Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Certification of bachelors of the Institute of Technical Sciences

Certification of applicants for the higher education of the first “bachelor’s” in the specialty 133 “Industrial Engineering” branch of knowledge 13 “Mechanical Engineering” has begun. The exams started according to the approved schedule. The chairmen of the examination commissions Shevchenko Ihor, Mykhailov Anatoliy, and members Romanchenko Volodymyr, Tikhonov Oleksandr, Kalinin Yevhen, Kolpachenko Nadiya congratulated the students on the beginning of the final attestation and acquainted them with the rules of test examination.

Атестація бакалаврів  ННІ ТС

Roller of organic fertilizers

The purpose of the design – the quality of the formation of the roll and increase productivity. As the unit moves fingers 7 pull a pile of dormice off the ground and lift it onto themselves . After that, the fertilizers alternately from go from the fingers and with the help of forming boards 2 are sent to the dosing window 4. Fertilizers that have fallen everywhere fingers in the middle part of the bilateral dump are shifted < span lang = "UK"> divider 3 in side. The parameters of the roll are regulated by measuring the installation height of the fingers 7 and the valves 5.


One step closer to autumn.

The hay still smells. The wasps are still swarming. Even in hollows sweet honey. And already at night, autumn is on its toes and the flame of dahlias blows through the gardens (Lina Kostenko).

За крок до осені

Dear entrants from the temporarily occupied territories!

From June 9, 2021, the Educational Centers “Crimea-Ukraine” and “Donbass-Ukraine” will start working at our university. Through them, entrants from the temporarily occupied territories and frontline areas who do not have a certificate of complete general secondary education can enter under a simplified procedure.

Шановні вступники з тимчасово окупованих територій!

Congratulations to the finalists of the competition of young scientists

The results of the XV Regional Scientific Competition of Young Scientists “Gender Policy through the Eyes of Ukrainian Youth”, which took place in March-April 2021 under the auspices of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration, have been summed up. It is nice that among the winners of this year’s competition are students of our university. In particular, among the applicants of the second (master’s) and first (bachelor’s) levels of higher education, a 3rd-year student of the ESI ECT Valeria Khlyupka took second place with the scientific work “Gender monitoring of expert groups of the National Agency for Quality Assurance education (on the example of the specialty “151 Automation and computer-integrated technologies” (scientific supervisor – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Fesenko Tetiana). A first-year student at the ESI BM Kateryna Varzukhina took third place with the scientific work “Gender Equality and Modernity” (scientific supervisor – Doctor of Economics, Prof. Mandych Oleksandra).

Вітаємо фіналістів конкурсу молодих вчених

Happy spring and labor holiday!

Dear friends and colleagues! On behalf of the trade union organization of the university and my own behalf, I sincerely congratulate all of you on Labor Day. May 1 is a holiday for all those who create tomorrow with their daily work, contribute to the prosperity and well-being of the country. Honest and conscientious work is the basis for the successful development of any society. Special honor and gratitude to those who, through their daily work, make a significant contribution to the development of university education and science, educate the younger generation and future professionals.

Із святом весни і праці!

Road transport

The educational program is aimed at implementing the strategy within the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU (Chapter 17, Article 404, items e and g) and the Concept of the State Targeted Development Program agricultural sector for the period up to 2022 (approved by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated December 30, 2015 № 1437-r), namely – improving the competitiveness of the agricultural sector by improving the quality of agricultural products through adaptation of environmental standards of its production, wide combining precision farming systems with efficient use of road transport during harvesting and transportation to deep processing and storage points, accelerating the adaptation of agricultural market infrastructure to the world production structure by improving the transport logistics of farms and Ukrainian agricultural companies and facilitating access to EU products.



Dear colleagues! On April 5-8, 2021 we invite you to take part in the conference (remotely) “MARKET TECHNOLOGIES and BUSINESS ANALYSIS” to discuss problems and find relevant solutions to ensure the development of market activities of business entities through the involvement of the latest tools of business analytical systems and technologies management. Invitation to the BUSINESS ANALYTICS conference



From June 9, 2021, the Educational Centers “Crimea-Ukraine” and “Donbass-Ukraine” will start working at our university. Through them, entrants from TOT and frontline areas who do not have a certificate of complete general secondary education can enter under a simplified procedure. For more detailed information, please contact the KNTUSG Admissions Office by phones: (057) 700 39 15, (066) 213 50 38, (098) 012 26 93.

Шановні вступники з тимчасово окупованих територій!

Supervision of the department

Employees of the department take an active part in the educational work of higher education students through meetings of academic groups with curators in educational classes.


To participate in the conference it is necessary

To prevent injuries and prevent accidents at railway facilities, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine offers students to get acquainted with the explanatory videos posted on the YouTube channel. Ukrainian Railways reports that in the first quarter of 2021, 7 accidents involving adolescents occurred at railway facilities, including 2 with fatal consequences. All cases of injuries were committed by the victims through personal negligence, neglect, and non-compliance with the Rules of the safety of citizens on the railway transport of Ukraine. Railway safety: 1. “Take care of yourself” – 2. “Railway safety” – 3. “Railway safety” – 4. “Safety of children on the railway” – 5. “Stars on railway safety” – 6. “Railway safety” – 7. “Safety of children on the railway transport of Ukraine” – 8. “Railway safety rules” –

Задля збереження життя та здоров'я

Journey to Kamianets-Podilskyi

A group of teachers and students of the Faculty of Technological Systems and Logistics under the leadership of the Head of the Department of Woodworking Technologies and Systems Engineering of the Forest Complex A. Suska visited the Podolsk Center for Vocational Education at the invitation of Director M. Rushchak.
