Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Happy Birthday!

Today, June 10, a bright, bright, and talented person was born – Olga Skrypka. For many years, Olga has been the face of the creative team of our university, without which no holiday, no concert, or mass event is complete. She is the organizer, presenter, artist, and just the soul of our large university family. Therefore, today we also wholeheartedly congratulate Olya on her birthday and wish her immeasurable happiness, new creative successes, and achievements.

З Днем народження!

Everyday life of our students

In the breaks between the sessions, our students have an interesting time: they take photos near the photo area, they like to communicate with each other and even learn a new type of transport – electric scooters. They have vacations and summer practice ahead of them. Some students will work as volunteers in the admissions committee of the university, which invites future entrants to join KhNTUA and become members of our friendly university family.

Будні наших студентів


Today marks the birthday of Acting Director of the Institute of Energy and Computer Technology, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor of AEMS Victor Zhyla.


Happy Birthday!

Today, on such a beautiful and sunny winter day, the head of the Department of Marketing and Media Communications of KhNTUA, Doctor of Economics, Professor Oleksandra Mandych celebrates her birthday.

Вітаємо з Днем народження!

Congratulations to our colleagues!

Every year on November 9, Ukraine celebrates the All-Ukrainian Day of Cultural Workers and Masters of Folk Art. It is nice to note that our colleagues from the Department of Culture, Dispute, and Tourism, and the Department of Educational Work of Students, who make a significant contribution to the cultural and educational development of our students and the development of amateur art, are also related to this holiday. The real pride of the university is the folk group of trade unions of Ukraine “Berehynia”, dance theater “Aero”, vocal-instrumental group “Light Way” and other creative associations, which delight us with their performances and creative achievements.

Щиро вітаємо наших колег!

Happy Birthday!

On January 8, 2021, the authoritative scientist and teacher, vice-rector for scientific work of KhNTUA, doctor of technical sciences Viktor Melnyk celebrated his 63rd birthday.

Вітаємо з Днем народження!

International Tourism School

Practical training occupies an important place in the formation of competencies of specialists in any field. Participation in the International Tourism School contributes to the acquisition of practical skills in the field of tourism. From our university, it was attended by Ph.D., senior lecturer of the UNESCO Department “Philosophy of Human Communication” and social sciences and humanities G. Omelchenko and 3rd-year student majoring in 242 Tourism Tsukrenko Irina. The internship in Egypt, which took place from 2 to 9 February, allowed program participants to improve their knowledge, gain new practical skills in various aspects of the tourism industry. All this was made possible by close cooperation with the Egyptian travel company Moshatm and members of the International Tourism School, which brought together teachers and students from different regions of Ukraine, namely Kyiv, Dnipro, Lutsk, and Kharkiv. Participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the work of national tourism companies in Egypt, to discuss pressing issues of the tour industry. The program of the International Tourism School was very rich, including interesting meetings, round tables, visits to historical and cultural monuments, various excursions, etc.

Міжнародна туристична школа

Dudnikov Serhii

Education 1994 – received a diploma in: “Electrification and automation of agriculture” Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture 2014 – received a diploma of associate professor of power supply and energy management Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture Career 1994 – received a diploma in: “Electrification and automation of agriculture” 2014 – received a diploma of associate professor of the department 1994 – 1996 – senior lecturer of the department of electricity application. 1996 – 1999 – graduate student of KhNTUSG. 1999 – 2014 – Assistant of the Department of Power Supply and Energy Management. Since 2014 – Associate Professor of Power Supply and Energy Management. Educational activities Conducts lectures, practical and laboratory classes on disciplines: Energy saving and energy management; Resource efficient and clean electricity production; Energy audit; Energy saving and alternative energy sources. Energy management Research activities Research interests: energy saving of production systems and complexes;  construction of combined power supply systems with renewable sources; Scientific work:  co-executor of R&D “Development of methods and means to improve the efficiency of control of modes and transport of electricity in electrical networks using Smart Grid technology” №ДР 0118U003310 Social activities Chairman of the Committee on Energy Efficiency and Alternative Energy, introduction of new technologies ASSOCIATION OF FARMERS AND PRIVATE LAND OWNERS OF KHARKIV REGION Awards and prizes In 2018 he was awarded the “Dignity and Freedom” award of the All-Ukrainian Association “Kraina”. Number of publications

Цибух Андрій Володимирович


Аdress: 61050, Kharkiv, Moscow Avenue, 45 Tel.: (057) 732-38-45 E-mail:


Presentation of the specialty 242 Tourism

Tourism Manager – one of the most popular specialties in the labor market. You can get such a specialty at the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. Since 2018, the Department of UNESCO “Philosophy of Human Communication” and social sciences and humanities KhNTUA provides training for competitive professionals who have modern technologies in the field of tourism. Educational activities are carried out in several areas in cooperation with the tourism industry of the region.

Презентація спеціальності 242 Туризм

Firsova Liudmyla

Education and career. 1980 – Lomonosov Moscow State University, specialty – Philosopher. Teacher of philosophy. 1980 – 1984 – postgraduate study at Lomonosov Moscow State University (diploma of candidate of philosophical sciences)). 1984 – 1988 – Assistant, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Philosophy KhIMEA. 1988 – 1991 – Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy KhIMEA. 1991 – 2009 – Head of the Department of Philosophy KhIMEA-KhNTUA. Since 2009 – Professor of the UNESCO Department of “Philosophy of Human Communication”, Social Sciences and Humanities KhNTUA.

Фірсова Людмила Володимирівна

Vynokurov Mykola

Education • 1995 – graduated from Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture, specialty “Electrification and automation of agriculture. • 1995-1998 – studied at Institute of Postgraduate Education of Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture. • 2007 – graduated from Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture, a master’s degree in Specialty: “Mechanization of agro-industrial production” Career • 1998 – 2021 –assistant, senior lecturer of the Department of Life Safety and Law. Educational activity • Teaches courses: Life Safety, Traffic rules, Basics of Occupational Safety. Research activity • the author of more than 30 scientific works in professional periodicals, 2 textbooks, 1 manuals. Patents • The author of 8 patents.

Vynokurov Mykola


Аdress: Moscow Avenue, 45, Kharkiv, 61050 Тel.: +38 (057) 732 97 79, +38 (057) 732 54 33 E-mail:
