Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Educational institutions are invited to Ukrainian-Polish exchanges

The Ministry of Youth and Sports announces that it has started accepting applications for participation in the competition of projects within the framework of Ukrainian-Polish youth exchanges. The competition is open to educational institutions, non-profit organizations, including civil society institutions, and public utilities that work with young people. Organizations that apply to participate in the competition to the Ministry of Youth and Sports must have a partner organization from Poland and provide information about it when submitting documents.

Заклади освіти запрошують до українсько-польських обмінів

Practical training of students at the Department of Accounting and Auditing

Practical training of students is a mandatory component of the educational and professional program for obtaining any degree of higher education. The purpose of practical training of students at our university is to summarize the acquired theoretical and practical knowledge, professional skills, and abilities that form specialists with higher education of the appropriate degree and improve the quality of training of highly qualified specialists.

Практична підготовка студентів на кафедрі обліку та аудиту

Results of the competition of works of art-poems

The Department of Accounting and Auditing of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture for a long time with the support of the Department of Education and Science of Kharkiv District State Administration works closely with educational institutions of I-III degrees of Kharkiv district of Kharkiv region and Kharkiv. In April of this year, the department announced a creative competition for students of schools and lyceums to write poems on “Accountant in today’s challenges.”

Підсумки конкурсу художніх творів-віршів

Educational department

Educational Department – a structural unit of the university, which provides organization of the educational process using modern approaches and management tools, is based on the legislation of Ukraine and other regulations on educational activities, including documentation of certified quality management system HNTUSG in accordance with international requirements ISO 9001: 2015 standard and taking into account the requirements of “Standards and recommendations for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG)” and the international standard ISO 21001: 2018.


The main activities of the Institute of Postgraduate Education

The main areas of work of the Institute of Postgraduate Education are: advanced training of managers, deputy managers and employees of enterprises of various industries, teachers of higher educational institutions of II-IV levels of accreditation in accredited areas of training at the university, namely:


Exam schedule

2019-2020 academic year, 2nd semester Groups Link 11-М; 12-М; 13-М download 14-П download 15-ЕК download 16-АГ download 17-АТ download 21-М; 22-Мпр; 23-Мпр; 24-Мпр download 25-П download 26-ЕК download 27-АГ/26-АГпр завантажити 28-АТ download 31-М; 32-М download 33-АТпр download 34-П download 35-ЕКпр download 41-М; 42-М; 43-М; 44-М; 45-М download 46-АТпр download 51-М; 52-М; 53-М; 54-М; 55-М download 56-АТ download 57-ЕК download 61-М(н) download


Moroz Oleksandr

Education 1984 – specialist diploma with honors Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture, specialty “Electrification of Agriculture”, qualification electrical engineer. Career 1984-1986 – assistant professor, department of electric machines. 1986–1987 – trainee teacher at the Moscow Hydromelioration Institute (MHMI). 1987–1991 – targeted graduate school at MHMI. 1991 – defense of the dissertation on the specialty 05.14.09 – hydraulics and engineering hydrology for the degree of Ph.D. in a specialized scientific council at MHMI. 1991-1993 – assistant professor, department use of electricity in agriculture of KhIMEA. 1993-1997 – senior lecturer of the department electrical machines and apparatus 1998-2000 – docent of the department electrical machines and apparatus. 2000-2008 – Associate Professor of the department of Electricity in Agriculture 2008-2010 – Dean of the Faculty of Energy and Computer Technology of KhNTUA 2010-2020 – director of the educational and scientific institute of energy and computer technologies of KhNTUA 2011 – defended his doctoral dissertation in the specialty 05.09.03 – electrical complexes and systems 2012 – received the title of professor of the department automated electromechanical systems of KhNTUA 2013-2016 – head of the department of power supply and energy management 2020 – professor of the department of power supply and energy management. Educational activities He has taught the following subjects: Hydraulics; Hydrogas dynamics, Hydraulics and hemodynamics; Management of qualifications of master’s works; Postgraduate student’s scientific guide. Expert of the national agency for quality assurance of higher education on accreditation commissions for accreditation of specialty 141 “Electric Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics” Research activities Scientific interests: protection of pressure pipelines from hydraulic shock; hydrology; construction of systems for processing wool using acoustic and electromagnetic fields; quality of electric energy; Smart Grid; solar power plants. Member of the specialized scientific council D 64.832.01 at KhNTUA in the specialty 05.09.03 – electrotechnical complexes and systems. Social activities Secretary of Subcommittee 141 Electricity, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics EMC 8 Engineering of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Awards and prizes Certificate of MES of Ukraine, 2008 MES of Ukraine Honorable Mention badge, 2015 Graduate of the XVII Regional Competition “Kharkiv Higher School – Best Names” in the nomination “Dean of the Faculty”, 2015. Number of publications Number of publications more than 160, author of 3 textbooks and manuals Patents and copyright certificates of Ukraine 4 patents

Moroz Oleksandr

Issues of streamlining the organization and activities of local governments and district state administrations in connection with changes in the administrative-territorial structure of Ukraine.

On December 6, 2020, the Law of Ukraine України 1009-IX “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Concerning the Regulation of Certain Issues of Organization and Activity of Local Self-Government Bodies and District State Administrations” № 1009-IX of November 17, 2020 (hereinafter – Law № 1009- IX).

Питання впорядкування організації та діяльності органів місцевого самоврядування і районних державних адміністрацій у зв’язку із змінами в адміністративно-територіальному устрої України.


On January 13, 1931, the first issue of the newspaper” For Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture” was published, which was considered a body of students, teachers, and staff of the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. Volosyuk, the secretary of the LKSMU bureau, congratulated the readers on the release of the first issue. implementation of the resolutions of the CPSU (b) and CP (b) U for the industrialization of the country, for the implementation of the 5th river in 3 years… ”


Myhal Vasyl

Education and career 1964 – graduated from the Kharkiv Economic Institute with a degree in “Organization and Economics of the Machine-Building Industry.” 1962 – designer of the first category of the Scientific and Technical Association Kharkiv Electrotechnical Plant (NTOHEMZ). 1977 – Head of the Vibroacoustic Laboratory of the Electrotechnical Institute NTOHEMZ. 1993 – Head of the Laboratory of Vibrodiagnostic Methods for Diagnosing Agricultural Machinery of the Eastern Branch of the Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture of the Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences. 1995 – Deputy Director for Research (SF IMESH UAAS). 2000 – doctoral student of Kharkiv State University of Agriculture. 2003 – Associate Professor of Technical Operation and Car Service of the Kharkiv Automobile and Road Institute. 2005 – awarded the academic title of associate professor of technical operation and service of cars. 2005 – Professor of the Department of Technical Operation and Service of Cars. 2008 – awarded the academic title of Professor of Technical Operation and Service of Cars. 2018 to present Professor of the Department of Tractors and Cars of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Mechatronics and Management Systems of Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. Research activities 1976 – defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in the specialty of machine use and machine parts. 2003 – defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences in the specialty of cars and tractors. On the topic “Vibration methods for assessing the quality of tractors at the stage of design, manufacture, and operation” Scientific publications Author of 170 scientific papers, including 7 monographs, 1 textbook, and 42 textbooks on technical diagnostics; cybernetics of road transport; mechatronic, telepathic, and intelligent systems of cars and tractors, monitoring of the technical operation of cars; theory of technical operation of cars. Of which 7 textbooks were published abroad, 4 works were published in Scopus. Awards He was awarded the badge of “honorary professor” by Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University.

Myhal Vasyl