Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Access to ScienceDirect and Scopus is open

Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture gained access to a full-text database of scientific researchScienceDirect and an international scientometric database Scopus. Subscription from the state budget was provided by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine by signing an agreement between State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine of Ukraine and company Elsevier  on access to electronic scientific databases and analytical resources.

Відкрито доступ до ScienceDirect та Scopus

Youth and technical progress in agro-industrial production – we invite!

We invite you to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Youth and the technical progress in agro-industrial production”, which will be held on May 17-18, 2021 at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Mechatronics and Management Systems of Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture.

Молодь і технічний прогрес в АПВ - запрошуємо!

The II All-Ukrainian Student Conference took place

April 30, 2021, was the II All-Ukrainian student scientific-practical conference ” Theory and practice of modern science through the eyes of young people who are already becoming traditional. The meeting was held online, which was previously set quarantine restrictions associated with the spread of the viral disease Covid-19. The conference was initiated by the Department of Agrology and Supply Chain Management of the Faculty of Technological Systems and Logistics. The conference was opened by the rector of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture Nanka Alexander Vladimirovich. In his welcoming speech to the participants, he noted the exceptional role of creative youth in determining the trajectory of science. He stressed the urgency of creating communication platforms for students in the form of conferences. He expressed hope for the fruitful work of the conference participants, a constructive discussion on production, and solving current problems. Alexander Vladimirovich wished real good health and other benefits. The event was attended by over 100 participants, represented by the cities of Kharkiv, Zhytomyr, Kropyvnytskyi, Vovchansky. The list of attendees included representatives of higher and special higher educational institutions, namely: Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical School of Agriculture, Polissya National University, Kharkiv National University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Zhytomyr Agrotechnical College, Vovchansky Vocational College of Kharkiv NDU named after Василенко. The work of the conference covered the following areas: 1. Agrologistics and supply chain management. 2. Management. 3. Transport technologies and logistics. 4. Social and behavioral science. 5. Woodworking technologies and forest complex systems. The conference provided an opportunity for active talented young people to test their strengths in research and presentation of their achievements. It is worth noting the high theoretical and practical level of work, which offers additional painstaking work of supervisors. Inspiring care for students, each issue provoked a lively discussion and a desire to develop the scientific direction of work. Thank you very much to the participants and guests of the conference! Head of the Department, Ph.D. Professor T. Larina

Відбулася II Всеукраїнська студентська конференція

Andriy Khlyshchenko dreams of becoming an agronomist

The Department of Media Communications of KhNTUA continues to get acquainted with this by the annual entrants of our university and hopes that according to the results of the competitive selection they will all become students. Some will have the opportunity to study at the expense of the budget, and some under contract, but currently most entrants (except for certain categories) have equal rights to compete for the opportunity to obtain higher education in one of the best agro-technical free economic zones.

Андрій Хлищенко мріє стати агрономом


From March 22 to 28, 2021, the celebration of World Money Week took place. Global Money Week is an international educational campaign aimed at expanding young people’s knowledge of finance to build a secure financial future. To increase the financial literacy of Ukrainian youth, the National Bank of Ukraine has developed a rich cognitive-educational and interactive program.

Професійна мережа майбутнього запрошує

Welcome to the University!

From July 14, higher education institutions will start accepting documents from entrants who wish to obtain higher education in a particular specialty. This is a very hot and responsible time for the members of the admissions committees, as a significant influx of applicants and their parents is expected at this time, each of whom will need to pay some attention and time.

Ласкаво просимо до Університету!

Educational institutions are invited to Ukrainian-Polish exchanges

The Ministry of Youth and Sports announces that it has started accepting applications for participation in the competition of projects within the framework of Ukrainian-Polish youth exchanges. The competition is open to educational institutions, non-profit organizations, including civil society institutions, and public utilities that work with young people. Organizations that apply to participate in the competition to the Ministry of Youth and Sports must have a partner organization from Poland and provide information about it when submitting documents.

Заклади освіти запрошують до українсько-польських обмінів


We are reporting a change in current accounts!!!


Hribinyk Andrii

responsible for providing information-advisory and practical assistance to the structural units of the University in the preparation of documents for the opening and licensing of new areas of training applicants; support of preparation of accreditation of educational programs.

Грібіник Андрій Володимирович

Znaidiuk Sofiia

Responsible for providing information-advisory and practical assistance to the structural units of the University in the preparation of documents for the opening and licensing of new areas of training; support of preparation of accreditation of educational programs; monitors changes in the regulatory framework for licensing and accreditation.

Оскольська Людмила Олександрівна

Shynkarenko Iryna

Education 1995 – diploma of specialist Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture, specialty “Electrification, automation of agriculture”, qualification – electrical engineer. Career 2007 – Assistant of the Department of Electrical Technology of Agricultural Production, Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture 2009 – Senior Lecturer, Department of Integrated Electrical Technologies and Processes, Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture Educational activities Teaches disciplines: Automation of production processes; Typical technological objects and production processes; Electrical technologies. Research activities He has more than 30 scientific publications, 2 of which are indexed in the scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science. Author of monographs and manuals Research interests: electric power.

Шинкаренко Ірина Миколаївна

Iegorova Olga

Education 1995 – diploma of a specialist with honors, Kharkiv State Academy of Municipal Economy, specialty “Lighting and light sources”, qualification – electrical engineer; 2007 – second higher education, master’s degree, Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy, “Higher School Pedagogy”, qualification – professional higher school pedagogy. 2012 – Diploma of International Engineer-Teacher IGIP. Career 2001 – Candidate of Technical Sciences in specialty 05.09.07 -Lighting and light sources. Thesis: “Improving the reliability of outdoor lighting systems by improving the design and manufacturing technology of protection devices”, Associate Professor of Power Engineering; 2001 – Assistant of the Department of Power Engineering, Ukrainian Academy of Engineering and Pedagogy. 2006 – received a diploma of associate professor, associate professor of power engineering Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy. 2017 – Associate Professor of Integrated Electrical Technologies and Processes, Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. Educational activities Teaches disciplines: Electrical technology and electric lighting, Software modeling of lighting installations, Lighting and radiation therapy systems of biological objects. Electrotechnology, Light sources and irradiation, Optical electrotechnology in bioenergy. enterprise systems, Energy Resources Management, Power Supply of APV Enterprises. Research activities He has more than 140 scientific publications, 2 of which are indexed in the scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science, author of monographs and manuals, has 8 patents and copyright certificates. Research interests: electric power, lighting. International activity / participation in international projects Internship: Academic Society of Michal Baludansky. Certificate № 31-03 / 16 of Advanced Training in the field of innovative methods and approaches in education (72 Hours), Bratislava, Slovak Republic15.03-18.03.2016  Patents ASYNCHRONOUS MOTOR ACCORDING TO THE STEINMETZ SCHEME [EN] №110829 dated 25.10.2016, H02K17 / 08 SINGLE-PHASE ASYNCHRONOUS MOTOR [EN] № 101927 dated 12.10.2015 H02K17 / 04

Цибух Андрій Володимирович