Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Dudnikov Serhii

Education 1994 – received a diploma in: “Electrification and automation of agriculture” Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture 2014 – received a diploma of associate professor of power supply and energy management Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture Career 1994 – received a diploma in: “Electrification and automation of agriculture” 2014 – received a diploma of associate professor of the department 1994 – 1996 – senior lecturer of the department of electricity application. 1996 – 1999 – graduate student of KhNTUSG. 1999 – 2014 – Assistant of the Department of Power Supply and Energy Management. Since 2014 – Associate Professor of Power Supply and Energy Management. Educational activities Conducts lectures, practical and laboratory classes on disciplines: Energy saving and energy management; Resource efficient and clean electricity production; Energy audit; Energy saving and alternative energy sources. Energy management Research activities Research interests: energy saving of production systems and complexes;  construction of combined power supply systems with renewable sources; Scientific work:  co-executor of R&D “Development of methods and means to improve the efficiency of control of modes and transport of electricity in electrical networks using Smart Grid technology” №ДР 0118U003310 Social activities Chairman of the Committee on Energy Efficiency and Alternative Energy, introduction of new technologies ASSOCIATION OF FARMERS AND PRIVATE LAND OWNERS OF KHARKIV REGION Awards and prizes In 2018 he was awarded the “Dignity and Freedom” award of the All-Ukrainian Association “Kraina”. Number of publications

Цибух Андрій Володимирович

Psychological service

Danchenko Iryna Head of the Psychological Service, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of UNESCO “Philosophy of Human Communication” and social and humanitarian disciplines Tel.: 095-515-2272 e-mail:


Konstantin Korshunov

Education In 1997 he graduated with honors from the Romney Agricultural College, specialty “Electrification and Automation of Agriculture”, and received a qualification in electrical engineering. In 2002 he graduated from Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture and received a full higher education in the specialty “Agricultural Power Engineering” and was qualified as an electrical engineer. Career Since 2002, engineer of the Department of EMTP. Since 2004, a specialist of the 2-nd category of the Information Technology Centre. Since 2010, a laboratory assistant at the Department of Theoretical Electrical Engineering. Since 2013, engineer of the 1-st category of the UTS Department named after T. Yevsyukov. Since 2018, he has been a senior laboratory assistant of the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Theoretical Electrical Engineering and a specialist of the Directorate of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Mechanotronics and Management Systems Awards Honorary diploma for many years of work, conscientious attitude to work duties, high work rates and in connection with the 75th anniversary of the University (2003). Honorary diploma for many years of work, conscientious attitude to work duties, high work rates and in connection with the day of agricultural worker (2005) Gratitude for conscientious performance of duties and active participation in public life of the university and the institute (2017). Patents Declaration patent for the invention. UA 37703, Ukraine, A01K1 / 015. Device for the electric heating of floors of livestock rooms / K. Korshunov. №2000041953; claimed 06.04.2000; publ. May 15, 2001, Bul. №4. Patent for utility model. UA 101069, Ukraine, IPC (2015.01) G01B 11/00, G01B 11/02 (2006.01). The method of determining the size of seeds / K. Korshunov. №u 2015 01890; claimed 03.03.2015; publ. 25.08.2015, Bul. №16.


It’s International Accounting Day

Today, many parts of the world celebrate International Accounting Day. We sincerely congratulate the employees of the accounting service of KhNTUA headed by the chief accountant Tetiana Danylenko, as well as all employees and graduates of our university who have an accounting education.

Сьогодні Міжнародний день бухгалтерії

The treasury of creative achievements is replenished

An integral part of the educational process at the university is the involvement of students in research work, which promotes the development of future professionals’ creative skills, critical thinking, initiative, and other professional qualities.

Поповнюється скарбниця творчих досягнень

Meeting of Ruslan Tikhonchenko with the directors of the National Research Institute, deans of faculties and executive secretaries of the admission commissions of KhNTUA, KhSZVA, KhSUFTT and KhNAU named after V.V. Dokuchaev

On July 7, 2021, a working meeting was held with directors of educational and scientific institutes, deans of faculties, and executive secretaries of admission commissions involved in the reorganization process according to the MES Order of 18.06.2021 № 689 “On the establishment of the State Biotechnology University” and the MES Order of 25.06 .2021 № 717, on the organization of the introductory campaign for the 2021-2022 academic year. The issues of the current state of work of admission commissions, their coordination, prospects for recruitment of higher education applicants, implementation of a common policy of forming a contingent of students, as well as applications for the implementation of the state order for educational services in 2021 were considered. The participants of the meeting discussed urgent issues and developed a common position on the policy that higher education institutions involved in the reorganization process will implement in the process of the introductory campaign in the transition period.

Meeting of Ruslan Tikhonchenko with the directors of the National Research Institute, deans of faculties and executive secretaries of the admission commissions of KhNTUA, KhSZVA, KhSUFTT and KhNAU named after V.V. Dokuchaev

The student government will elect the speaker of parliament

KNTUA students are preparing for the election of the chairman of the student parliament. The stage of nominating candidates for this position has already ended. Yesterday in the university’s main building, there was an open debate between the candidates running for the post of student parliament. There are three of them. These are Maryna Romanashenko, a fourth-year student at the National Institute of BML, and Vitalina Strenadko, a second-year student at the same institute, and Sofiya Krivonis.

Студентські дебати 03.06.2021

Disciplines of the department

Bioenergy in agro-industrial complex Dealer Basics Processes, basics of construction and design of machines in animal husbandry Methods of designing machines for livestock Design and calculation of livestock machinery Theory and calculation of machines for animal husbandry Innovative livestock equipment Mathematical modeling of technical systems Installation and maintenance of livestock machinery Livestock production technology Technical systems and technologies of livestock farms Basics of animal husbandry animal as a bioobject Installation and commissioning of livestock equipment Intensification of technological processes in animal husbandry Livestock Livestock machinery and equipment Automated design of technological processes in animal husbandry Advanced technologies for the production and processing of livestock products Design and construction of agricultural enterprises Agribusiness Design Patent Science and Copyright Robotic systems and complexes Automated design of technological processes of agricultural enterprises Development of rural and agro-industrial facilities Livestock technical systems Mechanization of livestock agro-industrial processes Microprocessor systems in animal husbandry Forestry Environmental livestock machinery and equipment Modeling of biological processes and systems Fundamentals of design and construction


In a good way, dear graduates!

On June 23, 2021, the defense of qualification work for obtaining the degree of higher education “Bachelor” by students of the Institute of Business and Management in the specialty 071 “Accounting and Taxation” full-time and part-time.

У добру путь, дорогі випускники!

Happy Birthday!

Today Vadym Bredikhin, Doctor of Philosophy, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Laureate of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Excellence in Education of Ukraine and Excellence in Agrarian Education of Ukraine, member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, our colleague, Director of the Research Institute of Processing and Food Production, celebrates his birthday.


KhNTUA staff joined the research project

Employees of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture Ruslan Levkin and Viktor Kozoriz took part in the presentation of the analytical study “Index of European Integration Economic Progress of the Regions of Ukraine 2014-2019. Results for Kharkiv region “, which took place on May 19 in Kharkiv press club.

Співробітники ХНТУСГ долучились до дослідницького проекту

Tymchuk Serhii

Education 1978 – Diploma of mechanical engineer in the specialty “Flight Dynamics and Control”, Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Engineering Physics. 1984 – 1987 – full-time postgraduate studies at the Kharkiv Aviation Institute. 1988 – defended his dissertation on specialty 05.07.10 – electric rocket engines and power plants of aircraft. 2002 – received a certificate of associate professor. 2010 – 2013 – recipient of the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences, full-time doctorate of KhNTUA. 2015 – defended his doctoral dissertation on “Methods and algorithmic support for decision support to optimize the structure of the power supply control system in conditions of uncertainty” in the specialty 05.13.03 – control systems and processes. Specialized Academic Council D 64.050.14 at the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. Career 1978 -1980 – served in the military. 1980 – 1991 – worked as an engineer, senior engineer, junior researcher, researcher, senior researcher of the research part of the Department of Aircraft Power Plants of the Kharkiv Aviation Institute. 1991 – 1994 – co-owner of a research and production company, where he held the position of senior researcher. since 1994 he has held the positions of Senior Lecturer of the Department of Cybernetics, Associate Professor, Professor and Head of the Department of ACIT KNTUA Educational activities Teaches the following disciplines: research methodology, basics of fuzzy logic control, neural networks and systems, theory of digital automata, identification and modeling of technological processes; Management of master’s qualification works; Scientific guidance of two graduate students. Research activities Research interests: intelligent decision support systems for large technical systems in conditions of information uncertainty. He has more than 100 scientific articles, 6 monographs, 4 textbooks, 7 copyright certificates and 2 patents. International activities Foreign internships: 2019 – Varna Free University. Blacksmith Brave, Varna, Bulgaria Social activities Full member of the Public Organization “Ukrainian Scientific and Educational IT Society”. Awards and prizes Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2008

Тимчук Сергій Олександрович