Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Semi-hinged spreader of solid organic fertilizers from piles to circular

The spreader consists of a frame 2, which rests on two self-aligning wheels 3, on which the drum working body 4 (drum) is fixed. It is created so that its axis of rotation is perpendicular to the direction of movement of the tractor 1. The drum 4 is rotated from the PTO shaft of the tractor 1 by means of a double cardan joint 5, gearbox 6, cardan shaft 7 with safety clutch, counter drive 8 and chain drive 9.


Drum spreader of organic fertilizers from a roll

The spreader of organic fertilizers contains a spreading working body in the form of a drum 1 with disks 2, between which are rigidly attached blades 3 and knives 4; frame 5 with hitch 6 and support wheels 7 with height adjustment mechanism, front 8 and adjustable spring-loaded side 9 shields, spring-loaded plate 10 with springs 11 and guide shields forming upper and lower ejection windows, cardan gear 12 with safety clutch 13. The spreader works this way. During the movement of the unit formed by the swather roller enters the spreader in the capture zone of the front 8 and side 9 boards, after which the fertilizer enters the working area of the drum 1 and the side board 9. Knives 4 grind fertilizers, interactions with the spring-loaded plate are transferred to its edge, after which their ascent begins in the desired direction. In the event of foreign objects (stones and the like) between the drum 1 and the spring-loaded plate 10, the latter is deflected and into the gap formed passes foreign objects without damaging the working bodies. The presence of disks 2 on the drum 1 contributes to the fact that large foreign objects can not be completely captured by the blades.    Technical performance of the spreader: productivity per hour of main time, hа/h 3,5…9,0; grip width, m 30; working speed, km/h 2,5…7,0; application dose, t/hа 10…80; uneven distribution of fertilizers, % 22; aggregated by class tractors 3,0; 5,0.  Author’s certificates № 1813330; 1741637; 1531884 Authors of development:Ph.D. Makieiev N., Ph.D. Anikieiev O., Sen. Lect. Romanashenko O., Sen. Lect. Krasnorutskyi O.


Sorokin Maksym

Education 2005 – graduated KhSTUA and received his master’s degree with honors. 2011 – defended his Ph.D. thesis and received a PhD in Engineering. 2014 – the academic title of associate professor in the department of automated electromechanical systems. Career From 2005 to 2009 he worked as an assistant at the department using of electricity in agriculture. 2009-2011 was a full-time graduate student at the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. From 2011 to 2012 he worked as an associate professor at the Department of Technetronic and Theoretical Electrical Engineering. 2012 – 2016 worked as an associate professor of the department of automated electromechanical systems. 2017 – Head of the Department of Automated Electromechanical Systems. Educational activities He teaches the following subjects: “Electrical Machines”, “Electrical Machines of Automated Systems”, “Automated Electromechanical Systems”. Guide to the qualification works of masters Research activities Number of publications – more 40 Patents – 2 Sphere of science interests: Methods and technical aspects of operating electric machines. Awards and prizes 2014 – diploma of the Automobile Federation of Ukraine.  

Цибух Андрій Володимирович

Project “Book Convention of Marketers”

As part of the project “Book Convention of Marketers”, which was created by the Department of Marketing and Media Communications in conjunction with the University Library as a result of fruitful long-term cooperation, students majoring in 075 “Marketing” are constantly participating in an interesting book extravaganza!


We are developing international cooperation

On October 30, 2020, a conference was held online between representatives of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture and representatives of the World Youth Association of Uzbekistan, which resulted in the signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation. At the conference, our university was represented by the head of the training department for working with foreign citizens and stateless persons Otabeh Azizov .

Розвиваємо міжнародну співпрацю

Industrial practice of students of the ESI PFP abroad

Thanks to the fruitful cooperation of the graduating departments of the institute with the international department of KhNTUA in the person of the vice-rector for NDP and international relations Vitkovskyi Yu., The base of practices of the institute includes a large number of European processing enterprises.

Виробнича практика студентів ННІ ПХВ за кордоном

KhNTUA scientists at LOZOVA MACHINERY- 2021 (Photo report)

It has become a good tradition among scientists of our university to participate in the event, which is very popular among farmers, as it is a great opportunity to get acquainted with the latest developments, get expert advice, learn about the unique capabilities of units and ways to improve efficiency, and communicate well with like-minded people. . Usually, such information allows teachers to keep up with the times.

KhNTUA scientists at LOZOVA MACHINERY- 2021 (Photo report)


Dear colleagues! On April 5-8, 2021 we invite you to take part in the conference (remotely) “MARKET TECHNOLOGIES and BUSINESS ANALYSIS” to discuss problems and find relevant solutions to ensure the development of market activities of business entities through the involvement of the latest tools of business analytical systems and technologies management. Invitation to the BUSINESS ANALYTICS conference


Our growth is 32 positions!

One of the important indicators of the university’s scientific activity is the number of publications and citations of scientists of higher education institutions in foreign professional publications, which are indexed by the indicators of the scientometric database SciVerse Scopus. Scopus constantly indexes more than 20,000 scientific publications in technical, medical, and humanities. This database also includes publications of scientific journals, conference proceedings, and books.

Наше зростання – 32 позиції!

About the department

The department is a team of highly qualified employees who train specialists for the legal and engineering industries of Ukraine and the world.



At the end of February 2021, the UWW International Tournament in three wrestling styles (freestyle, women’s, and Greco-Roman wrestling) dedicated to outstanding Ukrainian wrestlers and coaches took place in the Palace of Sports in Kyiv. Athletes from more than 35 countries took part in these competitions. In the weight up to 87 kg gold was won by the current champion of Europe, in the recent student of KhNTUA (ESI PFP) Semyon Novikov. In the final, Semyon beat the titled Georgian Lashi Gobadze 5-0.


All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad Agroengineering

From April 17 to 19, 2019 on the basis of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University was held II stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in “Agroengineering” specialization “Agricultural Mechanization” for students of higher education institutions of III-IV level of accreditation, in which students of the educational and scientific institute of mechanotronics and management systems KhNTUA Petrov Ruslan and Lupenko Vladyslav took part (supervisor – Ph.D., assistant Department of Tractors and Cars Ivan Koliesnik ).


The scientific work of students was marked at the competition

On April 6, 2021, the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas hosted the final stage of the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the field of “Oil and Gas Industry”, which was attended by over 100 participants with 80 scientific papers. (more…)

Диплом Всеукраїнського конкурсу студентських наукових робіт