Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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A meeting of the Academic Council was held

Today a regular meeting of the Academic Council of KhNTUA took place online. The meeting addressed several issues related to the accreditation of educational programs in 2021 and the preparation of competitive indicators for the selection of executors of the state order for the training of masters; the state of the educational process in distance learning and the results of the rector’s tests; the question of the organization of career guidance work during the introductory campaign of 2021. In addition, other issues related to the educational process and the current activities of the university were addressed.

Відбулося засідання вченої ради


The Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture announces the beginning of the creative competition “Accountant in today’s challenges”. The competition is held from March 20, 2021, among high school students of Kharkiv district and Kharkiv.


Congratulations to the European champion

Today our university was visited by the European champion in sumo wrestling among youth and adults Demid Karachenkov, who recently returned from the European Championship and brought two significant awards from there. In the men’s competition (weight category up to 85 kg) Demid defeated a rival from Russia and won a gold medal, and in the youth competition in the weight category, up to 85 kg won a bronze medal.

Congratulations to the European champion

The rector invites to the Open Day

Rector of KhNTUA O. Nanka invites graduates of secondary schools, colleges, and lyceums, as well as their parents and teachers to visit the Open Day at our university, which will take place on February 27, this year. at 10.00 (entry by link from 09:30)

The rector invites to the Open Day

With gratitude about Alma Mater…

The trade union of agro-industrial complex workers of Zolochiv district of Kharkiv region took a good initiative. To the 90th anniversary of our university, the head of the union Valentyna Ivanova decided to tell about former university graduates who work or have worked in Zolochiv district in management positions and have made a significant contribution to the development of the agro-industrial complex..

Із вдячністю про Альма-матер...

Open Day February 27, this year. Welcome!

Rector of KhNTUA O. Nanka invites you to visit the Open Day on February 27, this year. at 10.00 (entrance by link from 09:30) at the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture , which will be held online.

День відкритих дверей обіцяє бути цікавим і пізнавальним

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We remember the brightest events in the life of our university. And there have been a lot of them in recent years. One of such events was the opening of a case study and research laboratory at the University (based on the Institute of MSM), which is still successfully operating and developing.

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Educational and Scientific Institute of Mechanotronics and Management Systems invites you to study

Traditions of knowledge and modern technologies in combination with thorough practical training at partner companies are your way to success! The educational and scientific institute of mechanotronics and management systems has created unique educational programs that take into account the requirements of modern European standards and are focused on training professionals in the specialties: “Agricultural Engineering”, “Road Transport”, “Agronomy” and “Ecology”.

Навчально-науковий інститут механотроніки і систем менеджменту запрошує на навчання

Congratulations to the masters. Thanks to the teachers. Video.

As we have already informed, today at the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture held a graduation ceremony of masters in 2021, who received diplomas and many compliments to his address. Many warm words were received from the graduates and their parents and university professors, who for six years taught and educated students, preparing them for adult life.

Випуск магістрів 18.06.2021

Semen Novikov on NV radio

As we have already informed, a graduate of our university, European champion in Greco-Roman wrestling up to 87 kg and two-time world champion Semen Novikov was recognized as the best athlete of Ukraine in 2020 according to XSPORT . In this regard, Semen has been communicating a lot with journalists lately, sharing “recipes” for his success and plans for the future.

Семен Новіков на радіо НВ

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

On the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the Rector of the University O. Nanka and the Vice-Rector for Research V. Melnyk send their congratulations. See video appeal.
