organized manner by mobile immunization teams.


Grain processing apparatuses have passed advanced training courses

According to the order of the rector of KhNTUA O. Nanka from 12 to 21 May 2021 based on the Institute of Postgraduate Education in distance learning courses were conducted under the program: “Methods of drying grain and new designs of grain dryers.” Employees of PSP Chervonyi Mayak (Chernihiv Region) and Tradex Agri LLC (Rivne Region) took part in the work.

Апаратники обробки зерна пройшли курси з підвищення кваліфікації

To participate in the conference it is necessary

We invite students, scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers to take part in the webinar “eduGAIN – your key to international scientific and educational services”, which will take place online on May 26, 2021, starting at 14:00.

Запрошення на вебінар eduGAIN