Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Meeting of the trade union committee

At the end of each year, the trade union committee of the university summarizes its activities and plans to work for the next year. The current 2020 year is no exception.

On December 23, a meeting of the trade union committee was held, which was attended by the chairmen of the trade union committees of the Institute. They reported on their work and considered the implementation of the terms of the collective agreement, as well as the work of the sports and recreation camp “Oberig”. Due to the situation with the spread of the coronavirus, at a meeting of the UC, it was decided to provide financial assistance to persons who became ill with coronavirus and were hospitalized.

At the end of the meeting, the chairman of the trade union committee of KhNTUА V. Kis congratulated his colleagues on the upcoming New Year holidays and Christmas.
Media Communications Department.