Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Psychological service

Psychological service

Danchenko Iryna

Head of the Psychological Service, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of UNESCO “Philosophy of Human Communication” and social and humanitarian disciplines

Tel.: 095-515-2272



Psychological service

Omelchenko Halyna

Employee of the Psychological Service,

Senior Lecturer of the Department of UNESCO “Philosophy of Human Communication” and Socio-Humanitarian Disciplines

PhD in Economics,

practical psychologist

Tel.: 050-827-1056



Psychological service

Everyone strives to be happy, to be in harmony with the world around them and with themselves. The world is full of non-negotiation, misunderstandings and “deadlocks”. During life, each person can have a difficult situation or a sad event. Sometimes fatigue accumulates or relationships with relatives and friends deteriorate. Do not understand the people around you, it is difficult to understand what is happening and may even seem that there is no way out of the situation…

It doesn’t matter if you are a leader or not, a freshman or a graduate, a teacher or an educator – everyone will have at least one question that only an experienced specialist can answer.

Psychological service in the education system is a set of institutions, institutions that make up a single system, which is based on specialists in the field of practical psychology and social pedagogy.

Psychological service

Simply put, the psychological service in educational institutions is represented by practical psychologists, who must monitor the development and mental state of students, the psychological climate of the team, both student and pedagogical.

Practical psychologists are often confused with psychiatrists and psychotherapists. What is the difference between these specialists?

A psychiatrist is a specialist (ie must have a medical education) in the field of diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders (diseases). Uses mainly medical treatments, as well as various types of psychotherapy. A psychiatrist works with mentally ill people who have severe mental disorders.

A psychotherapist is a person who has a psychological or medical education and special training in one or more areas of psychotherapy.

Psychological service

A practical psychologist is a specialist who has a psychological education and provides psychological assistance to participants in the educational process in an educational institution. Such assistance includes the full or partial range of areas covered by the relevant job responsibilities. So, a psychologist is not a doctor, but a specialist who will help you learn to find ways out of crises, believe in your own strength, find internal reserves, get out of depression, build relationships with others, understand yourself, and so on.

At the same time, it is necessary to note the existence of a huge number of myths around these specialists. The truth is that a psychologist is not a magician, he does not solve your problems, does not give advice. A practical psychologist tries to help a person find a way out that needs to be seen and understood. Works only with healthy people.

Презентації Психологічної служби університету

  1. Стрес не проблема
  2. Заняття з елементами тренінгу.
  3. Щорічна Всеукраїнська акція “16 днів проти насильства”

Psychological service Psychological servicePsychological service