Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Jessica Zykhovych’s online lecture took place

On March 18, the Department of UNESCO “Philosophy of Human Communication” and Social Sciences and Humanities together with the Center for Folklore Studies of the University of Alberta (Canada) in the framework of international cooperation held another public online lecture on “My room: lessons for feminists and gen. ». The lecture was given by Dr. Jessica Zykhovych, who deeply revealed the essence of such concepts as “feminism” and “feminists”, demonstrated the history of Virginia Woolf, and presented her book “Fundamentals: Art, Activism and Feminism in Ukraine in 2004-2014”, which was published in Toronto.

Відбулася онлайн-лекція  Джессіки Зихович

Honcharenko Oleksandr

Education • In 2001 he graduated from the State Technical University of Agriculture and received diplomas: a specialist with honors in “Mechanization of Agriculture” and qualified as a mechanical engineer; and a master’s degree in “Machinery and equipment for agricultural production”; • since November 2001 – enrolled in graduate school; • in 2010 he defended his dissertation on the specialty “05.05.11 machines and means of mechanization of agricultural production” on the topic: “Development of technology and justification of the parameters of the restoration of the splined shafts of agricultural machines”, and received the degree of candidate of technical sciences; • 2011 – Associate Professor. Career • 2002 – 2004 – lecturer (part-time) of technical mechanics at the Technical School of Dairy Industry of KhNTUA. • since 2004 specialist of the I category of the department of car repair part-time (KhDTUA) • since 2006 laboratory assistant of the department of repair of tractors, cars, and agricultural machines (KhNTUA). • since June 2006 – senior laboratory assistant of the department of repair of tractors, cars, and agricultural machines. • since 2009 he was transferred to the position of assistant of the department of repair of tractors, cars, and agricultural machines (KhNTUA) • since 2011 associate professor of technological systems of repair production KhNTUA Research activities • He has more than 50 publications in professional publications of Ukraine, 7 patents. Awards • Diploma of the Kharkiv City Parents’ Council for assistance in conducting public control over the implementation of educational projects and targeted programs in the education system of the city of Kharkiv; • Acknowledgments: For fruitful cooperation in the team of experts delegated on the initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine to the city of ‘s-Hertogenbosch (Kingdom of the Netherlands). International activities • 2004 – 2006 – internship in Denmark.

Гончаренко Олександр Олексійович

Ridnyi Ruslan

Education and career 1986 – graduated from the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture and obtained the qualification of the mechanical engineer of agriculture; 2000-2003 – studied in graduate school; 2003-2011 – Assistant of the Department of Machine Parts and VSTV; 2009 – defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences on the topic: “Renovation of the working surface of parts by a comprehensive method” in the specialty “Materials Science”; 2009 – received a doctorate; 2011 – received the academic title of associate professor of mechatronics and machine parts of Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. Educational teaching activities Teaches subjects in the state language at a high scientific and methodological level, conducts lectures and laboratory-practical classes in the discipline “Machine Parts”, for students majoring in 133 – Industrial Engineering, 275 – Transport Technology (Road Transport), Machine Parts and Hoisting and Transport machines “for students majoring in 208 – Agricultural Engineering. Research activities Associated with research to increase the service life of parts of tractor machines and agricultural machinery by coating by the method of electric arc surfacing. Scientific publications, patents, grants 1 monograph, 1 educational and methodical complex. 3 textbooks. 57 articles. 2 copyright certificates of the USSR. 1 patent of Ukraine for invention. 15 patents of Ukraine for utility model. Awards Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2008

Вчена рада ННІ МСМ

Practical experience is the key to training a highly qualified specialist

Recently, 1st-year students of the Institute of Technical Sciences specialty 204 “Technology of production and processing of livestock products” during an introductory internship in the discipline “Technology of livestock production” (supervisor Ph.D., Associate Professor Nagorny SA) visited Dergachiv children’s and youth equestrian school, breeding breeder for breeding Ukrainian horses of Kharkiv State Zooveterinary Academy, where they got acquainted with safety when working with horses, the technology of keeping and training sport horses, as well as classic equestrian sports (show jumping and dressage ).

Практичний досвід – запорука підготовки висококваліфікованого фахівця

Industrial practice for students

On January 8, the internship of 3rd year students of specialty 242 Tourism started. Prior to the internship, managers were instructed in safety. Students have an internship at such tourism facilities as OKZ “Kharkiv organizational and methodological center of tourism”, KZ “Zmiiv Museum of Local Lore”, Slobozhansky National Nature Park, KZ “Palace of Culture. V. Saussures “Lysychansk”, KZ “Kharkiv Historical Museum”, Recreation Center “Quiet Corne”, POG International Club of Travel and Tourism “Alpha”, Church of St. Luke the Crimean (Energodar) and others, gain new skills, perform tasks, see real examples of how the tourism industry works.

Виробнича практика у студентів


After the New Year holidays and forced quarantine, students of the College of Processing and Food Industry of Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture returned to classes. We looked in several classrooms and laboratories and made sure that students are willing to attend lectures and do laboratory work. Of course, subject to the necessary quarantine restrictions. Media Communications Department.


Results of participation in the PROFIFEST project. “Professional network of the future”

Within the framework of the memorandum of cooperation between the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, the State Employment Service in the field of vocational guidance of young people from the Kharkiv City Employment Center from 06.04 to 20.04.21 pieces of training within the ProfiFEST project. “Professional network of the future”  in the mode of video conference for students of KhNTUA following the AGREEMENT on cooperation

Результати участі у проекті ПРОФІFEST. «Професійна мережа майбутнього»

About the cost of training in KhNTUA under the contract

Last year, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine introduced a minimum price of contract training for 38 out of 121 specialties (the so-called indicative cost). From September 1, 2020, for entrants to the most popular specialties, contract training was at least 60% of the cost that the state paid for budget places. And from 2021, the cost of the contract in universities should be at least 70% of actual costs.

Випуск бакалаврів в ННІ бізнесу, менеджменту та права

Another victory for our student

Congratulations to Demid Karachenkov, a third-year student at the Institute of Processing and Food Production, who won a gold medal at the European Sumo Championship among young people and adults.

Чергова перемога нашого студента

Morozov Іvan

Education and career 1967 – graduated from the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture with a degree in Mechanization of Agriculture; 1967 – Head of the Laboratory of the Department of Agricultural Machinery; 1969 – graduate student of the Department of Agricultural Machinery; 1972 – Assistant of the Department of Agricultural Machinery; 1975 – Associate Professor of Agricultural Machinery; 1992 – present – Professor of Agricultural Machinery, Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. 1977-2011 – part-time dean for foreign nationals. Research activities 1973 – defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences on the topic: “Improvement of the technological process of sowing cereals with the justification of the parameters of the anchor opener”; 2003 – defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences on the topic: “Technological and technical bases for improving the design of openers of grain drills.” Scientific publications, patents, grants Author and co-author of more than 250 scientific papers, including 5 monographs, 1 of which is recommended for all agricultural universities of Ukraine; 20 patents; 30 educational and methodical publications. Awards Diploma of the Republican Committee for the Protection of Peace; A veteran of Labor medal; honorary title “Veteran of Labor”; diploma of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine; medal “Excellence in Education of Ukraine”; diploma of the Department of Science and Education of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration; medal “Excellence in Technical Service”; A veteran of Labor medal.

Morozov Іvan

Advanced training of specialists in the field of bakery products of Ukraine

According to the orders of the Rector of the University № 29 / 1-04 / 05 and № 29 / 1-04 / 15 for specialists of SE “Bread Base № 73”, LLC “APK” NOVAVAGRO”, LLC” DVORICHANSKE-AGRO “in the Institute of Postgraduate Education were held short-term refresher courses on the program: “Methods for determining the quality of the grain, legumes, and oilseeds.”

Підвищення кваліфікації фахівців галузі хлібопродуктів України

The government has improved the distribution of state budget expenditures among higher education institutions

To prepare applicants for higher education by state order, the Government has improved the procedure for allocating state budget expenditures on education between higher education institutions. Relevant amendments to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 24, 2019№1146 “On the distribution of state budget expenditures between higher education institutions based on indicators of their educational, scientific and international activities” were adopted today, July 7, 2021.

Уряд вдосконалив порядок розподілу видатків державного бюджету між закладами вищої освіти