Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Sheptur Oleksandr

Education 1970 – graduated from Krasnograd Technical School of Agricultural Mechanization named after F.Ya. Tymoshenko, specialty “agricultural mechanization” qualification – mechanical technician. 1982 – graduated from Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture , specialty “Mechanization of agriculture”, qualification mechanical engineer. 1991 – defended of the dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, specialty 05.0.01 – Agricultural Mechanization. 1995 – awarded the academic title of Associate Professor. 2009 – awarded the academic title of Doctor of Philosophy. Career 1982 – 1991 – researcher of the scientific laboratory of the vibrating grain cleaning machines of the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. 1982 – 1991 – researcher of the scientific laboratory of the vibrating grain cleaning machines of the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. 1993 – Associate Professor of the Department of Industrial training. 2017 – 2020 – 1993 – Associate Professor of the Department of Agrotechnologies and Ecology. since 2021 – Head of the laboratory of Department of Life Safety and Law. Research activity The authors of more than 100 scientific works Interests are related to the study of seed cleaning processes of different crops.

Sheptur Oleksandr

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We remember the brightest events in the life of our university. And there have been a lot of them in recent years. One of such events was the opening of a case study and research laboratory at the University (based on the Institute of MSM), which is still successfully operating and developing.

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Excursion to the exhibition Lisderevmash-2017

The trips of teachers of the Department of Woodworking Technologies and Systems Engineering of the Forest Complex and students of relevant specialties to Kyiv for the Lisderevmash exhibition have already become traditional. It is symbolic that the leading exhibition in the field of woodworking and forestry traditionally takes place at the beginning of the new school year.


To the 90th anniversary of the scientific library of KNTUA

On October 30, 2020, the Scientific All-UKRAINIAN SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL CONFERENCE “LIBRARY AND INFORMATION ENVIRONMENT AS A DRIVER OF CHANGES, CHANGES AND CHANGES The event was held in a mixed format: the library staff participated in the offline format in compliance with the quarantine requirements, and the conference was attended by 62 participants from Kharkiv, Kyiv, Sumy, and Lviv, who participated in the conference remotely.

До 90-річчя наукової бібліотеки ХНТУСГ


International scientific-practical Internet conference Second round of the All-Ukrainian competition All-Ukrainian competition The II All-Ukrainian Student Conference took place The IV International Educational School on Sustainable Mobility has started Champion of Ukraine in Greco-Roman wrestling Competition video II All-Ukrainian Student Scientific and Practical Conference Students celebrated Shrovetide Specialties of TSL faculty Practical training of students continues WHAT’S NEW? New Year’s greetings Action “16 days against violence”  DISTANCE LEARNING CONTINUES The work program of the expert group 275 TRANSPORT TECHNOLOGIES Lecture on the topic: “Analysis of the transport support of the vegetable factory and prospects for its development Career guidance work Excursion to ABInBev Happy New Year Defense of master’s theses  


About us

The main building of Kharkiv Petrо Vasilenko National Technical University of Agriculture located on the Alchevsky street, in a three-story building, which was built according to the project of academician of architecture Alexei Beketov in 1914-1916 for the Commercial Institute.


Olga Chalaya

Education 2004 – graduated from Kharkiv state zooveterinary academy, for specialty «Zooengineering» 2014 – defended her PhD (Agricultural Sciences) thesis in specialty 03.00.16. – Ecology Career 2010 – Assistant of the Department of applied ecology named after O.A. Kolesov of Kharkiv state zooveterinary academy 2014 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of applied ecology named after O.A. Kolesov of Kharkiv state zooveterinary academy Since 2017 – Associate Professor of the Department of Agrotechnology and Ecology of Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture Research activities The field of research is the studying the influence of anthropogenic factors on the quality of crop and animal production 2014 – she defended her PhD thesis on the topic «Ecological and biological features of pork production at the excess of heavy metals in the ration» has over 45 scientific papers, including 1 patents International action 2019 – had international internship on “Innovative methods and technologies in higher education in the context of the global world” (Varna University of Management, Bulgaria, 2019) (4 ECTS credits) Foreign publications Chalaya O. Influence of some heavy metals on the organism of young pigs / Chalaya O., Pankova O., Sirovitskiy K., Bezpalko V., Gorbanov A. // ТЕКА. Commission of motorization and energetics in agriculture – 2018. Vol. 18, № 4. P. 13-18. Paliy A., Paliy A., Nanka O., Chalaya O., Chalyi A. Establishment of the efficiency of animal breeding premises disinfection by modern disinfectants // «EUREKA: Life Sciences». – № 4 (2019), – с. 3-8.

Olga Chalaya

Romanchenko Volodymyr

Education From 1995 to 2000 he studied at the Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture. During his studies at the university, he had an internship in Great Britain in 1999. In 2000 he was enrolled in the graduate school of CDTUSG at the department “Technical operation of machinery and equipment”. From 2001 until 2002 he had an internship in Denmark. In 2003 he graduated from graduate school. In 2008 he defended his dissertation on the specialty “050511 machines and means of mechanization of agricultural production” and received the degree of candidate of technical sciences. In 2011 he was awarded the academic title of associate professor. Career Since 2001 he worked as an assistant at the department “Strength and reliability of machines. V.Ya. Anilovich ”. From September 2008 to October 2017 worked as an associate professor of the Department of Strength and Reliability of Machines named after V. Anilovich In October 2017, he was transferred to the Department of Technological Systems of Repair Production. From September 2017 to May 2020 held the position of Deputy Director of the Institute of Vehicles. From June to the present he holds the position of the head of the department of technological systems of repair production named after O. Sidashenko. Educational activities Teaches the following disciplines: – Design of production processes and enterprises – Automated design of technological processes of repair production – Car repair – Repair of machinery and equipment. Research activities He has more than 30 publications in professional publications of Ukraine

Романченко Володимир Миколайович