Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Government approves State Program “Youth of Ukraine”

The Cabinet of Ministers has approved the State Targeted Social Program “Youth of Ukraine” for 2021-2025, which aims to create opportunities for self-realization and development of the potential of youth in Ukraine, its participation, and integration into public life. The program provides for the definition of activities in 9 priority tasks, including raising the level of youth competencies and the level of volunteering culture among young people.

Уряд затвердив Державну програму «Молодь України»


Specialties of Faculty of TSL and terms of study To obtain the first (bachelor’s) degree of higher education


The introductory campaign has begun

The admission campaign has officially started in Ukraine on July 1, when entrants can create their own electronic cabinets for submitting documents to institutions of higher and professional higher education. According to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, for the first day (from 09:00 on July 1 to 09:00 on July 2) entrants created more than 38 thousand electronic cabinets. Despite the significant load due to the mass attendance on the first day of registration, the site operates normally. This was announced by the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Serhiy Shkarlet.

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Happy Science Day in Ukraine!

The Council of Young Scientists of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture congratulates all those involved on the holiday – Science Day!

З Днем науки в Україні!