Artamonova Mayya
Candidate of SciencesSvidlo Karyna
Doctor of Technical Sciences, ProfessorHaliasnyi Ivan
Сandidate of Engineering SciencesRiabchenko Alyona
Head of laboratoryHavrish Tatiana
Head of the Department, Candidate of Technical SciencesShanina Olga
Doctor of Technical Sciences professorPohozhykh Mykola
Doctor of Technical Sciences, ProfessorFomina Iryna
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate professorPostnova Olga
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate professorShakula Aleksander
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate ProfessorBorovikova Natalia
Senior LecturerPikh Lyudmyla
Senior LecturerNovikova Viktoriia
Senior LecturerDanshyn Yaroslav
Assistant of the departmentSamotiei Valentina
Laboratory assistantKarabut Liubov
Laboratory assistant