Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Volodymyr Pazii

Education 2003 – received a diploma with honors from the Khorol State Agro-Industrial College with a specialty in Electrification and Automation of Agriculture, quallification of a technician-electrician. 2005 – received a master ‘s degree with honors from the Kharkov State Technical University of Agriculture with a specialty “Energy of agricultural production,” quallification engineer-electrician. Career 2005 – Master of Production Training at the Department of Power Supply and Energy Management of KhNTUA. 2006 – Assistant Professor at the Department of Power Supply and Energy Management of KhNTUA. 2012 – Deputy Director of ESI EСT KhNTUA. 2016 – Senior Lecturer in the Department of Power Supply and Energy Management. Educational activities Hetaught the following subjects: Electrotechnical materials. Maintenance of electrical equipment, Modeling in power engineering, Relay protection, Electrical installations and systems of power supply, Software and hardware of control system sinpower engineering, Operation of power equipment, Technical service of power equipment. Research activities Area of scientific interests: protection of electrical networks and equipment from emergency modes, quality of electricity; Smart Grid; alternative energy. He has more than 40 scientific articles, 2 utility model patents, and 4 tutorials. Awards and prizes Diploma of KhNTUA on the occasion of the 85th anniversary. Diploma of the Kharkiv Regional Committee of Agricultural Workers (2017), Gratitude of the Kharkiv District Council (2018), Diploma of the Union of Trade Unions of the Kharkiv region (2020). Number of publications More than 40 Patents and copyright certificates of Ukraine 2 patents

Пазій Володимир Григорович

Material base

Laboratories ауд. №303 Educational-scientific-laboratory “Sowing machines” ауд. №304 Educational-scientific-laboratory of grain cleaning machines ауд. №306 Educational-scientific-laboratory of Tillage machines ауд. №307 Laboratory of machines for chemical plant protection ауд. №308 Sectoral research laboratory ауд. №309 Educational-scientific-laboratory of Cluster “Agrotechnics” ауд. №312 Educational-scientific-laboratory of mechanical and technological properties of agricultural materials ауд. №14 Educational-scientific-laboratory of harvesting machines ауд. №7 Educational-scientific-laboratory of harvesting machines ауд. №5 Class of acquiring practical skills of disassembly-assembly of assembling machines ауд. №4 Educational-scientific-laboratory of research of working bodies of machines Demonstration site of agricultural machinery Provision of multimedia equipment for simultaneous use in classrooms is 45% (room № 7, 303, 306, 309) with the normative indicator of the minimum percentage of the number of classrooms – 30%.


Classes are underway (photo report)

After distance learning, KNTUA students returned to a mixed form of education. At present, seminars and practical classes are held in the classrooms and study rooms of the university following the curriculum. We can see how the Educational and Scientific Institute of Business and Management classes continue.

Лекційний день у студентів ННІ БМ 18.05.2021

Nechitailo Julia

Education 1994 Kharkiv State Automobile and Highway Technical University (KhSAHTU), Specialty “Automation of technological processes and productions”, Qualification “Automation Engineer” (Diploma with honors) 1994 – 1997 Postgraduate study in the specialty 05.13.05 “Computer Systems and Components” (Department of Automation, KhSAHTU) 2020 Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture  (KhNTUA), Specialty “Management”, Qualification “Master of Management” (Diploma with honors) Career February 1998 – August 2001 – Senior Laboratory Assistant with Higher Education, Department of Automation, KhSAHTU September 2001 – September 2018 – Assistant of the Department of Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies of KhNAHU September 2016 – June 2018 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Optimization of Technological Systems KhNTUA September 2018 – present – Head of the Department of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies of KNTUA, Senior Lecturer of the Department of ACIT KNTUA

Нечитайло Юлія Анатоліївна

Excursion to «Fozzy Group»

As part of the fruitful cooperation of the faculty of TSL KhNTUSG with LLC “Silpo-Food”, part of the group of companies “Fozzy Group” and practical study of some aspects of transport and logistics logistics, on May 15 teachers and students of the Department of Transport Technologies and Logistics visited the supermarket “Silpo”. located in the shopping center “French Boulevard”. “Fozzy Group” is one of the largest commercial and industrial groups in Ukraine, one of the leading Ukrainian retailers with more than 500 outlets throughout the country. In addition to retail chains, the business interests of the group of companies include food production, banking and restaurant businesses.


Greetings from Costa Rica

It was sent to the e-mail address of a former student of our university, or more precisely – the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification – Abraham Noguera Guido. In 1985-1990 he studied at the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization of HIMESG (now the Educational and Scientific Institute of Machanotronics and Management Systems) and was the only foreign student from Costa Rica. To confirm this fact, Abraham even sent a copy of his diploma to the number 160359.

Вітання з Коста-Ріки

Sukhin Vitalii

Education and career In 2013 he graduated from Kharkiv national technical university of agriculture named P. Vasylenko also received a bachelor’s degree with honors in the specialty “Electrical engineering and electrotechnology in agricultural production”. Since 2014 he is a laboratory assistant of the department of automated electromechanical systems. In 2015 he graduated from Kharkiv national technical university of agriculture named after P. Vasylenko also received a master’s degree with honors in the specialty “Energy Management”. From the same year, an assistant of the department of automated electromechanical systems In 2016 he enrolled in the postgraduate study of KhNTUA, specialty 05.09.03 – “Electrotechnical complexes and systems”, which he graduated in 2019 Since 2013, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Technotronics and Theoretical Electrical Engineering Educational activities Teaches subjects: Designing; Installation of power equipment; Design of engineering complexes and systems; Electric machines. Research activities Scientific areas: Mathematical modeling of technological processes of agricultural production; Energy saving in electromechanical systems. Awards and prizes Winner of the All-Ukrainian competition of scientific works in the field of “Energy” 2014, Mariupol, PSTU. The winner of the nominal scholarship A. Maselsky 2013 – 2014. Number of publications More than 10 Patents Patent for utility model. №. 98447. Ukraine. A device for determining the temperature in grain beads / M. Lisichenko, V. Sukhin. (Ukraine). Publ. 04.27.2015. Bul. №. 8 Patent for utility model. №. 124249. Ukraine. Hydroponic installation / V. Sukhin, M. Lisichenko. (Ukraine). Publ. 03.26.2018. Bul. №. 6.

Сухін Віталій Володимирович

Meeting with the first vice-rector

Today, on the initiative of the first vice-rector of KhNTUSG M. Lysychenko an important meeting was held on the issues of increasing the information activity of the university in the Internet space and full-fledged presentation of scientific publications of the university staff there. During the meeting, the university’s ranking indicators published on Webometrics and the components of information activity that have the greatest impact on these indicators were analyzed.

Нарада у першого проректора

The achievements of the university were presented at an educational exhibition

The Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture took part in the XVII International Specialized Exhibition “Education of Kharkiv Region and Study Abroad – 2021”, which was held today in the garden of Taras Shevchenko with the support of the Department of Science and Education of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration. In particular, the exhibition presented innovative educational developments of scientists and students of KhNTUA, current models of technology, and advanced technologies used by the university.

Участь ХНТУСГ у Спеціалізованій виставкі для випускників

Pleasant acquaintance

The Department of Media Communications of KhNTUA continues to get acquainted with this year’s entrants of our university. Today, thanks to Olga Ivanovna Khloponina-Gnatenko, we met the future student of the university Oleg Gerashchenko.

Приємне знайомство

Nezdoimyshapka Yuliia

Education • 2005 – 2010 – studied at the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. She received a master’s degree with honors in the field of training 8.05050312 “Machinery and equipment for agricultural production”; • 2011 – 2013 – postgraduate study at KhNTUA at the Department of Woodworking Technologies and System Engineering of the Forest Complex. • 2016 – 2018 – studied at the specialty 073 “Management” at the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture and received a master’s degree with honors.

Нездоймишапка Юлія Миколаївна