Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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To the attention of bachelors of the last year of study

In order to verify the acquired general competencies, graduates of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education of KhNTUA and motivation in preparation for the Unified entrance exam for all bachelors of the last year of study will be “University certification in a foreign language.”


Material base

The computer class is designed for foreign language classes. Here is the study of English, German, and preparation for the single entrance exam.


A regular meeting of the commission on reorganization of KhNTUA, KhSUFTT, KhSZA and KhNAU named after V. Dokuchaev

On August 11, 2021, the fifth meeting of the commission on the reorganization of KhNTUA, KhSUFTT, KhSZA and KhNAU named after V. Dokuchaev created to implement the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 689 of 18.06.2021 “On the establishment of the State Biotechnology University”, the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 717 of 25.06.2021 “On amendments to the annex to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of 18.06.2021 № 689” chaired by the Chairman of the Reorganization Commission Ruslan Sergeevich Tikhonchenko. The issues of coordination of payments on unprotected items were considered at the meeting. The members of the commissions decided to approve all expenditures at the meetings of the reorganization commissions. The status of the inventory, the procedure for providing notifications of dismissals and proposals for the transfer of various categories of staff, and preparation for the heating season were also discussed.

Відбулося чергове засідання комісії з реорганізації ХНТУСГ, ХДУХТ, ХДЗВА та ХНАУ ім. В.В. Докучаєва

Educational practice of 2nd year students of the ESI BML specialty 242 Tourism

The internship of the 2nd year students of the ESI BML of the specialty 242 Tourism in the discipline “Museum Studies, Excursions, Protection of Monuments” continues. Head of practice – Ph.D. Natalia Bondar, Associate Professor of the UNESCO Department of Philosophy of Human Communication and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines. During the internship, students visited the exhibition “Animal style. Images of animals in world culture ”in AVEC Gallery, where they got acquainted with the possibilities of using the cultural, recreational, tourist potential of domestic galleries and modern trends in the development of museum and gallery activities.

Навчальна практика студентів 2 курсу ННІ БМП спеціальності 242 Туризм

Modern innovative technologies of adult education

In early February this year at the Institute of Postgraduate Education for VSP teachers«Vovchansk Vocational College of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture ”held an online conference on advanced training under the program“ Modern Innovative Technologies of Adult Education ”. The event was supportedDepartment of UNESCO “Philosophy of Human Communication” and social sciences and humanities . In particular, Dr. took part in the preparation and holding of the seminar, Ph.D., Professor of UNESCOI. Danchenko.

Сучасні інноваційні технології освіти дорослих

In practice at the Institute of Plant Breeding named after V. Yuriev

As part of the introductory practice, first-year students of the Institute of Mechanotronics and Management Systems of the educational program “Agronomy” (specialty 201 “Agronomy”) acquired practical skills at The Рlant Production Institute named after V. Ya. Yuriev of NAAS. Head of practice – Ph.D., Associate Professor V. Bezpalko.

На практиці в Інституті рослинництва імені В.Я. Юр'єва

In a good way, dear graduates!

On June 23, 2021, the defense of qualification work for obtaining the degree of higher education “Bachelor” by students of the Institute of Business and Management in the specialty 071 “Accounting and Taxation” full-time and part-time.

У добру путь, дорогі випускники!

Oskolska Liudmyla

Responsible for the preparation and issuance of diplomas of education.

Оскольська Людмила Олександрівна

The main activities of the Institute of Postgraduate Education

The main areas of work of the Institute of Postgraduate Education are: advanced training of managers, deputy managers and employees of enterprises of various industries, teachers of higher educational institutions of II-IV levels of accreditation in accredited areas of training at the university, namely:


John Deere class

In cooperation with the leader of the world tractor construction company John Deere and the official dealer of John Deere in Ukraine – the company AGRISTAR LLC within the functioning of the training center John Deere Training Center A tractor design class has been created.


Practice of future furniture makers and forestry specialists

At the Department of Woodworking Technologies and Systems Engineering of the Forest Complex (Head of the Department of Economics, Associate Professor Suska A.) of the Faculty of TSL by the schedule of the educational process organized internships for bachelors and masters majoring in 187 “Woodworking and furniture technologies ”and 205“ Forestry ”.

Практика майбутніх меблярів та фахівців лісового господарства


The archive of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture is part of the university’s office management department. In its activities, the archive is guided by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, acts of the President of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, other regulations, regulations on the archive, and the Rules of archival departments of public authorities, local governments, enterprises, institutions, and organizations.


Legal Department

The Legal Department of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture is a structural unit of the university, the task of the legal department is to organize legal work aimed at proper application, strict compliance, and prevention of non-compliance with legislation and other regulations by the University.


Miroshnyk Oleksandr

Education 2004 – Master’s Degree with honors Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture, majoring in Agricultural Power Engineering, qualification electrical engineer. Career 2004 – Assistant Professor, Department of Automation and Computer Technology. 2009 – defended his Ph.D. thesis on specialty 05.14.02 – power stations of the network and system. 2010 – Associate Professor of Automation and Computer Integrated Technology. 2011 – received the title of associate professor. 2016 – defended his doctoral dissertation in the specialty 05.13.03 – Management Systems and Processes. 2016 – Professor of the Department of Power Supply and Energy Management. 2016 – Head of the Department of Power Supply and Energy Management. 2019 – received the title of professor. Educational activities He has taught the following subjects: Computer-aided design of electrical installations, Relay protection, Simulation modeling of electrical systems, Labor protection in the field (Electrical safety). Research activities He has more than 150 scientific publications, 12 of which are indexed in Scopus and Web of Science databases, the author of monographs, textbooks and manuals, and holds more than 30 patents. Scientific interests: electricity networks, quality of electricity, loss of electricity, Smart Grid. Foreign internships Passed scientific-pedagogical internship at Lublin University of Technology (Lublin, Poland) Social activities Member of the working group of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine on the preparation of the Concept of the introduction of “smart grids” in Ukraine by 2035 and the medium-term plan of measures for the implementation of “smart grids” in Ukraine. Awards and prizes Young Man of the Year – 2009 (in the nomination Young Scientist in the Technical Field), 2009, Diploma “Young man of the year – 2009” (in the nomination “Scientific activity”), 2009, Diploma of the State Intellectual Property Service of Ukraine “The Best Invention – 2011 among Youth” (winner of the All-Ukrainian Competition “Invention-2011”), Certificate for 1st place in the Regional Competition “Young Innovator of Kharkiv Region”, 2012, Diploma of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2012, Nominal Scholarship of Kharkiv Regional State Administration (Oleksiy Nikolayevich Sokolovsky Scholarship, 2012), Graduate of the competition “Kharkiv Higher School – the best names”, 2016 Number of publications Morethan 150 Patents and copyright certificates of Ukraine Morethan 30

Мірошник Олександр Олександрович

A scientific-practical conference was held

On October 30, 2020, the II International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “Prospects for the Development of Accounting, Control, and Finance in the context of integration and globalization processes”, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of KhNTUА.

Відбулася науково-практична конференція