Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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A meeting of the trade union committee was held

October 29, this year a meeting of the trade union committee of the university took place in KhNTUSG, at which the planned and current issues within the competence of the PC were considered. According to the chairman of the trade union committee VM Kis, one of the main issues concerned the provision of financial assistance to university staff who became ill or had COVID-19. Addressing the present heads of the trade union bureau, VM Kis once again stressed the importance of compliance by staff and students with the mask regime and other restrictions imposed in connection with the spread of the coronavirus pandemic..

The meeting of the PC also considered the issue of preparation for the New Year and Christmas holidays and the purchase of gifts for children of university staff. In addition, the heads of the trade union bureau of the Institute and the faculty of TSL reported on the registration of trade union staff and students of the university. At present, 4,500 people are registered in the primary trade union organization.

Media Communications Department.