Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Winners and laureates of the “Student Spring-2021” contest were awarded

As we have already informed, on June 16 in Kharkiv the winners of the XXVI City Festival-Competition “Student Spring-2021” were awarded, in which students and employees of our university took an active part. It is worth noting that the Department of Educational Work of Students of KhNTUA submitted 10 issues and 3 videos to the competition, which were evaluated by an authoritative jury. The high professionalism and creativity of our students allowed winning 3 first places, 2 third, and get 4 laureate diplomas.

Winners and laureates of the "Student Spring-2021" contest were awarded

Happy spring and labor holiday!

Dear friends and colleagues! On behalf of the trade union organization of the university and my own behalf, I sincerely congratulate all of you on Labor Day. May 1 is a holiday for all those who create tomorrow with their daily work, contribute to the prosperity and well-being of the country. Honest and conscientious work is the basis for the successful development of any society. Special honor and gratitude to those who, through their daily work, make a significant contribution to the development of university education and science, educate the younger generation and future professionals.

Із святом весни і праці!

Another online lecture took place

On April 15, 2021, the Department of UNESCO “Philosophy of Human Communication” and Social Sciences and Humanities together with the Center for Folklore Studies of the University of Alberta (Canada) in the framework of international cooperation held another public online lecture on “Cultural landscapes as a dispute” ». Lecturer Roman Lozynsky – a geographer with a master’s degree from Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (2009) and Southern Illinois State University in Edwardsville, as a Fulbright Scholar (the USA, 2017); invited lecturer of the Ukrainian Catholic University, Department of Cultural Studies; author of the book “Cultural Landscapes of Galicia: Ethics of Human Interaction with Nature” and articles in the journals Critique and Common. Areas of interest: cultural geography, urban and spatial planning, landscapes, rural geography, place-based education, development theories, and social theory

Відбулась чергова онлайн-лекція

Volodymyr Zelenskyi: “We are fighting for our talented youth”

According to the official website of the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky told how much the smartest pupils and students will receive by the decree on the establishment of presidential scholarships, awards, and grants. The best participants in the external independent evaluation will receive a monthly presidential scholarship of 10 thousand UAH. – a one-time prize of UAH 20,000, and the winners of international competitions – UAH 100,000. This was announced by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky in his blog.

Володимир Зеленський: "Ми боремося за нашу талановиту молодь"

Congratulations on the Constitution Day of Ukraine

The Rectorate and the Trade Union Committee of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture congratulate the staff and students of the University on the Constitution Day of Ukraine. These greetings are joined by the Department of Public and Private Law of KhNTUA, as well as our friends and partners from other institutions of higher education.

Вітання з Днем Конституції України

Grain processing apparatuses have passed advanced training courses

According to the order of the rector of KhNTUA O. Nanka from 12 to 21 May 2021 based on the Institute of Postgraduate Education in distance learning courses were conducted under the program: “Methods of drying grain and new designs of grain dryers.” Employees of PSP Chervonyi Mayak (Chernihiv Region) and Tradex Agri LLC (Rivne Region) took part in the work.

Апаратники обробки зерна пройшли курси з підвищення кваліфікації

Presentation of specialty 072 “Finance, Banking and Insurance”

Financial education is your future, because having mastered its subtleties, you will be able to build both your own and financial well-being of the state, company, organization, or institution, will be able to apply your knowledge and skills in Ukraine and abroad, as well as in international finance. So do not miss the opportunity to make the student years the brightest and most memorable period in your life and enter the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture.

Презентація спеціальності 072 «Фінанси, банківська справа та страхування»

Martynenko Oleksandr

Education • In 1983 he graduated from the Slavic Agricultural College. • in 1985 entered the Melitopol Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. • in 1990 graduated from Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. • From 1991 to 1994 studied in full-time graduate school. • 2003 after the defense of the candidate’s dissertation Martynenko O. awarded the degree of candidate of technical sciences. • 2005 awarded the academic title of associate professor of repair of tractors, cars and agricultural machinery. Career • From 1983 to 1985 he served in the Soviet Army • From 1990 to 1991 he worked as a researcher • since 1994 assistant professor of car repair • since 2000 – senior lecturer • since 2004 as an associate professor Educational activities • Teaches the following disciplines: “Installation, diagnosis and repair of processing and food production equipment”, “Repair of machines”, “Repair of machines and equipment”, “Design of production processes and technical service enterprises”, “Examination of the technical condition of equipment” Research activities • Repair of machines and equipment. Laser and electro spark technologies for machine parts restoration. • He has more than 110 publications and more than 10 patents International activities • Executive Secretary of the International Youth Forum “Youth and Agricultural Machinery in the XXI Century” Social activities • Member of the trade union committee of the university. • Chairman of the trade union bureau of the institute. • Curator of the group. Awards • “Diploma” of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine • the award of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine – the badge “Excellence in Education”.

Мартиненко Олександр Дмитрович

Round table “The role of statistics in society”

On November 5, 2020, at the initiative of the Department of Accounting and Auditing of KhNTUA, an interuniversity round table “The role of statistics in society” was held with the use of remote technologies and dedicated to the Day of Statistics in Ukraine. The round table was attended by students and teachers of Kharkiv V. Dokuchaev National Agrarian University and the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. The main purpose of the event was to deepen, strengthen, expand, and promote economic knowledge of statistics among students, as well as to inform the student community about the current state of national statistics.

Круглий стіл «Роль статистики в житті суспільства»

Kozachenko Oleksii

Education In 1981 he graduated from the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture, qualified as a mechanical engineer. 1988 – defended the dissertation of the candidate of technical sciences on a specialty 05.05.11 – machines and means of mechanization of agricultural production. 1991 – awarded the academic title of associate professor. 2006 – defended the dissertation of the doctor of technical sciences on a specialty 05.05.11 – machines and means of mechanization of agricultural production. 2007 – awarded the academic title of professor. Career 1981 – junior researcher of the EMTP department. 1982 – Assistant of the Department of Agricultural Machinery. 1995 – Head of the Department of Technical Operation of Machinery and Equipment. 2014-2020 – Professor of Reliability, Strength and Technical Service of Machines named after V. Anilovich. Since 2020 – Head of the Department of “Agricultural Machinery”, where he works to this day. Educational activities Teaches disciplines: “Theory and calculation of agricultural machinery”, “Theory of machine operation and design of technical systems”.

Kozachenko Oleksii

Webinar from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

On August 12, 2021, a webinar in Ukrainian, prepared by Clarivate, will be held on the topic “Criteria and procedure for selecting publications for the Web of Science Core Collection” (lecturer – company expert Iryna Tikhonkova). According to the information provided by the organizers, during the webinar it is planned to consider, in particular, the following thematic blocks:

Вебінар від МОН України

Tetiana Diakova

Higher education In 1992 she graduated from Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification, Faculty of Electrification. From 1988 to 1999 she worked at the Department of General Electrical Engineering as a laboratory assistant, since 2000 as a senior laboratory assistant. Since 2011 she has been working as the head of the laboratory of the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Theoretical Electrical Engineering.

Дьякова Тетяна Олександрівна