Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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News of the ESI BM

Visiting the Department of Organization of Production, Business and Management

On March 30, 2021, the Department of Organization of Production, Business and Management of the ESI BM held an online meeting for future entrants “Hospitality of the Department”, where participants were provided with detailed information on specialties 073 “Management” and 281 “Public Administration”, and also on the conditions of admission to our university in 2021.

В гостях у кафедри організації виробництва, бізнесу та менеджменту

Safety in tourism. Mandatory provision

March 17, this year on the initiative of OKZ “Kharkiv organizational and methodical center of tourism” the seminar “Safety in tourism. Mandatory provision “for the subjects of tourist activity of Kharkiv region. One of the participants of this event was Halyna Omelchenko, a practical psychologist, Candidate of Economic Sciences, senior lecturer at the UNESCO Department of Philosophy of Human Communication and Social Sciences and Humanities. During the seminar, she highlighted the topic “Psychology of safe tourism”, which is extremely relevant today for both tourists and for tourism operators.

Безпека в туризмі. Обов’язковість забезпечення


The Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture announces the beginning of the creative competition “Accountant in today’s challenges”. The competition is held from March 20, 2021, among high school students of Kharkiv district and Kharkiv.


We invite you to take part in the conference

DEAR COLLEAGUES! The Department of Organization of Production, Business and Management of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Business and Management of KhNTUAinvites research and teaching staff, doctoral students, graduate students, degree seekers, research students to take part at the Fifth International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “Management of the development of socio-economic systems.” Form of participation: REMOTE.

Запрошуємо взяти участь у конференції

Future tourists study and teach

2nd-year students majoring in 242 “Tourism” KhNTUSG completed an internship in the discipline “Leisure Organization” and are currently defending reports. Moreover, during the internship, some students were able to implement their developments in specific activities. Thus, a student of the ZT19-9b group, Elizaveta Deyneko, conducted a quest “Twentieth Century in the History of the Belovodsk Region” with 7th-grade students of the Lyceum G1 of the village of Belovodsk.

Навчаються і навчають майбутні туристи

Accreditation examination begins

On March 15-16, 2021, the accreditation examination of the educational program “Marketing” for the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education in specialty 075 “Marketing” will begin. The examination will take place remotely. We invite all willing participants in the educational process to take part in an open meeting with the expert group on March 15, 2021, from 16:30 to 17:00.

Розпочинається акредитаційна експертиза


The Department of Media Communications and the Department of Organization of Educational Work of Students remind us that currently, our university is holding a competition for the best student video-presentation about the multifaceted life of our university and its educational and scientific departments. The organizing committee of the competition has already received several interesting works that will take part in the competition. Therefore, we invite other students and student groups to participate in this creative competition and we remind you that one person or creative group can submit only one work to the competition.

Увага творчий конкурс!!!


At the initiative of the Department of UNESCO “Philosophy of Human Communication” and social sciences and humanities at our university created a local history and tourism research student club “Milky Way”. This is a student association that will study Kharkiv and other regions of Ukraine in terms of tourism. The main task of the club, its organizers, and members – students – see in the promotion and promotion of the national market of local tourism products, which includes local exploration, the creation of tourist routes, excursions, hiking, and more.



Dear women! Dear wives, daughters, mothers, mothers-in-law, girlfriends, and all members of the fair sex! I sincerely congratulate you on the beginning of spring, beauty, and harmony! I wish that your hearts belong to those who love and adore you, that every day you feel care, devotion, loyalty, help, and support!



The lecturers of the Department of Accounting and Auditing of our university have close and fruitful business relations with the research and teaching staff of the Department of Accounting of Odessa State Agrarian University. Through the joint efforts of teachers of both departments, the textbook “Accounting in Enterprise Management” was published, which was developed in cooperation with the Odesa Regional Agricultural Advisory Service “Center for Rural Development and Legal Support” (ORACS) with the Ukrainian Fruit and Vegetable Business Development Project (UHB). funded by the Ministry of International Affairs of Canada, co-financed and implemented by the Mennonite Economic Development Association (MEDA).


The cooperation of teachers and students from five countries came together in a business game

Learning to do business by doing business in a global environment is the main principle of an online business simulation course offered by the Rhine-Waal University of Applied Science (Germany) and in which, thanks to the cooperation between KhNTUA and the Rhine-Wales University of Applied Sciences for three months (November 2020 – January 2021) were attended by students of the Institute of Business and Management specialties 051 – Economics, 071 – Accounting and Taxation, 072 – Finance, Banking and Insurance, 074 – Management. A unique educational project that brings together teachers and students from five countries. As a basis for the business simulation course, German teachers proposed a simulation game TOPSIM – Startup, which uses interactive methods of teaching and learning based on complex, computer business modeling. At the first stage, students from 6 universities from different countries, united in teams (a total of 29 business teams were created), carried out in a virtual environment the development of business models and strategic business plans, compare options for raising capital, determining demand potential, target groups and competitive advantages of the startup. In the following stages, students made management decisions regarding: – hiring resources and wages, – choice of technologies and production volumes, – pricing and advertising policy, – sources and conditions of financing. At the same time, the skills of filling out financial reporting forms and interpreting accounting data for corporate governance were practiced. Subsequently, the decisions were adjusted by changes in the market situation and the actions of competitors. The training was conducted in English. Frankly speaking, at first most of the decisions made by students did not ensure business profitability, but in the process of business modeling, students were able to assess the strengths and weaknesses of their company, threats, and opportunities, pay attention not to individual factors affecting business profitability, but to all aggregate, adjust their strategies and thus achieve business profitability in a changing global environment. At the same time, participation in this course allowed students to once again practice the skills of teamwork, in practice to feel the pitfalls and benefits of such work. The team of KhNTUA consisting of students Ilyin Oleksandra, Likhopud Oleksandra, Gatsko Darya, Simchenko Valeria was recognized as the best according to the results of business modeling. Vitalina Strenadko, a student majoring in 072 “Finance, Banking and Insurance”, shares her impressions of participating in this course: showed how the company works from the inside, the dependence of business success on management decisions. On the plus side, there are a variety of tasks that can be solved using a simulation within the training center. From learning specific knowledge in the field of business understanding: working with financial information, pricing, utilization of production capacity and ending with the choice of company strategy and the development of team influence skills. The undoubted important advantage of the business game was the emotional experience for the result – our teams were happy, taking first place in the market, grieving, losing profits, suffering from poorly predicted sales and aggressive actions of competitors. Sincere admiration and a variety of often unexpected feelings created a high level of involvement and acquisition of knowledge. This level is difficult to achieve in other forms of classes – seminars or training. With all the tension of emotions, according to the participants of this game from my team, they were pleased with the safety of the decisions made. Some even wrote that they were able to “bully and try a series of absolutely absurd actions.” This aspect is the advantage of business simulation, as participants can try the most incredible management scenario of the company, test their hypotheses in action, and the worst that can happen to them – the realization of the erroneousness of their decisions. In my opinion, the main advantages of this game were: • the ability to quickly “immerse” in the business situation and understanding of business processes; • independence of conclusions and decision-making, obtaining their own experience, which is then much easier and faster to implement in reality. • the ability to systematically analyze the situation, the development of the ability to see and take into account the system of interrelated factors influencing the result; • a high degree of freedom and the ability to be flexible in choosing tools and approaches to solving problems; • constant monitoring of the activity and scheme of the game “Solution – Result – Analysis -; • teamwork and competitive moments, exchange of best practices. Much time and effort have been devoted to the preparation and implementation of this project by Dr. Dietrich Darr, Professor of Agribusiness (Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Germany). On behalf of the KhNTUA, the curators in this project were V. Onegina, Professor, Head of the Department of Economics and Marketing. and Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Production Organization and Management Kalinichenko S. However, plans for future cooperation between universities are being discussed, which, under favorable conditions for victory over the pandemic, provide even greater prospects for students of the KhNTUA.

Співпраця викладачів та студентів з п’яти країн поєдналася в бізнес-грі


As you know, in late 2019, the European Commission published a new environmental agreement European Green Deal – a roadmap for measures developed by the government of the European Union to make Europe the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050. A significant part of the program is the transformation of agriculture: a strategy for sustainable use of chemicals (reduction by 50-70% over the next 10 years of plant protection products) and reduction of CO2 emissions into the air. Besides, the strategy envisages several transformations, in particular for rural areas, modernization and changes in approaches to agricultural enterprises, a package of climate laws, the development of bioenergy, renewable energy, and organic products.


New international project of the UNESCO Chair “The Globally Connected Village: A Ukrainian-Canadian History”

On February 25, 2021, the Department of UNESCO “Philosophy of Human Communication and Social Sciences and Humanities” together with the Center for Folklore Studies of the University of Alberta (Canada) in the framework of international cooperation held a public online lecture on “Village with global ties: Ukrainian-Canadian history”. Lecturer Matthias Kaltenbrunner, Doctor of Philosophy in History at the University of Vienna (Austria). He explores the history of Central and Eastern Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries, including the history of migration, informal markets, and the fate of prisoners of war.

Новий міжнародний проект кафедри ЮНЕСКО «The Globally Connected Village: A Ukrainian-Canadian History»


Yesterday a new pilot project “Rector’s Field Meeting” was started. The purpose of the project is to analyze the work of the Institute and FTSL, discuss problems on the ground and make constructive decisions. The first meeting chaired by the rector of KhNTUA O. Nanka took place at the  в ESI ECT.


Career guidance work of the Department of Accounting and Auditing on the eve of the Open Day at the University

Throughout almost all of 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers of the Department of Accounting and Auditing were not able to meet for “live” communication with potential entrants to our university. This period was filled with the development of distance communication with schoolchildren and college students. But it is worth noting that everyone was looking forward to a face-to-face meeting, especially with college students and their teachers – our colleagues, because for many years of cooperation there is a tradition of combining career guidance with training in the form of brain-rings, intellectual competitions, quizzes and more.

Career guidance work of the Department of Accounting and Auditing on the eve of the Open Day at the University

Educational practice for marketing students

The second year of study by marketing students is coming to an end, which is an important stage in the formation of professional competencies of future professionals. The program of practice “Organization of marketing at the enterprise” provides acquaintance of students with the future profession, prospects of development of a specialty, with character, the maintenance, and conditions of the organization of marketing and advertising activity.

Навчальна практика у студентів-маркетологів