Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Future mechanical technicians pass state certification

The end of June every year is an exciting and responsible time both for students – graduates of “Vovchansky Vocational College of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture” and for the entire teaching staff. Applicants complete their studies bypassing the state certification for compliance of the obtained theoretical knowledge and practical skills with the state standards of training of EQL junior specialists in the specialty 208 “Agroengineering” and the qualification of “technician-mechanic”.

Майбутні техніки-механіки проходять державну атестацію

“Kobzar’s voice pours over the world”

«He was the son of a man and became the ruler in the kingdom of the spirit. He was a serf and became a giant in the realm of human culture…» I. Franko On March 9, Ukrainians around the world honor the memory of the great Kobzar, poet, playwright, novelist, artist, thinker – Taras Shevchenko. Taras Shevchenko’s multifaceted work has not lost its relevance for many years. He was a profound lyricist, creator of epic poems, and an outstanding playwright and versatile artist. For Taras Shevchenko’s birthday, the KhNTUSG Scientific Library has prepared a virtual exhibition “Kobzar’s Voice Over the World”, which will introduce you to the anniversary works of the writer “Haidamaki” and “Alphabet of South Russia”.

«Голос Кобзаря над світом лине»

A meeting of the Academic Council was held

From today, the university is moving to a distance form of work and study. This decision was made at a meeting of the Academic Council of the University, which took place online under the chairmanship of the rector of KhNTUA O. Nanka.

Відбулося засідання Вченої ради

Patent activity and agriculture

1. Preservation of human or animal bodies, or plants, or parts thereof; biocides; repellents or attractants; plant growth regulators (A01N). 2 . Gardening; growing vegetables, flowers, rice, fruits, grapes, hops, or seaweed; forestry; irrigation (A01G). 3 . Biocidal, repellent, attractant, or plant growth regulators (A01P). 4 . Livestock; poultry breeding; apiculture; pisciculture; fishing; rearing or breeding of animals not covered by other subclasses; new animal breeds (A01K). 5 . Tillage in agriculture or forestry; assemblies, parts, and appliances for agricultural machinery or implements in general (A01B).

Патентна діяльність і сільське господарство

History of the institute

In 1991, as part of one of the leading agricultural higher educational institutions of our country – Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture, the only faculty of technical service in Ukraine was founded, which in 2010 became the educational and scientific institute of technical service (ESI TS)!


Happy Birthday!

Today, June 6, the director of the educational and scientific institute of Technical Service, doctor of technical sciences, professor Alexander Saichuk celebrates his 43rd birthday.

Вітаємо з Днем народження!

Keeping up with the times

On October 26, 2020, Tetyana Vlasenko, Olena Dudnyk, Victoria Kralia, Maria Maiboroda, and Alyona Piven, teachers of the Department of Business Production and Management of KhNTUSG, took part in the round table “Rural Development in Ukraine”, which took place online with the participation of international consultants project German-Ukrainian aggro political dialogue.

У ногу з часом

Jessica Zykhovych’s online lecture took place

On March 18, the Department of UNESCO “Philosophy of Human Communication” and Social Sciences and Humanities together with the Center for Folklore Studies of the University of Alberta (Canada) in the framework of international cooperation held another public online lecture on “My room: lessons for feminists and gen. ». The lecture was given by Dr. Jessica Zykhovych, who deeply revealed the essence of such concepts as “feminism” and “feminists”, demonstrated the history of Virginia Woolf, and presented her book “Fundamentals: Art, Activism and Feminism in Ukraine in 2004-2014”, which was published in Toronto.

Відбулася онлайн-лекція  Джессіки Зихович

About the department

Currently, the Department of Agrotechnology and Ecology focuses on creating a powerful base for students’ internships on the lands of the KhNTUSG farm. Another important task is to develop educational and methodological complexes of disciplines and research that would allow training qualified, highly professional, socially active, creative specialists, in the field of ecology. Much attention is paid at the department to distance learning, which helps part-time students to acquire knowledge in a convenient form. The acquired knowledge and skills allow future promising specialists in environmental safety management of agricultural enterprises, audit, and environmental management to implement in Ukraine the latest modern, high-performance technologies for growing organic products competitive in the world market.


About department

The Department of Cybernetics is one of the departments of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Processing and Food Production.


Rector of KhNTUА awarded “Slobozhanska Slava”

On the eve of the New Year, a significant event took place at our university, which will undoubtedly go down in the history of KhNTUA. For outstanding merits in the development of the Kharkiv region and a significant contribution to the development of science and education of Kharkiv region, the rector of the University O. Nanka was awarded the honorary award of the Kharkiv Regional Council “Slobozhanska Slava”.

Ректору ХНТУСГ вручено відзнаку "Слобожанська Слава"

Awarding the winners of the creative competition

On June 18, during the solemn ceremony of awarding diplomas to the masters of KhNTUA in the assembly hall, the winners of the student competition for the best video about our university and its educational and scientific departments were awarded. The mentioned competition was organized by the Department of Media Communications of KhNTUA, the Department of Educational Work of Students, and the Trade Union Committee.

Awarding the winners of the creative competition


From December 28 to 30 open lectures on programming the behavior of flying drones for Ukrainian students were held within the framework of academic cooperation programs with the Professional Technical College of Shanxi Province at the initiative of the Department of International Relations and on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of KhNTUA. The curator of the program is V. Danylenko; he is the Senior Lecturer, Department of Agrologistics and Supply Chain Management, Candidate of Economic Sciences.
