Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Educational practice of 2nd year students of the ESI BML specialty 242 Tourism

The internship of the 2nd year students of the ESI BML of the specialty 242 Tourism in the discipline “Museum Studies, Excursions, Protection of Monuments” continues. Head of practice – Ph.D. Natalia Bondar, Associate Professor of the UNESCO Department of Philosophy of Human Communication and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines. During the internship, students visited the exhibition “Animal style. Images of animals in world culture ”in AVEC Gallery, where they got acquainted with the possibilities of using the cultural, recreational, tourist potential of domestic galleries and modern trends in the development of museum and gallery activities.

Навчальна практика студентів 2 курсу ННІ БМП спеціальності 242 Туризм

Material base

The computer class is designed for foreign language classes. Here is the study of English, German, and preparation for the single entrance exam.


Pavlichenko Olena

Education 2000 р.- graduated with honors from Kharkiv State Zooveterinary Academy, with a degree – veterinary medicine, qualification – doctor of veterinary medicine; 2005 р.  – got a phD in biological science with a specialty 16.00.06 – veterinary sanitation, ecology, zoological hygienic and veterinary-sanitary inspection; 2008 р. – got a phD in veterinary science, «Sanitary and hygienic assessment of the impact of the abiotic factors on the natural resistance of the meat ducks» the  specialty 16.00.06 – veterinary sanitation, ecology, zoological hygienic and veterinary-sanitary inspection; 2012 р. – academic degree an associate professor of the department of the hygiene of animals and veterinary sanitation; 2021 р. – presented doctoral thesis to obtain an academic degree of the doctor of law  with a topic «The doctrine of the social protection of women», the specialty 12.00.05 – labour rights, social security right. Career 2003 – 2005 рр. an assistant lecturer in the department of the hygiene of animals and veterinary sanitation, Kharkiv State Zooveterinary Academy; 2003-2011 рр. – a senior lecturer in the department of the hygiene of animals and veterinary sanitation, Kharkiv State Zooveterinary Academy; 2011 р.- till now an associate professor in the department of the hygiene of animals and veterinary sanitation, Kharkiv State Zooveterinary Academy; 2021р  – till now a professor in the department of life safety and law, Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture Scientific work Monography is published; Co-author of scientific-practical comments to: the law of Ukraine about employment, the Code of Labour, about remuneration, occupational safety, leave, the procedure of solving collective labour disputes, the law of Ukraine about social partnership, the law of Ukraine about state social insurance and social politic, the law of Ukraine about labour, pension legislation. Co-author of the Big Ukrainian juridical encyclopedia. Have 5 patents. A number of publications More than 100.

Павліченко Олена Володимирівна

Main activities

– organization and coordination of strategy, goals, directions and forms of all types of international activities of the university;


Both science and practice

Students of our university, studying in the specialty 201 Agronomy, under the guidance of a senior lecturer, candidate a.s. Sciences V. Bondarenko had a great opportunity to get acquainted with the latest developments in agricultural science in the field of crop production and seed production. Today they took part in the Field Day, which took place on the basis of THE PLANT PRODUCTION INSTITUTE named after V.YA. YURIEV NAAS of Ukraine, and at the demonstration site inspected promising varieties and hybrids of cereals and got acquainted with the latest plant protection technologies.

День поля-2021. Фоторепортаж

We recommend to read

Vice-rector for scientific work of KhNTUA Viktor Melnyk presents the extreme issues of the scientific journal “Environmental Engineering”, which is published at our university. The journal is published 4 times a year and is included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine following the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 1328 of 21.12.2015.

Радимо прочитати

Pavlykivskyi Vitalii

Education 1996 – received a diploma from Kharkiv University of Internal Affairs, majoring in “Law”, qualification of a lawyer. 2004 – defended his dissertation on specialty 12.00.08 – criminal law and criminology; criminal executive law. 2006 – received the title of associate professor. 2009 – defended his doctoral dissertation on specialty 12.00.08 – criminal law and criminology; criminal executive law. Career 1996-1999 – the City Department of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Nikolaev area worked as the investigator. 1999-2013 – worked at the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs as a teacher, senior lecturer, associate professor. 2013-2017 – Head of the Department of Criminal Law and Administrative Law, Kharkiv University of Economics and Law. 2017 – Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Kharkiv University. Since 2018 – Professor of the Department of BZ and Law of Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after Petro Vasylenko part-time. Educational activities Teaches the following disciplines:

Pavlykivskyi Vitalii

Cooperation of the IETP department with the stakeholders of the educational program 163 – biomedical engineering

     On February 11, 2020, first-year students majoring in 163 Biomedical Engineering together with their curator Shynkarenko I. and head of practice Borodai I. visited the My Pet Veterinary Center. It is one of the most prestigious clinics in Kharkiv in the field of veterinary medicine to provide a wide range of services. These are therapeutic services, surgery, ultrasound, X-ray, traumatology and orthopedics, reproductive medicine, intensive care, as well as a set of hygienic procedures. The center is equipped with the latest ultrasound diagnostic equipment, digital X-ray and laboratory diagnostic equipment.


Excursion to AHMAD TEA

On April 17 and 18, students of the TTL Department of the Faculty of Technological Systems and Logistics of KhNTUSG after classes visited the plant “AHMAD TEA Ukraine” (joint Ukrainian-British enterprise “UKRAINIAN TEA FACTORY AHMAD TEA”) on the initiative and support of the Kharkiv City Center. not the first time. Students in practice joined the study of experience in transport and warehousing logistics, organization of warehouse management and organization of production in general. This plant is the only one in Ukraine and one of seven in the world. It was an incredibly interesting tour that Anastasia Dubois-Sokoltseva gave us. It’s amazing how many myths there are about tea and how we are all wrong about some issues! Impressed by the cleanliness and European standards in the quality of production, in the approach to labor organization, the latest equipment of the plant. Thank you for the support and organization of the tour to the career guidance specialist of the Kharkiv City Employment Center Anna Romasko!


Seminars in the showroom of Ukrfarming

Ukrfarming invited students of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Mechanotronics and Management Systems of Technical Specialties to the seminar in the showroom “UkrFarming Case IH ” in Kharkiv. The delegation was headed by the director of the Institute of MSM, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Vitaliy Vlasovets . Also present were Ph.D., Associate Professor of “Optimization of Technological Systems named after T. Yevsiukov” Serhii Kharchenko , Ph.D., Associate Professor of “Tractors and Cars” Mykhailo Shuliak and senior lecturer of the department “Optimization of technological systems named after T.P. Yevsyukova » Kyrylo Syrovytskyi .


Congratulations to our student

Congratulations to Elizaveta Daineko, a student of the Institute of BM (group ZT19-10b), who received an honorary award – Diploma III degree for participation in the All-Ukrainian competition of scientific works in the specialty “Tourism”. The theme of her work presented at the competition was called “Tourist trails of Belovodsk”.

Вітаємо нашу студентку

Aleksandr Sheptur

Education 1970 – he graduated from Krasnograd Agricultural Technical School named after F.Y. Tymoshenko. Specialty “Agricultural mechanization”. Qualification:  Mechanical Technician 1982 – he graduated from Kharkov Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. Specialty “Agricultural mechanization”. Qualification: Mechanical Engineer 1991 – he defended his PhD thesis in specialty 05.0.01. – Agricultural mechanization 1995 – received the title of associate professor Career 1982 – 1991 – Research assistant Research laboratory of vibratory grain cleaning machines 1991 -1993 – Assistant of the Department of Industrial training 1993 – Associate Professor of the Department of Industrial training 2017 – Associate Professor of the Department of Agrotechnology and Ecology of Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture Research activities The field of research is the studying the processes of grain cleaning of different  crops has over 100 scientific and methodic papers

Aleksandr Sheptur

Creative Marketing Lab-Hub Project

Practically at each department of our university the student centers of a scientific, research, humanitarian or other orientation are created and successfully function.
