Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Entrants must independently calculate the score of the certificate

Graduates of schools that will enter higher education institutions this year must independently calculate the average score of the certificate (certificate) of complete general secondary education. The relevant explanation was provided by the Ministry of Education and Science. The department draws the attention of applicants and members of the admissions committee to the fact that when applying to a higher education institution – both electronically and in paper form – the graduate must calculate the average score of the certificate. The admission commissions of higher education institutions will check the correctness of the calculation. The average score of the certificate must be calculated on a 12-point scale rounded to the nearest tenth.

Вступники мають самостійно розраховувати бал атестата

Happy Birthday!

Today, June 6, the director of the educational and scientific institute of Technical Service, doctor of technical sciences, professor Alexander Saichuk celebrates his 43rd birthday.

Вітаємо з Днем народження!

The dean of the newly created faculty was elected

Today, the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture hosted a conference of the staff of the newly formed Faculty of International Education and the election of the dean. The conference was chaired by the head of the trade union bureau of the faculty, doctor of sciences in social communications, associate professor of culture, sports and tourism NG Navvy.

Обрали декана новоствореного факультету

Good seedlings promise a good harvest

Employees of the Department of Optimization of Technological Systems named after T. Yevsyukov continue to perform field studies of the quality of sowing of compatible forage crops with the experimental seeder Vega-8w Profi. This year, field research is carried out according to the calendar plan of the agreement “Research and improvement of the prototype sowing machine Vega-8w Profi for joint sowing of row crops” between PJSC “Elworthy” and KhNTUA.

Добрі сходи обіцяють гарний урожай

Recreation center “Oberig” invites

The recreation center of KhNTUA “Oberig”, located in a picturesque place on the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov (village Kirilovka), invites students, university staff, and their families to rest. Applications from employees and students for temporary residence in the “Oberig” are accepted by the trade union committee until 15.06.2021.

База відпочинку "Оберіг" запрошує

The student government will elect the speaker of parliament

KNTUA students are preparing for the election of the chairman of the student parliament. The stage of nominating candidates for this position has already ended. Yesterday in the university’s main building, there was an open debate between the candidates running for the post of student parliament. There are three of them. These are Maryna Romanashenko, a fourth-year student at the National Institute of BML, and Vitalina Strenadko, a second-year student at the same institute, and Sofiya Krivonis.

Студентські дебати 03.06.2021


The newspaper “Vremya” published another article dedicated to the Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture. P. Vasylenko and the peculiarities of this year’s introductory campaign. “As Serhiy Skofenko, Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee, assured, in 2021 KhNTUSG won the competition for budget places for entrants in 2021 and the funds for these budget places have already been distributed. They are guaranteed for the next four years before receiving a bachelor’s degree. So entrants and their parents may not be worried about the reforms planned by the Ministry of Education and Science, “the newspaper writes. Read more:


Dear entrants from the temporarily occupied territories!

From June 9, 2021, the Educational Centers “Crimea-Ukraine” and “Donbass-Ukraine” will start working at our university. Through them, entrants from the temporarily occupied territories and frontline areas who do not have a certificate of complete general secondary education can enter under a simplified procedure.

Шановні вступники з тимчасово окупованих територій!

Admission campaign-2021 for people from the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine: new opportunities and prospects

On June 4, 2021, a press conference of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the “Open Policy Foundation” on the features of the introductory campaign-2021 for children from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. The following issues will be covered during the event: state policy to support young people from the temporarily occupied territories; work of educational centers in 2021; the activity of the Government hotline; problems and risks of the introductory campaign for people from the Temporarily Occupied Territories. Speakers: Serhiy SHKARLET, Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine; Olga KHOLOMEEVA, Director of the Government Contact Center; Iryna Zhdanova, Executive Director of the Open Policy Foundation. Date: June 4 Time: 12.30 Broadcast: MES page on Youtube and Facebook. Media representatives can ask questions using the online form until 9 o’clock on June 4. Source: Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. 

Вступна кампанія-2021 для осіб з ТОТ України: нові можливості та перспективи

From session to session

Senior students of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture test session continues. Ahead of them are exams and certification. And junior students attend lectures and practical classes. In one of the classrooms, we saw how a practical lesson on economic theory is held for first-year students of the Institute of Business, Management, and Law. Classes with them are conducted by Associate Professor of Economics and Marketing, Ph.D. L. Batiuk.

From session to session

To participate in the conference it is necessary

On June 2, 2021, the third day of the All-Ukrainian Forum “Ukraine 30. Education and Science” lasted. Deputy Speaker of Education and Science of Ukraine for European Integration Andriy Vitrenko became the speaker of the section “Modern University as a platform for research”.

Сучасний університет як майданчик для досліджень


On June 4, 2021, at 10:00 a meeting of the staff of the Faculty of International Education will be held at st. Myronosytska, 92 (educational building), auditorium 105.


On the implementation of the Regulations on the Institute of Business, Management and Law

In connection with streamlining the structure of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, the creation of the Department of Public and Private Law, transfer of students majoring in 076 “Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange” and o81 “Law” to the Educational and Scientific Institute of Business, Management, and law, and based on the decision of the Academic Council of KhNTUA from 27.05.2021, the rector of the university O. Nanka issued an order to implement the Regulations on the Educational and Scientific Institute of Business, Management, and Law. See: Regulations on the ESI BML

Про введення в дію Положення про ННІ бізнесу, менеджменту і права

Awards of the University at the XII International Exhibition “Modern Educational Institutions-2021”

As we have already reported, on May 26-28, 2021, the XII International Exhibition “Modern Educational Institutions-2021” was held in Kyiv, in which the Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture and P. Vasylenko also took an active part. The exhibition has become a meaningful platform for discussing urgent issues of development of the national education system in the context of globalization challenges and demands, exchange of experience in innovation in modern education, including digital technologies to ensure quality education and increase attention to natural sciences in Ukraine. -technical research, establishing business contacts, etc.

Університет бере участь  у освітянській виставці

Vovchansk Vocational College invites …

“Vovchansky Vocational College KhNTUA” invites graduates of secondary schools (9th and 11th grades), as well as graduates of vocational education institutions to visit the Open Day online, which will take place on 19.06 at 10:00 on the Google Meet platform.

Вовчанський фаховий коледж запрошує...