Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Congratulations to our student

Congratulations to Elizaveta Daineko, a student of the Institute of BM (group ZT19-10b), who received an honorary award – Diploma III degree for participation in the All-Ukrainian competition of scientific works in the specialty “Tourism”. The theme of her work presented at the competition was called “Tourist trails of Belovodsk”.

Вітаємо нашу студентку

Issues of streamlining the organization and activities of local governments and district state administrations in connection with changes in the administrative-territorial structure of Ukraine.

On December 6, 2020, the Law of Ukraine України 1009-IX “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Concerning the Regulation of Certain Issues of Organization and Activity of Local Self-Government Bodies and District State Administrations” № 1009-IX of November 17, 2020 (hereinafter – Law № 1009- IX).

Питання впорядкування організації та діяльності органів місцевого самоврядування і районних державних адміністрацій у зв’язку із змінами в адміністративно-територіальному устрої України.

A presidential university of the future will be established in Ukraine

This was announced by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy during the opening of the All-Ukrainian Forum “Ukraine 30. Education and Science”. “A presidential university will be established in Ukraine. It is a higher education institution that will train people of the future. It will gather in one place the best teachers and train specialists who will be able to solve important state tasks for the defense of our state. “, – said the President.

В Україні буде створено президентський університет майбутнього


This section presents the syllabuses of compulsory disciplines and the syllabuses of disciplines of free choice of postgraduate students in all educational and scientific programs.


Creative Marketing Lab-Hub Project

Practically at each department of our university the student centers of a scientific, research, humanitarian or other orientation are created and successfully function.



Today, August 9, Maryna Romanashenko, Chair of the Student Parliament of KhNTUA, celebrates her birthday. We wish her success in the education, research, and public life of the university, the implementation of creative ideas, plans, and rich student life.


Reading is always in fashion

Every book has a soul. The text cannot be read mechanically. If you watch a movie, you see what the director shot. With the book on the contrary. Everyone who reads a book sees the plot in their own way. The book seems to talk to the reader and everyone finds something.

Читати – завжди в моді

They write about us

The newspaper Vremya published an article on the establishment of a state biotechnological university in Kharkiv, which is to be joined by the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, the Kharkiv State Zooveterinary Academy, the Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after Vasyl Dokuchaev, and the Kharkiv State Food and Food University. . The government’s decision in this regard was made last week and it immediately caused a significant resonance among the scientific community, the public and the media. In particular, the media company Vremya inquired about the opinion of leading Kharkiv scientists, recognized scientific and moral authorities in the agricultural higher school of Ukraine, what they think about this decision, and what may be behind it.

Про нас пишуть

Seminars in the showroom of Ukrfarming

Ukrfarming invited students of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Mechanotronics and Management Systems of Technical Specialties to the seminar in the showroom “UkrFarming Case IH ” in Kharkiv. The delegation was headed by the director of the Institute of MSM, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Vitaliy Vlasovets . Also present were Ph.D., Associate Professor of “Optimization of Technological Systems named after T. Yevsiukov” Serhii Kharchenko , Ph.D., Associate Professor of “Tractors and Cars” Mykhailo Shuliak and senior lecturer of the department “Optimization of technological systems named after T.P. Yevsyukova » Kyrylo Syrovytskyi .


International Friends Day

Friendship has always been a great value in a person’s life, because finding a faithful friend is considered a great fortune. University friendship, which often lasts a lifetime, is especially valued. Therefore, today is a special day for the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture: new and old friends meet here to greet each other and exchange sincere smiles and positive emotions (pictured).

International Friends Day


Mykola Marchenko, a student of the ESI TS, won the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialty “Industrial Engineering (Lifting and transport, road, construction, reclamation machinery, and equipment)” and was awarded a first-degree diploma at the final scientific-practical conference.


Main activities

– organization and coordination of strategy, goals, directions and forms of all types of international activities of the university;


We sincerely congratulate our colleague with the honorary award!

The Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of KhNTUA and the Head of the Council of Young Scientists of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration, Doctor of Economics, Professor MANDYCH Oleksandra was awarded the medal “Talent. Inspiration. Labor”! The award was presented at a solemn meeting of the Council of the North-Eastern Research Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of its formation and Science Day.

Щиро вітаємо нашу колегу з почесною відзнакою!

To the 120th anniversary of Semyon (Simon) Kuznets

As we reported earlier, today the head of the Department of Economics and Marketing, KhNTUA Professor V. Onegina gave an open online lecture on “The scientific heritage of S. Kuznets: the relevance of areas and methods of research over the century.” The lecture was dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of the famous scientist and Nobel laureate, who until 1922 lived in Ukraine and studied at the Kharkiv Commercial Institute.

Він навчався у Харкові. До 120-річчя  Семена Кузнеця