Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Dear friends and colleagues! Dear students, graduate students, teachers, and staff of the university! The year 2020, which has become a year of great hopes and great trials, is coming to an end. In connection with the educational reform, we have reached a new level of understanding of the main tasks and mission of our university in the modern educational space. At the same time, the spread of the coronavirus epidemic forced us to make significant adjustments to the plans and methods of educational work, which were partially carried out remotely. For the same reason, we had to cancel many mass events, including anniversaries, which were preparing for the 90th anniversary of our university.


Interactive gift

On the occasion of the New 2021, representatives of METALFLEX, which cooperates with the training department for foreign citizens and stateless persons, made a gift to Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after Petro Vasylenko in the form of 2 interactive whiteboards to support the educational process in modern conditions. It is planned that one such board will be installed in the admissions committee of the University, and the other – in the classroom for classes with foreign nationals. Such boards are those tools that combine the simplicity of a regular whiteboard with the capabilities of a computer. In the learning process, this device will become a large interactive screen, with the touch of a hand to the surface of which you can open any computer application or page on the Internet, and easily demonstrate the necessary information.

Інтерактивний подарунок

Today in the assembly hall of KhNTUA the solemn release of masters of 2020 took place. 146 graduates of the University from the Educational and Scientific Institute of Business and Management received master’s degrees, who completed a full course of study and successfully defended their master’s theses in five specialties: 073 Management, 051 Economics, 071 Accounting and taxation”, 281“ Public administration”, and 075“ Marketing”. The festivities for the performance of the anthem of Ukraine began.


The rector’s report was approved unanimously

Today a meeting of the labor collective took place in KhNTUA, at which the rector of KhNTUA O. Nanka made a report on the implementation of the terms of the contract with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the implementation of the provisions of the University Charter. The meeting was held in the conference hall of the university, where representatives of the administration were present, and most members of the staff participated in the meeting remotely via video. According to the first vice-rector of the university M. Lysychenko, the rector’s report was previously sent in the electronic form to the representatives of the structural units of the university and they already had the opportunity to get acquainted with it. Therefore, about 20 minutes were allotted for the rector’s report.

Звіт ректора затвердили одноголосно

New Year greetings!

        Dear friends! I sincerely wish you a Happy New Year and Christmas! < strong> May 2021 be a year of peace, harmony and prosperity, rich in good and generous in success. Happiness, inspiration, good health, prosperity and well-being to you and your families.

Вітання з Новим роком!

The magazine dedicated to the 90th anniversary of KhNTUA was published

The year 2020 is coming to an end, which will go down in history as the anniversary year of our university. Unfortunately, due to the coronavirus epidemic, we were not able to celebrate the 90th anniversary of KhNTUA on a large scale. But during the year the university staff received many congratulations and pleasant surprises dedicated to this anniversary. Another such surprise was the publication of a jubilee magazine dedicated to the 90th anniversary of KhNTUA. We are currently presenting an electronic version of the magazine and sincerely congratulate everyone on this event.

Вийшов журнал до 90-річчя ХНТУСГ


On January 13, 1931, the first issue of the newspaper” For Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture” was published, which was considered a body of students, teachers, and staff of the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. Volosyuk, the secretary of the LKSMU bureau, congratulated the readers on the release of the first issue. implementation of the resolutions of the CPSU (b) and CP (b) U for the industrialization of the country, for the implementation of the 5th river in 3 years… ”


Meeting of the trade union committee

At the end of each year, the trade union committee of the university summarizes its activities and plans to work for the next year. The current 2020 year is no exception.

Засідання профспілкового комітету ХНТУСГ

Graduation of masters-activists!

Now it’s time to graduate our master activists. At the initiative of the trade union committee and the department for the organization of educational work of students, it was decided to mark those students who actively participated in amateur art circles, in the public life of the university and the city. Thanks to such talented students, we have a bright and diverse life. The unit and the trade union committee issued “Certificates” on the assignment of the profession “Leader of the amateur team.” Thanksgiving and commemorative medals with photos of graduates. A video was shot in which five and a half years flew by in an instant… Traditionally, a song was written for graduates. Good luck to you, our dear friends! And we are waiting for a new generation and a talented change. We are always glad to see you on the walls of the university!

Випуск магістрів-активістів!

Issues of streamlining the organization and activities of local governments and district state administrations in connection with changes in the administrative-territorial structure of Ukraine.

On December 6, 2020, the Law of Ukraine України 1009-IX “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Concerning the Regulation of Certain Issues of Organization and Activity of Local Self-Government Bodies and District State Administrations” № 1009-IX of November 17, 2020 (hereinafter – Law № 1009- IX).

Питання впорядкування організації та діяльності органів місцевого самоврядування і районних державних адміністрацій у зв’язку із змінами в адміністративно-територіальному устрої України.