Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture gained access to a full-text database of scientific researchScienceDirect and an international scientometric database Scopus. Subscription from the state budget was provided by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine by signing an agreement between State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine of Ukraine and company Elsevier  on access to electronic scientific databases and analytical resources.

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Educational and Scientific Institute of Mechanotronics and Management Systems invites you to study

Traditions of knowledge and modern technologies in combination with thorough practical training at partner companies are your way to success! The educational and scientific institute of mechanotronics and management systems has created unique educational programs that take into account the requirements of modern European standards and are focused on training professionals in the specialties: “Agricultural Engineering”, “Road Transport”, “Agronomy” and “Ecology”.

Навчально-науковий інститут механотроніки і систем менеджменту запрошує на навчання

Discover e-books from ScienceDirect

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine provides the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture with access to ScienceDirect eBooks, Elsevier’s leading collection of scientific e-books.

Відкрийте для себе електронні книги з ScienceDirect

Shigimaga Victor

Education 1972 – 1977, Kharkiv State University named after Karazina, Faculty of Radiophysics (Department of Biophysics); specialty – biophysics.  

Шигимага Віктор Олександрович

Our students are the best!

The Department of Media Communications continues to get acquainted with first-year students who come to study at the Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after Petro Vasylenko. For example, Elvira Kolesnikova came to us from the city of Sloviansk, Donetsk region. During the introductory campaign, the girl successfully passed the competitive selection for the specialty 133 Industrial Engineering and entered the budget form of education. He says that he dreams of becoming a class engineer and after graduating from university to find a job in Ukraine. And now Elvira is getting acquainted with the university and hopes to find good friends and comrades here.

Наші студенти — найкращі!

“We were taught to be human …”

These words belong to a graduate of our university, or rather – KhIMEA – Anatoly Tsilyurik, who in 1982 graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (now – the Institute of Energy and Computer Technology). Since then, there have been many changes in the life of the university and the lives of its graduates. But most of them remember their student years with pleasure and visit their native Alma Mater on occasion. Anatolii also recently visited KhNTUA to meet with his former classmate Viktor Zhyla (acting director of the Institute of ECT) and other university staff. And not just to meet, but to discuss ways of cooperation between our university and the Council of Agricultural Producers of Zolochiv (and now Bohodukhiv) district.

"We were taught to be human ..."


The department has a research laboratory of vibrating grain cleaning machines, which has long been headed by world-renowned scientist, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor P. Zaika. The team of teachers, researchers of the laboratory, graduate students, and students of the department is working on the problem of developing the theory and means of separation of difficult-to-separate seeds based on vibration technology.


What does dual education provide?

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has developed and submitted for public discussion project Regulations on the dual form of higher and professional higher education. The purpose of drafting the Regulation is to create a legal basis for training specialists in higher and professional higher education in the dual form of education and conditions for the full implementation of the dual form of higher and professional higher education.

Що дає дуальна освіта?