Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Our students are the best!

The Department of Media Communications continues to get acquainted with first-year students who come to study at the Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after Petro Vasylenko. For example, Elvira Kolesnikova came to us from the city of Sloviansk, Donetsk region. During the introductory campaign, the girl successfully passed the competitive selection for the specialty 133 Industrial Engineering and entered the budget form of education. He says that he dreams of becoming a class engineer and after graduating from university to find a job in Ukraine. And now Elvira is getting acquainted with the university and hopes to find good friends and comrades here.

Наші студенти — найкращі!

Special attention is paid to student dormitories

On August 26, 2021, under the Decree of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the Government approved the Concept of the State Targeted Social Program for the Restoration and Development of a Network of Dormitories for Residents of Higher Education Institutions for 2022–2026.

Студентським гуртожиткам особливу увагу

The right priorities

This year the threshold of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture will be transferred for the first time by more than 900 freshmen (future bachelors), who are enrolled in full-time education on the terms of the state budget and contract. Most of them are students majoring in Agricultural Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics, Food Technology, and others.

Правильні пріоритети

One step closer to autumn.

The hay still smells. The wasps are still swarming. Even in hollows sweet honey. And already at night, autumn is on its toes and the flame of dahlias blows through the gardens (Lina Kostenko).

За крок до осені

To enhance academic integrity

Today, August 26, 2021, at the regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Procedure for revoking the decision on awarding a degree of higher education and awarding the appropriate qualification was adopted. “The government has made an important decision, namely – the creation of legal conditions that will encourage students to adhere to academic integrity and be held accountable in case of violations. It is important that from now on the procedure for deciding on revoking the degree or qualification of a specialist and the range of subjects authorized for such actions are clearly defined at the state level. We are talking exclusively about higher education institutions. I believe that the decision of the Government will contribute to the formation of responsibility of higher education in Ukraine and increase their competitiveness, “said Minister of Education and Science Serhiy Shkarlet.

Для підвищення академічної доброчесності

The university is preparing for the new academic year

The Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture is preparing for the new academic year and a solemn meeting of freshmen. Currently, non-resident students are being housed in dormitories and relocated to new places. Traditionally, the university administration pays great attention to these issues.

The university is preparing for the new academic year


The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has approved the distribution of living expenses of the State budget between higher education institutions for the preparation of higher education applicants under the terms of the state order in 2021. Indicators of large-scale activity, indicators of international definition, indicators of scientific activity, and other important indicators that determine the activity of free economic zones were restored here. According to the ORDER of the Ministry of Education and Science, in 2021 the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture received UAH 102,736,470.00 from the state budget, which is UAH 21,667,076.00. more, less in 2020.


Happy Independence Day of Ukraine!

Dear friends and colleagues! We sincerely congratulate you on the 30th anniversary of the proclamation of Ukraine’s independence. We wish everyone happiness, health, well-being, and prosperity in their homeland! Glory to each of you and glory to Ukraine!

З Днем Незалежності України!


The main results of the admission campaign of 2021, ratings of specialties and institutions of higher education. These and other issues were discussed during the online briefing of the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Serhii Shkarlet on the topic: “Preliminary results of the introductory campaign 2021”.


Dmytro Mazorenko is 80 years old!

Today marks the 80th anniversary of the famous scientist in the field of agricultural mechanization, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine, a full member of the NAAS of Ukraine, a member of the International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education Dmytro Mazorenko.

Дмитру Івановичу Мазоренку – 80!

Students’ internship continues (PHOTO)

Yesterday, August 17, 2021, we were present at the summing up of the work of mechanized detachments for harvesting early grain Zolochiv region-2021. The regular participants of such an event for the last 15 years are students of KhNTUA, who are undergoing an internship at the farm “Alpha” – one of the best in the region. This year, 3rd and 4th-year students of the Institute of MMS worked directly as assistants to combine harvesters of powerful combine harvesters, such as “Tukano 580” and “Lexicon 670”. 10 grain-harvesting crews, including 9 students of KhNTUA, worked in the fields of 26.7 thousand tons of early grain that have already been threshed. The average yield on the farm of early grain crops is about 46.8 c / ha. Following the results of work students of our university were awarded: 1st place – Sergey Segeda and the assistant to the combine operator the third-year student of ESI MMS Vladislav Svirida, the Tukano 580 combine which was harvested from 821 hectares (peas, winter wheat), and threshed 4236,3 tons, 2nd place – in the farm and the district as a whole was taken by the student crew consisting of Ivan Yatsenko (combiner) and Maxim Herman (assistant) – graduates of Lipkovatov College, and now 4th-year students of the Institute of MMS. By the way, this crew is the youngest among all combine harvesters and their assistants in the area. Currently, students are preparing the soil for winter crops.

Students' internship continues (PHOTO)

Meeting of the primary trade union organization KhNTUA

On July 16, 2021, a meeting of the primary trade union organization of KhNTUA and consultations on the possible dismissal of employees during the reorganization took place. During the meeting, the chairman of the primary trade union Victor Kis reported on the submission of the chairman of the reorganization commission on the possible dismissal of employees of 4 categories from 22.11.2021. The chairman of the reorganization commission, acting Rector of the State Biotechnology University Ruslan Tikhonchenko, and First Vice-Rector Oleksiy Krasnorutskyy noted that the reorganization is not the liquidation of universities, and SBTU is their full successor. In addition, the commissions for the reorganization of KhNTUA and the administration of SBTU made every effort to minimize possible layoffs. As a result of these efforts, an agreement was reached, embodied in the signed staff list, in which the total dismissal of staff will be only 312 people from all 4 free economic zones, while the composition of scientific and pedagogical staff is preserved in full. The possible reduction will affect only employees of the simplest professions and employees of service departments. After discussing the information provided and asking clarifying questions, the primary trade union organization representatives agreed on quantitative indicators of possible staff reductions, which sent an excerpt from the relevant protocol to the reorganization commission of KhNTUA and the SBTU administration.

Засідання первинної профспілкової організації ХНТУСГ


16.08. In 2021, a creative meeting with contemporary Ukrainian writers Serhiy Zhadan and Ivan Andrusyak took place based on the Vovchansky Vocational College. The event was dedicated to the presentation of children’s and youth literature by Ivan Andrusyak, and the meeting was moderated by Serhiy Zhadan. The event was attended by students and pupils of the district, teachers of Ukrainian philology, librarians, as well as representatives of the media. The meeting was held in a warm creative atmosphere: everyone present had the opportunity to enjoy “live” reading of works by favorite authors. The event ended with an autograph session and an interview with Vovchansk district radio, during which Serhiy Viktorovych noted that this visit to the college and Vovchansk was the first, but not the last.


A meeting of the acting Rector of SBTU Ruslan Tikhonchenko with the representative of agricultural enterprises of Bavaria Ernst Baumeister

A meeting of the Acting Rector of the State Biotechnology University, Chairman of the Commission for the Reorganization of KhNTUA Tikhonchenko Ruslan with a representative of Bavarian agricultural enterprises, President of the Bavarian Farmers’ Union Agroimpulse-Bavaria with the support of the Bavarian Ministry of Agriculture, Food Industry and Forestry.

Відбулася зустріч в.о. ректора ДБТУ Руслана Тихонченка з представником сільськогосподарських підприємств Баварії Ернстом Баумайстером


The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine reports that the information on social networks about the abolition of the educational process in educational institutions from September 1 is unreliable.



According to the Regulations on the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the fields of knowledge and specialties, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 18.04.2017 № 605, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 15.05.2017 at № 620/30488, the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 24.11.2020 № 1457 “On holding the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the fields of knowledge and specialties in the 2020/2021 academic year” and on the basis of decisions of branch competition commissions on the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the fields of knowledge and specialties 2020/2021 Order №865 of 28.07.2021 “On the results of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the fields of knowledge and specialties in the 2020/2021 academic year” approved the list of winners of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the fields of knowledge and specialties 2020/2021 academic year. Among them – 44 scientific works (7 works were awarded a diploma of the first degree, 11 works of the second degree, 26 works of a third-degree) the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture.
