Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Fesenko Alla

Education 1995 – graduated from Kharkiv National University (honors degree), specialty “geoecology (environmental science)”, qualification “Geoecologist of general profile”, “teacher of ecology” 1999 – graduated from Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture, a master’s degree in Specialty: “Mechanization of agro-industrial production” Career 1995 – 2006 – Lecturer, a Senior Lecturer of Department of Life Safety. 2006-2015 – Senior Lecturer of Department of agronomy and ecology. 2015-2017 – Senior Lecturer of Department of optimization of technological systems named after T. Yevsiukov. 2017-2019 – Senior Lecturer of Department of agrotechnologies and ecology. since 2019 – Senior Lecturer of Department of Life Safety and Law. Educational activity Teaches courses Environmental Science and Safety of Agricultural Products, Environmental Engineering and Technics of Environmental Protection, Environmental Engineering and Industrial Sanitation, Occupational Safety, Occupational Safety and Environmental Management, Occupational Safety and Environmental Safety of Agriculture. Research activity She is the author of 3 textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education and Science, of 3 manuals and 2 monographs. The authors of more than 80 scientific works Is working on a dissertation on the specialty 133-Industry engineering. Publications more than 80 scientific works in domestic professional and foreign scientific periodicals the author and co-author of textbooks and manuals

Fesenko Alla

Student spring-2021. Results of the competition.

On June 16, the XXVI City Student Amateur Art Competition “Student Spring – 2021” and the award ceremony took place in Kharkiv. The best employees of higher education institutions of the city of Kharkiv were also awarded for long-term cooperation and high-quality preparation of the organization and holding of the competition “Student Spring – 2021”. Among them is the head of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of KhNTUA – Maryna Mazorenko. The diploma was presented to her by Oleksiy Chubarov, Director of the Department for Family, Youth, and Sports of the Kharkiv City Council.

Студентська весна-2021. Підсумки конкурсу.


Dear friends! We invite you to visit the Open Day on February 27, this year. at 10.00 (entrance by a link from 09:30) at the Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after Petro Vasylenko, which will be held online. The whole university is carefully preparing for this important event, especially the university management, directors of educational and scientific institutes, FTSL and members of the Admissions Committee.  During the conversation with future entrants and their parents and teachers, they will talk about the features of this year’s admission campaign and the specifics of training specialists in various specialties at the university. It will also be about how to increase the chances of future entrants to successfully complete the external evaluation and enter the budget form of education.



Dear friends! We invite you to visit the Open Day on February 27, this year at 10.00 (entrance by a link from 09:30) at the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, which will be held online. he whole university is carefully preparing for this important event, especially the university management, directors of educational and scientific institutes, FTSL and members ofthe Admissions Committee.  During the conversation with future entrants and their parents and teachers, they will talk about the features of this year’s admission campaign and the specifics of training specialists in various specialties at the university. It will also be about how to increase the chances of future entrants to complete the external evaluation and enter the budget form of education.


A strategic session on education will take place in Kharkiv tomorrow

June 24, 2021, at the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the All-Ukrainian Strategic Session “Education of Ukraine – 30. National Technopark for Improving the Quality of Education” will be held in Kharkiv. During the event, the model of the National Technopark to improve the quality of education and the design of the Roadmap will be discussed. There will also be an exhibition “Education of Kharkiv region – 30”.

Завтра у Харкові відбудеться стратегічна сесія з питань освіти