Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Industrial practice of students of the ESI PFP abroad

Thanks to the fruitful cooperation of the graduating departments of the institute with the international department of KhNTUA in the person of the vice-rector for NDP and international relations Vitkovskyi Yu., The base of practices of the institute includes a large number of European processing enterprises.

Виробнича практика студентів ННІ ПХВ за кордоном

The open day promises to be interesting and informative

Rector of KhNTUA O. Nanka invites you to visit the Open Day on February 27 at 10.00 (entrance from the link from 09:30) at the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, which will be held online.

День відкритих дверей обіцяє бути цікавим і пізнавальним

Reading is always in fashion

Every book has a soul. The text cannot be read mechanically. If you watch a movie, you see what the director shot. With the book on the contrary. Everyone who reads a book sees the plot in their own way. The book seems to talk to the reader and everyone finds something.

Читати – завжди в моді

Vovchansky technical school is looking for its graduates!

“Vovchansky College of Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture” (Vovchansky technical school) is looking for its graduates! Join the Alumni Association of Vovchansk Technical School!  Registration form here: Association of graduates of Vovchansky technical school The famous technical school is the pearl of education of Vovchansk region …. Now our institution has already turned a new page in its history, which new graduates will write under the name VSP “Vovchansk Professional College of Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after Petro Vasylenko”. But we remember each of our graduates and we want our student youth to know about you. Join the Association of Alumni of Vovchansk Technical School! Sincerely, Association of graduates of Vovchansk technical school

Вовчанський технікум - розшукує своїх випускників!


At the Department of Economics and Marketing of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Business and Management from 01.02 to 12.02. In 2021 there was a training (introductory) practice “Organization of the economic service of the enterprise” for students of the group EP20-bstn specialty 051 “Economics”. Head of practice Ph.D. senior lecturer Kravchenko Yuliia.



Today, with great pleasure we want to congratulate on the 55th anniversary of an incredibly creative person who all his life strives for beauty – the artistic director of the university Kiriukhina Marharyta. We sincerely want your life to be filled with bright colors, great music, and incredible ideas. May you always be surrounded by sincere, kind, and positive people. We wish you inexhaustible inspiration, joyful emotions, the flight of the soul, and the discovery of the bright talents of our student family. That every morning you wake up with a feeling of happiness, joy, and love. May you always be surrounded by beauty and inspire creative upswings. May the inner world be full of exaltation and peace at the same time, and may all plans and dreams come true.



Dear friends! We invite you to visit the Open Day on February 27, this year. at 10.00 (entrance by a link from 09:30) at the Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after Petro Vasylenko, which will be held online. The whole university is carefully preparing for this important event, especially the university management, directors of educational and scientific institutes, FTSL and members of the Admissions Committee.  During the conversation with future entrants and their parents and teachers, they will talk about the features of this year’s admission campaign and the specifics of training specialists in various specialties at the university. It will also be about how to increase the chances of future entrants to successfully complete the external evaluation and enter the budget form of education.


It is useful to get acquainted

Monograph “The emergence of subjective land rights” is Kovach’s D., Ph.D., senior lecturer at the Department of Life Safety and Law. This paper provides a comprehensive scientific analysis of the legal regulation of the emergence of subjective land rights.

Корисно ознайомитися

The internship for second-year students continues

Internships are an integral part of higher education. Currently, there is a training (introductory) internship for second-year students majoring in 281 “Public Administration” and an internship “Organization of the manager’s work” for students majoring in 073 “Management”.

The internship for second-year students continues

International Tourism School

Practical training occupies an important place in the formation of competencies of specialists in any field. Participation in the International Tourism School contributes to the acquisition of practical skills in the field of tourism. From our university, it was attended by Ph.D., senior lecturer of the UNESCO Department “Philosophy of Human Communication” and social sciences and humanities G. Omelchenko and 3rd-year student majoring in 242 Tourism Tsukrenko Irina. The internship in Egypt, which took place from 2 to 9 February, allowed program participants to improve their knowledge, gain new practical skills in various aspects of the tourism industry. All this was made possible by close cooperation with the Egyptian travel company Moshatm and members of the International Tourism School, which brought together teachers and students from different regions of Ukraine, namely Kyiv, Dnipro, Lutsk, and Kharkiv. Participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the work of national tourism companies in Egypt, to discuss pressing issues of the tour industry. The program of the International Tourism School was very rich, including interesting meetings, round tables, visits to historical and cultural monuments, various excursions, etc.

Міжнародна туристична школа

We are preparing for the Open Day

February 27, this year at 10:00 at Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture will host an Open Day, which will be held online. Both the heads of educational and scientific institutes and FTSL and members of the Admissions Committee of KhNTUA are carefully preparing for this important event. During the conversation with future entrants and their parents and teachers, they will talk about the features of this year’s admission campaign and the specifics of training specialists in various specialties at the university. It will also discuss how to increase the chances of future entrants to successfully complete the external evaluation and enter the budget form of education.

Готуємося до Дня відкритих дверей

Discover e-books from ScienceDirect

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine provides the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture with access to ScienceDirect eBooks, Elsevier’s leading collection of scientific e-books.

Відкрийте для себе електронні книги з ScienceDirect

We recommend to read

Vice-rector for scientific work of KhNTUA Viktor Melnyk presents the extreme issues of the scientific journal “Environmental Engineering”, which is published at our university. The journal is published 4 times a year and is included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine following the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 1328 of 21.12.2015.

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