Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
uk en

Bondar Natalia

Education and career. 2001 – G. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, specialty – History and socio-political disciplines. 2001 – postgraduate study at G. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University. 2007 – Lecturer of the Department of History of Ukraine and Political Science KhNTUA. Since 2010 – Associate Professor of the UNESCO Department of “Philosophy of Human Communication”, Social Sciences and Humanities.

Бондар Наталя Олександрівна


Field of knowledge 28 “Management and administration”


Certification of teachers of Vovchansky College

April 15, this year A meeting of the attestation commission of the third level at the Department of Science and Education of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration took place, during which the attestation cases of the college teachers were considered. The achievements of teachers were presented by the chairman of the attestation commission of the I level at Vovchansky College of Kharkiv National Technical University of AgricultureVovchansky professional college of KhNTUA A. Shcherbak. The teachers themselves and the material for attestation (coordination of pedagogical activity by the requirements of the Standard Regulations on attestation of pedagogical workers for compliance with the requirements for assigning qualification categories, accompanying documentation, characteristics, etc.) were prepared by Methodist T. Bondareva.

Атестація педагогів Вовчанського коледжу

What is written about us

In today’s issue of the newspaper “Governmental Courier”, there was an interview with the rector of KhNTUA O. Nanka, dedicated to the possible unification of four universities, as provided by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 12.05. 2021. “In our opinion, such fateful decisions (we are talking about hundreds of employees and thousands of students) should be made transparently and openly, taking into account the position of higher education institutions and world experience,” said the rector. initiate a constructive dialogue with all stakeholders, during which all controversial and problematic issues will be clarified, a common platform for unification will be developed, and it would be good if not only domestic but also international experts with positive reform experience join this dialogue. We are ready for such a dialogue and are preparing for unification, but we have our own vision of this process …

Що про нас пишуть

Access to the Science Direct collection

Today in the conference hall of KhNTUA a workshop for scientific and pedagogical workers of the Institute of BM on the topic “Access to the collection of Direct Direct” was held, which was conducted by the Deputy Head of the Scientific Library of the University  Rybalchenko Olena. She acquainted the seminar participants with scientometric databases and provided recommendations for their completion and use.

Access to the Science Direct collection


Field of knowledge 28 “Management and administration”


A strategic session on education will take place in Kharkiv tomorrow

June 24, 2021, at the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the All-Ukrainian Strategic Session “Education of Ukraine – 30. National Technopark for Improving the Quality of Education” will be held in Kharkiv. During the event, the model of the National Technopark to improve the quality of education and the design of the Roadmap will be discussed. There will also be an exhibition “Education of Kharkiv region – 30”.

Завтра у Харкові відбудеться стратегічна сесія з питань освіти

Moroz Oleksandr

Education 1984 – specialist diploma with honors Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture, specialty “Electrification of Agriculture”, qualification electrical engineer. Career 1984-1986 – assistant professor, department of electric machines. 1986–1987 – trainee teacher at the Moscow Hydromelioration Institute (MHMI). 1987–1991 – targeted graduate school at MHMI. 1991 – defense of the dissertation on the specialty 05.14.09 – hydraulics and engineering hydrology for the degree of Ph.D. in a specialized scientific council at MHMI. 1991-1993 – assistant professor, department use of electricity in agriculture of KhIMEA. 1993-1997 – senior lecturer of the department electrical machines and apparatus 1998-2000 – docent of the department electrical machines and apparatus. 2000-2008 – Associate Professor of the department of Electricity in Agriculture 2008-2010 – Dean of the Faculty of Energy and Computer Technology of KhNTUA 2010-2020 – director of the educational and scientific institute of energy and computer technologies of KhNTUA 2011 – defended his doctoral dissertation in the specialty 05.09.03 – electrical complexes and systems 2012 – received the title of professor of the department automated electromechanical systems of KhNTUA 2013-2016 – head of the department of power supply and energy management 2020 – professor of the department of power supply and energy management. Educational activities He has taught the following subjects: Hydraulics; Hydrogas dynamics, Hydraulics and hemodynamics; Management of qualifications of master’s works; Postgraduate student’s scientific guide. Expert of the national agency for quality assurance of higher education on accreditation commissions for accreditation of specialty 141 “Electric Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics” Research activities Scientific interests: protection of pressure pipelines from hydraulic shock; hydrology; construction of systems for processing wool using acoustic and electromagnetic fields; quality of electric energy; Smart Grid; solar power plants. Member of the specialized scientific council D 64.832.01 at KhNTUA in the specialty 05.09.03 – electrotechnical complexes and systems. Social activities Secretary of Subcommittee 141 Electricity, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics EMC 8 Engineering of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Awards and prizes Certificate of MES of Ukraine, 2008 MES of Ukraine Honorable Mention badge, 2015 Graduate of the XVII Regional Competition “Kharkiv Higher School – Best Names” in the nomination “Dean of the Faculty”, 2015. Number of publications Number of publications more than 160, author of 3 textbooks and manuals Patents and copyright certificates of Ukraine 4 patents

Moroz Oleksandr


Dear friends! We invite you to visit the Open Day on February 27, this year. at 10.00 (entrance by a link from 09:30) at the Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after Petro Vasylenko, which will be held online. The whole university is carefully preparing for this important event, especially the university management, directors of educational and scientific institutes, FTSL and members of the Admissions Committee.  During the conversation with future entrants and their parents and teachers, they will talk about the features of this year’s admission campaign and the specifics of training specialists in various specialties at the university. It will also be about how to increase the chances of future entrants to successfully complete the external evaluation and enter the budget form of education.
