Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
uk en

Research activities

The scientific work of the department is conducted in the following areas:

Linguistic and stylistic features of digital genres in English Internet-communication; terminology, linguo-pragmatics, linguistic stylistics, cognitive science, linguistics and intercultural communication, communicative competence as a pedagogical category, its essence and structure,  methods of teaching foreign languages, text study, genres of the text, history of pedagogy.

Teachers of the department take part in numerous International and All-Ukrainian scientific conferences, seminars, publish articles in international and Ukrainian professional publications, are authors of educational and methodical manuals.

During 2018-2020 teachers of the department published 70 scientific articles (20 of which – abroad) and 72 abstracts of reports at scientific conferences.

Teachers of the department manage the scientific work of students. Every year students participate in international and national scientific conferences, publish articles and abstracts (mostly in foreign languages) and make reports (over 70 annually).

The Department of Language Training takes part in annual international and national conferences. It has become a tradition to hold the annual all-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference “Science, Education, Innovation” where students make reports and presentations in foreign languages, with the collection of theses of the conference being published.