Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has launched a reporting campaign on the results of the activities of higher education institutions and research institutions for 2020. It will last until April 6, 2021. Reports of higher education institutions and research institutions are presented by vice-rectors for research and directors of research institutions. The reports will cover all aspects of the organization and implementation of scientific work in the Free Economic Zone and OU, provide comparative statistics for the last five years.

Also, the reports contain thorough information on the topics of basic and applied research, publishing activities of scientists, training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical staff, the place of higher education institutions and research institutions in the rankings for scientific and scientific-technical activities.

At the same time, information is provided on the implementation of Universities and research works funded from the state budget, grants for research and development, which were performed by scientific, scientific, and pedagogical staff, doctoral students, graduate students, and students.

All measures are carried out taking into account the requirements of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 11, 2020, № 211 “On prevention of the spread of coronavirus COVID-19 in Ukraine” in an online format.

After the completion of the reporting, the presentation materials will be posted on the MES website to acquaint the public with the results of the work of the Free Economic Zone and scientific institutions.