Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Bright memory of Ivan Prokopenko

Today, at the age of 86, a prominent scientist and pedagogue, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Public Education of Ukraine Ivan Prokopenko died.

Світлій пам'яті Івана Федоровича Прокопенка

Brahinets Mykola

Education 1960 – graduated from the Melitopol Institute of Agricultural Mechanization (MIAM)  

Брагінець Микола Володимирович

Student agro-debates took place at the university

Creation of agrarian holdings and small farms, development of the market of agricultural lands and agribusiness … These and other topical issues of today became the subject of agro-debates organized by the student parliament of KhNTUA, trade union committee, and the committee on youth and sports of the university.

Student agro-debates took place at the university

The second (master’s) level

Educational and professional program “Ecology” The second (master’s) level specialty: 101 Ecology field of knowledge: 10 Natural Sciences qualification: Master of Ecology The main focus of the educational program: General education in the field of ecology, environmental protection development, development of scientific and practical bases, methods and approaches to processes occurring in natural and artificial ecosystems, agroecosystems and urban ecosystems ; their rational use; forecasting their condition; balanced use of nature, promotion of natural restoration and formation of biologically stable ecosystems; improving the productivity and quality of ecosystems, zoocenoses and phytocenoses, their protection and defense, sustainability, ways to preserve and improve all the properties of ecosystems, environmental management. Emphasis on in-depth special training in the field of researching the effectiveness of methods and ways of creating, functioning and rational use of ecosystems for various purposes. General information about self-assessment Educational program “Ecology” Educational and professional program (2019) Curriculum (2019) Educational and professional program (2018) Curriculum (2018)


Halych Ivan

Education 2006 – diploma of a specialist with honors, Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, specialty “Quality, standardization and certification”, qualification – quality engineer. Career 2006-2007 – design engineer of the State Enterprise “Kharkiv Armored Plant”; 2007-2008 – design engineer of Kharkiv Plant of Lifting and Transport Equipment LLC; 2008 – Assistant of the Department of Quality, Standardization, and Certification; 2008-2012 – researcher of HF SE “Research Institute-landfill of mobile equipment” (part-time); 2011 – advanced training in metrology, standardization, and certification; 2012 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Quality, Standardization, and Certification; 2015 – advanced training in the direction of innovative orientation of pedagogical activity; 2016 – advanced training in the field of ENC and methods of their use in the educational process; 2017 – Senior Lecturer, Department of Mechatronics and Machine Parts. Educational activities Teaches disciplines:

Halych Ivan

Advanced training is ensuring the professional level of the teacher

Within the framework of the cooperation agreement between KNTUA and KNAU named after V. Dokuchaev 28.10.2020 at the Department of Accounting and Auditing was a working meeting of the director of IPO Autukhov A., head of the Department of Accounting and Auditing Marenych TG with representatives of KNAU named after V. Dokuchaev Professor Bedenkova M. and associate professor Ragulina I.

Підвищення кваліфікації – забезпечення професійного рівня викладача

Kaliuzhnyi Oleksii

Education Graduated from the State Aerospace University named after M.E. Zhukovsky “Kharkiv Aviation Institute” and received a complete higher education in the specialty “Electronic devices, systems, and complexes”, and received the qualification of an electronics engineer (ПА No. 10677281). From 2000 to 2003 he studied at the graduate school of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. 2004 – defended his Ph.D. thesis on “Determination of the optimal structural parameters of a highly porous material based on fluoroplastic-4 for separating water from diesel fuel”, specialty 05.02.01 – materials science at the dissertation council D 64.059.01 at the Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University (ДК No. 027208 ). Career From 1999 to 2000 – master of industrial training at the Department of Materials Technology, the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. Since 2004 – assistant of the department. Since 2005 he has been transferred to the post of associate professor of the department. In 2008 he received a certificate of associate professor of the Department of Materials Technology (12ДЦ No. 020118). Educational activities Teaches disciplines: Technological foundations of mechanical engineering; The latest technologies in modern mechanical engineering; Technological processes for CNC machines; Scientific and technological foundations for creating porous polymers with predictable performance properties. Master’s qualification work guide. Scientific activity Research interests: porous and composite polymer materials. He was the head of more than 15 business contract topics for a total amount of more than 200 thousand UAH He has more than 50 scientific publications, 1 monograph, 2 patents, author of 12 guidelines. Awards Certificate of honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (Order dated October 13, 2008 No. 1154-k). Diploma of the State Institution “IEC Agroosvita”. Acknowledgments from the Department of Agricultural Education, Science and Advisory. Thanks to the Institute of Innovative Technologies and Educational Content.

Калюжний Олексій Борисович

Nahorny Serhiy

Education 1993 – graduated from Kharkiv Zooveterinary Institute 1993 – 1996 – graduate student of the Institute of Animal Husbandry of UAASU 2001 – defended his dissertation on the topic: “Reproductive and productive qualities of tested sows depending on the duration of lactation” 2007 – received the academic title of associate professor of the Department of technical systems and technologies of animal husbandry named after B. Shabelnyk

Нагорний Сергій Анатолійович

Preliminary results of the introductory campaign among agricultural free economic zones

On August 23 at 18:00 the reception of electronic applications of entrants based on 11 classes, who plan to study in higher education institutions at the bachelor’s and master’s degree, ends. On July 24, all entrants will need to check the status of their applications in the personal account. Only those applications will take part in the competitive selection, which will have the status:

Попередні підсумки вступної кампанії серед аграрних ЗВО


The diploma is awarded to the staff of the Department of Woodworking Technologies and Systems Engineering of the forest complex for the third place in the ranking of the university in 2019.


Information and computer center

The information and computer center is a structural (independent) subdivision of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, which reports to the rector of the university. The main tasks of the Center are: Development and maintenance of new applications used in the administrative departments of the university; Material / technical maintenance of equipment that is on the balance of the Center and is used in the administrative services of the university; Ensuring the connection of the computer network of KhNTUSG with the world computer network Internet; Creation, development and support of the local computer network of the University through interaction with educational and scientific institutes (centers) and other its subdivisions (services); Providing measures for the formation, support and development of the University information system;  


Omelchenko Halyna

Education and career. 1995 – G. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, specialty – Biology, and psychology. Biology teacher, practical psychologist. 1994-2004 – practical psychologist and biology teacher in the secondary school № 110, Kharkiv. 2004 – Senior Laboratory of the Department of Philosophy KhNTUA. 2005 – Assistant of the Department of Philosophy of KhNTUA. Since 2011 – Senior Lecturer of the UNESCO Department of “Philosophy of Human Communication”, Social Sciences and Humanities.

Омельченко Галина Юріївна