Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Material base of the department

Material base of the department The department has a modern material and technical base. The department has two specialized classrooms for lectures on agronomy and ecology, and one classroom for practical classes is equipped with modern devices and equipment. In addition, the classroom fund of other departments of the educational and scientific institute of mechatronics and management systems and other educational and scientific institutes of the university is used for conducting classes. Students can use a computer class, modern devices, and equipment with which they determine the biochemical composition of certain agricultural plants and the requirements for certain nutrients.


Guest lecture from leading practitioners

On May 18, 2021, the Department of Accounting and Auditing for students majoring in 072 “Finance, Banking and Insurance” and 071 “Accounting and Taxation”, as well as other economic specialties organized a guest lecture meeting with stakeholders – leading specialists of PJSC “Industrial Insurance Company “On the topic” Insurance in everyone’s life “. Igor Oliynyk, President of PJSC Industrial Insurance Company, and Natalia Stepanyuk, Director of the Personal Insurance Department, visited the University.

Гостьова лекція від провідних фахівців-практиків

Practice of future furniture makers and forestry specialists

At the Department of Woodworking Technologies and Systems Engineering of the Forest Complex (Head of the Department of Economics, Associate Professor Suska A.) of the Faculty of TSL by the schedule of the educational process organized internships for bachelors and masters majoring in 187 “Woodworking and furniture technologies ”and 205“ Forestry ”.

Практика майбутніх меблярів та фахівців лісового господарства

The introductory campaign continues

In the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, as in many other universities in Ukraine, the admission campaign continues. We can now observe one of the most important stages of this campaign, related to the registration of e-cabinets by entrants. According to the state enterprise “Inforesurs”, as of 9:00 on July 5, more than 92 thousand offices were created. Based on complete general secondary education, 87,243 classrooms and 146 classrooms were activated based on a bachelor’s, specialist’s, or master’s degree.

Триває вступна кампанія

Welcome new students. The introductory campaign is still ongoing

After the publication of the rating lists of entrants recommended for enrollment in the budget, the Admissions Committee of KhNTUA again reached the strings of entrants. This time with the original documents required for admission to the university. In principle, they can already be welcomed with admission, although the official order of enrollment in the university will be issued by August 9 this year, and the transfer to vacant positions of the state order will take place by August 19.

Вітаємо нових студентів.  Вступна кампанія ще триває

Field Day 2021. Photo report

Today based on THE PLANT PRODUCTION INSTITUTE named after V.YA. YURIEV NAAS of Ukraine in the village of Elite, Kharkiv region, a traditional Field Day was held, dedicated to the promotion of selection and technological innovations in modern grain production. The program of the scientific-practical seminar.

День поля-2021. Фоторепортаж

Ukrainian-Polish Agrarian Technical Center

Ukrainian-Polish Agrarian Technical Center The Ukrainian-Polish Agricultural and Technical Center of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture was established with the support of the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Kharkiv on May 24, 2017.


The IV International Educational School on Sustainable Mobility has started

On April 21, 2021, the IV Spring School on Sustainable Mobility “The Impact of the Pandemic on Mobility” began its work. This event, not for the first time, was attended by students majoring in 275 “Transport Technology” and teachers of the Department of Transport Technology and Logistics, Faculty of Technological Systems and Logistics: prof. Shramenko N., docent Berezhna N., Assoc. Gorodetskaya T. and Senior teacher Kutya O. as well as representatives of other free economic zones and transport specialists.

Стартувала IV Міжнародна освітня школа зі сталої мобільності

Manilo Vadim

Education • 2004 – Diploma of KhSTUA in the field of “Mechanical Engineering” and received a bachelor’s degree in engineering mechanics. • 2005 – Diploma of KhNTUA in the specialty “Equipment of processing and food production”, and qualified as a mechanical engineer. • 2007-2010 – postgraduate studies. Career • 2005 – laboratory assistant of the Department of Equipment and Engineering of Processing and Food Production. • 2007 – Head of the Laboratory of the Department of Equipment and Engineering of Processing and Food Production. • 2007 – Assistant of the Department of Equipment and Engineering of Processing and Food Production. • 2011 – Assistant of the Department of Equipment and Engineering of Processing and Food Production. • 2014 – Senior Laboratory Assistant of the Department of Technological Systems of Repair Production named after O. Sidashenko.

Маніло Вадим Леонідович

Awarding the winners of the creative competition

On June 18, during the solemn ceremony of awarding diplomas to the masters of KhNTUA in the assembly hall, the winners of the student competition for the best video about our university and its educational and scientific departments were awarded. The mentioned competition was organized by the Department of Media Communications of KhNTUA, the Department of Educational Work of Students, and the Trade Union Committee.

Awarding the winners of the creative competition