Tomorrow’s issue of Vremya publishes an article by journalist Olena Zelenina, dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of American economist and statistician, Nobel Prize winner Semyon Kuznets (Simon Smith).

Tomorrow’s issue of Vremya publishes an article by journalist Olena Zelenina, dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of American economist and statistician, Nobel Prize winner Semyon Kuznets (Simon Smith).
Today a regular meeting of the Academic Council of KhNTUA took place online. The meeting addressed several issues related to the accreditation of educational programs in 2021 and the preparation of competitive indicators for the selection of executors of the state order for the training of masters; the state of the educational process in distance learning and the results of the rector’s tests; the question of the organization of career guidance work during the introductory campaign of 2021. In addition, other issues related to the educational process and the current activities of the university were addressed.
The Department of Science and Education of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration informs you that all health care facilities that provide outpatient care in Kharkiv and districts of the region have a vaccine against acute respiratory disease COVID-19 for vaccination age over 65 years.
On April 26, 2021, the website Osvita.ua published another rating of Ukrainian free economic zones, compiled in accordance with the results of scientometric monitoring of the subjects of scientific and publishing activities of the country according to the Scopus database. In the ranking table, Ukrainian universities are ranked according to the Hirsch index – a quantitative indicator based on the number of scientific publications and the number of citations.
On April 26, 2021, the fifth annual international scientific-practical Internet conference “Management of the development of socio-economic systems” began its work. The conference was opened by Doctor of Economics, Professor O. Krasnorutskyi, who greeted all participants of the conference and wished fruitful work.
Warning! Dear colleagues! On April 29, 2021, at 10.00 a meeting of the Academic Council of the University will take place online. AGENDA:
The Directorate for European Integration of Budgeting and Policy Coherence offers the opportunity to improve the quality of teaching on integrity and ethics. Our teachers, graduate students, and students are offered a manual, a series of modules on the above topic translated into Ukrainian, which is developed under the auspices of the United Nations Office. Call for access to methodical online materials: https://www.unodc.org/e4j/en/tertiary/integrity-ethics_ukrainian.html
We invite everyone to an open meeting with the expert group in the framework of the accreditation visit for the evaluation of “Biomedical Engineering” of the third educational level (Ph.D.)
One of the important indicators of the university’s scientific activity is the number of publications and citations of scientists of higher education institutions in foreign professional publications, which are indexed by the indicators of the scientometric database SciVerse Scopus. Scopus constantly indexes more than 20,000 scientific publications in technical, medical, and humanities. This database also includes publications of scientific journals, conference proceedings, and books.
As we reported earlier, today the head of the Department of Economics and Marketing, KhNTUA Professor V. Onegina gave an open online lecture on “The scientific heritage of S. Kuznets: the relevance of areas and methods of research over the century.” The lecture was dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of the famous scientist and Nobel laureate, who until 1922 lived in Ukraine and studied at the Kharkiv Commercial Institute.
Part 1. According to the Development Strategy of KhNTUA until 2021.
Today marks the 35th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident, which became the biggest catastrophe in the history of nuclear energy. The explosion occurred on April 26, 1986, at the 4th power unit of the station.
Every year on April 28 the World Day for Safety and Health at Work is celebrated. Compliance with ILO Conventions and Recommendations ensures the right of every worker, in every workplace, to healthy and safe working conditions.
Students of the Department of Life Safety and Law took part in the final stage of the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers. On April 20, 2021, based on the National University of Water Management and Nature Management the final stage of the II round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works in the specialty “Environmental Protection Technologies” took place. The competition commission considered 91 student research papers received from 34 higher education institutions of Ukraine of III-IV levels of accreditation.
On April 28-29, 2021, the accreditation examination of the educational program “Biomedical Engineering” will begin at the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education in specialty 163 “Biomedical Engineering”. The examination will take place remotely. We invite all willing participants in the educational process to take part in an open meeting with the expert group on April 28, 2021, from 16:30 to 17:00.