Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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About the cost of training in KhNTUA under the contract

Last year, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine introduced a minimum price of contract training for 38 out of 121 specialties (the so-called indicative cost). From September 1, 2020, for entrants to the most popular specialties, contract training was at least 60% of the cost that the state paid for budget places. And from 2021, the cost of the contract in universities should be at least 70% of actual costs.

Випуск бакалаврів в ННІ бізнесу, менеджменту та права

Educational work of the department

The educational work of the department is aimed at the practical training of students. It includes training practice in agronomy and practice in agricultural machinery management. As a result of the implementation of training programs in agricultural machinery management and the discipline “Technology of mechanized works” based on the Department of Agricultural Technology and Ecology, students gain skills and abilities to drive tractors, units, and self-propelled agricultural machines. Skills of management of agricultural machinery, technological adjustment of units, and performance of the basic mechanized works are received by students on the educational range of 12 hectares. Every year about 350 students of the university master the working profession “Tractor driver” of various categories and receive the relevant certificates. To ensure the educational process, sets of methodical materials on technological adjustment of machine-tractor units and management of agricultural machinery have been developed and published. Practice in agronomy is carried out based on the collection nursery and research fields of the department..


New Year greetings!

        Dear friends! I sincerely wish you a Happy New Year and Christmas! < strong> May 2021 be a year of peace, harmony and prosperity, rich in good and generous in success. Happiness, inspiration, good health, prosperity and well-being to you and your families.

Вітання з Новим роком!


The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has launched a reporting campaign on the results of the activities of higher education institutions and research institutions for 2020. It will last until April 6, 2021. Reports of higher education institutions and research institutions are presented by vice-rectors for research and directors of research institutions. The reports will cover all aspects of the organization and implementation of scientific work in the Free Economic Zone and OU, provide comparative statistics for the last five years.


Values of Ukrainian students

Ukrainian Association of Teachers and Researchers of European Integration within the Erasmus + project named after Jeanne Monnet (620395-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-SUPPA “EU-Eastern Partnership: future ways to intensify joint initiatives of academic and civil communities in Ukraine) initiates research on value transformations among Ukrainian students and conducts an All-Ukrainian survey” Values ​​of Ukrainian students “.

Ціннісні орієнтири  українського студентства

Cooperation with RAUT-Automatic LLC (Kyiv)

     On October 19, 2018, teachers of the AKIT department, associate professor Bovchalyuk S.Ya. and associate professor Piskarev OM attended a comprehensive training / seminar held by RAUT-Automatic LLC (, Kyiv.


Sementsov Vitalii

Education In 2007 he graduated from the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture with a degree in “Machinery and equipment for agricultural production”, received a diploma with honors. In 2012 he graduated from the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture with a degree in “Machinery and equipment of agricultural production”, received a master’s degree with honors. In 2011 he graduated from Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after GS Frying pans in the specialty “Pedagogy and methodology. Language and Literature (English) ». From 2012 to 2015 he studied at the graduate school of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. He received a B2 level certificate, which confirms a fairly high level of proficiency in a foreign (English) language in 2019. Career In 2009 he was accepted as the head of the laboratory of the Department of Language Training; In 2012 he was transferred to the position of assistant of the Department of technical systems and technologies of animal husbandry named after B. Shabelnyk In 2016 he defended his dissertation on the specialty 05.05.11 – machines and means of mechanization of agricultural production on the topic: “Substantiation of the parameters of the dosing process and the development of the design of the premix dispenser.” In 2016 he was transferred to the position of senior lecturer at the Department of technical systems and technologies of animal husbandry named after B. Shabelnyk Since 2018 he has been working as an associate professor of the Department of technical systems and technologies of animal husbandry named after B. Shabelnyk of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. Educational activities

Семенцов Віталій Володимирович

July 2 students majoring in 051 Economics together with teachers of the Department of Economics and Marketing Onegina V., Antoshchenkova V., Kravchenko O., Baban T., Kravchenko Yu. within the framework of the program of industrial practice in economics they visited a private agricultural enterprise named after Frunze, located in the village of Berdyanka, Kharkiv region. The enterprise is managed by the real owner – Glyan Ivan. Ivan Danilovich’s youngest daughter is studying at our university. Tatiana Glyan already has two bachelor’s degrees in her portfolio, including in Economics. She is currently studying for a master’s degree.

Студенти на практиці

Master classes on modern technologies of efficient maintenance of equipment

November 28, 2018, in accordance with cooperation agreements, work plans and with the support of the Director of the Institute of Mechanotronics and Management Systems, Professor Vitalii Vlasovets , employees of the world’s leading companies “ MANN + HUMMEL “and” CASTROL “held master classes on modern technologies of efficient maintenance of equipment for students of technical specialties of the Institute of MМS and teachers of specialized disciplines.


Results of the election of the chairman of the student parliament

In the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture election of the chairman of the student`s parliament has ended. According to the election commission, 57 student voters took part in the election of the chairman, which is 81.4 percent of the total number of students who had the right to participate in the election.

Results of the election of the chairman of the student parliament

Makarenko Mykola

Education and career 1978 – graduated with honors from the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture with a degree in “Mechanization of Agriculture”. 1978 – Senior Laboratory Assistant, Department of Tractors and Cars. 1979 – Assistant Professor of “Tractors and Cars”. 1981 – 1983 – service in the Soviet Army as deputy. company commander. 1984 – senior researcher at the branch of the department “Tractors and Cars” at UkrNDIA. 1985 – Senior Lecturer of the Department “Tractors and Cars”. 2006 – 2011 part-time senior researcher of the Kharkiv branch of UkrNDIPVT. L. Burned. 2008 to present – part-time research consultant and deputy editor-in-chief. 2008 to present – Associate Professor of “Tractors and Cars” the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. Research activities Improvement of gas exchange systems of two-stroke engines with crank chamber purge. Research and development of air cleaners for internal combustion engines. Development and research of properties of block-modular machine-tractor units. Development of automatic control systems for machine-tractor units. Investigation of the influence of combined agricultural machines on the stability of movement and shunting qualities of machine-tractor units. Improving the means of problem-based learning using creative tasks. Development of a multi-stage structure of an interactive electronic textbook for studying the design of tractors and cars. Advisory scientific and cognitive work and practical advice to specialists through the media. Scientific publications, patents, grants He is the author and co-author of 27 educational and practical textbooks and manuals, including 4 with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Author of 47 scientific papers published in professional journals. Author of 10 copyright certificates of the USSR and 2 patents of Ukraine. Co-authored 7 electronic textbooks and manuals for the study of modern tractors and cars, including 1 in conjunction with the SMC “Agroosvita” commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Awards 1983 – “Builder of Baikonur”. 2005 – “Excellent Technical Service”. 2008 – a diploma from the Regional State Administration. 2013 – diploma and certificate from SHELL for winning the international competition for the best article on lubricants. 2019 – obtaining certificates within the Ukrainian-German project FABU on training within the basic knowledge of CLAAS technology.

Makarenko Mykola