Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Scientific achievements of our students

Congratulations to the students of the educational and scientific institute of Technical Service and teachers of the Department of Materials Technology – the leaders of their research works, who were recently recognized as winners of the All-Ukrainian competitions of research works:

Наукові досягнення наших студентів

Practice is an integral part of learning

Theoretical training for first-year students ends with training practice. Thus, in July, applicants for the specialties 101 Ecology, 201 Agronomy, and 208 Agroengineering under the guidance of associate professors of the Department of Agrotechnology and Ecology of the Institute of MMS Olga Chala, Valentina Bezpalko and Oksana Pankova, passed an introductory internship. During this time, students, in addition to classroom classes, where they learned about the practical aspects of agronomy, gained practical skills. Based on the training farm of KhNTUA, they got acquainted with the varieties of crops of the collection nursery and with representatives of weeds on crops, conducted work on field weed research, phenological observations of safflower crops, selected samples of crops, and determined their crop structure. In addition, they got acquainted with the basic technological, physical, and water properties of soils, performed laboratory work to determine the mechanical composition of the soil, the acidity of the soil solution, and more.

Практика – невід’ємна частина навчання

Scientific and educational seminars “Expanding horizons”

Employees of PJSC “Kharkiv Tractor Plant ” and LLC “Trading House of OJSC” Kharkiv Tractor Plant “” visited the university with a scientific and technical presentation of new KhTP tractors. Students of KNTUA with interest inspected samples of equipment and auto-tractor units, about which then asked representatives of PJSC “KhTP”.


Our achievements

Creative, scientific achievements of 2019-2020 academic year. Awards for conscientious work 2019-2020 academic year.


An information seminar was held

Today, April 9, a seminar on information support of the university in modern conditions was held. The event was held online on the Google Meet platform. It was attended by 25 people, including those responsible for information support of sites and pages of ESI, F TSL, colleges, representatives of the educational department and departments, other departments of the university.

Відбувся інформаційний семінар

Tetiana Diakova

Higher education In 1992 she graduated from Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification, Faculty of Electrification. From 1988 to 1999 she worked at the Department of General Electrical Engineering as a laboratory assistant, since 2000 as a senior laboratory assistant. Since 2011 she has been working as the head of the laboratory of the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Theoretical Electrical Engineering.

Дьякова Тетяна Олександрівна


To deepen students’ knowledge and expand their opportunities for further employment and career growth, the Center for Practice, Employment, and Career of Student Youth KNTUA invites students of all specialties of the university to join the online event ProfiFEST. “Professional Network of the Future”, which will take place on April 6, 2021, at 11.00. You can connect to the video conference on the Zoom platform at 10.50

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