Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Both science and practice

Students of our university, studying in the specialty 201 Agronomy, under the guidance of a senior lecturer, candidate a.s. Sciences V. Bondarenko had a great opportunity to get acquainted with the latest developments in agricultural science in the field of crop production and seed production. Today they took part in the Field Day, which took place on the basis of THE PLANT PRODUCTION INSTITUTE named after V.YA. YURIEV NAAS of Ukraine, and at the demonstration site inspected promising varieties and hybrids of cereals and got acquainted with the latest plant protection technologies.

День поля-2021. Фоторепортаж

Cooperation of the IETP department with the stakeholders of the educational program 163 – biomedical engineering

     On February 11, 2020, first-year students majoring in 163 Biomedical Engineering together with their curator Shynkarenko I. and head of practice Borodai I. visited the My Pet Veterinary Center. It is one of the most prestigious clinics in Kharkiv in the field of veterinary medicine to provide a wide range of services. These are therapeutic services, surgery, ultrasound, X-ray, traumatology and orthopedics, reproductive medicine, intensive care, as well as a set of hygienic procedures. The center is equipped with the latest ultrasound diagnostic equipment, digital X-ray and laboratory diagnostic equipment.


We recommend to read

Vice-rector for scientific work of KhNTUA Viktor Melnyk presents the extreme issues of the scientific journal “Environmental Engineering”, which is published at our university. The journal is published 4 times a year and is included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine following the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 1328 of 21.12.2015.

Радимо прочитати

Admission campaign-2021 for people from the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine: new opportunities and prospects

On June 4, 2021, a press conference of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the “Open Policy Foundation” on the features of the introductory campaign-2021 for children from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. The following issues will be covered during the event: state policy to support young people from the temporarily occupied territories; work of educational centers in 2021; the activity of the Government hotline; problems and risks of the introductory campaign for people from the Temporarily Occupied Territories. Speakers: Serhiy SHKARLET, Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine; Olga KHOLOMEEVA, Director of the Government Contact Center; Iryna Zhdanova, Executive Director of the Open Policy Foundation. Date: June 4 Time: 12.30 Broadcast: MES page on Youtube and Facebook. Media representatives can ask questions using the online form until 9 o’clock on June 4. Source: Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. 

Вступна кампанія-2021 для осіб з ТОТ України: нові можливості та перспективи

To participate in the conference it is necessary

We invite students, scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers to take part in the webinar “eduGAIN – your key to international scientific and educational services”, which will take place online on May 26, 2021, starting at 14:00.

Запрошення на вебінар eduGAIN

To the Day of Science in Ukraine

Dear teachers, graduate students, students! We invite you to visit the open online lecture “Culture of Academic Integrity”, which will take place on 14.05.2021 at 8-45. The lecture will be given by the leading librarian of the Scientific Library of KhNTUA Lyubov Bezdolna. You can join the online lecture by following the link Directorate of the Scientific Library.

До Дня науки в Україні

Academic Integrity: An Online Course for Lecturers

Dear teachers! We invite you to join the online course Academic Integrity for Teachers, which will start on the Prometheus platform on August 3, 2021. ✅ It consists of 6 modules, each of which contains video lectures, practical tasks, and materials for self-study. ✅In this course, teachers will be able to look at their own teaching through the prism of academic integrity, learn the theoretical foundations, as well as learn practical tools that help strengthen the culture of academic integrity. Registration is open at the link Join to support the initiative of academic integrity and quality of education in the university environment. We wish you success. Link to the page of the National Library of KhNTUA: Director of the Scientific Library of KhNTUA, Nikolaenko Natalia, Candidate of Science in Soc. communications

Академічна доброчесність: онлайн-курс для викладачів

Vovchansk Vocational College invites …

“Vovchansky Vocational College KhNTUA” invites graduates of secondary schools (9th and 11th grades), as well as graduates of vocational education institutions to visit the Open Day online, which will take place on 19.06 at 10:00 on the Google Meet platform.

Вовчанський фаховий коледж запрошує...

Public online lecture

Department of UNESCO “Philosophy of Human Communication” and social sciences and humanities announces the launch of a series of open lectures Ukraine in the Global Dimension within the framework of international cooperation. The first online lecture on “ A Village with Global Connections: Ukrainian-Canadian History”.

Публічна онлайн-лекція


The Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture announces the beginning of the creative competition “Accountant in today’s challenges”. The competition is held from March 20, 2021, among high school students of Kharkiv district and Kharkiv.


Congratulations to the masters. Thanks to the teachers. Video.

As we have already informed, today at the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture held a graduation ceremony of masters in 2021, who received diplomas and many compliments to his address. Many warm words were received from the graduates and their parents and university professors, who for six years taught and educated students, preparing them for adult life.

Випуск магістрів 18.06.2021