Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Hot time for entrants

They say Monday is a difficult day. But not for our entrants who came to the university that day to get advice and fill their e-offices. Traditionally, members of the university Admissions Committee provide entrants and their parents with all the necessary assistance and, if necessary, conduct career guidance work.

So Anya and Victoria, who came to our university with their mothers from the urban-type settlement of Bilokurakino, Starobilsky district, Luhansk region, were satisfied with the communication with the members of the Admissions Committee. We met them on the way out of the university and asked what specialties the girls chose for themselves and why they chose our university for admission. It turned out that Anya plans to study Management, and Victoria – Agronomy. And our university was chosen on the recommendation of their friends who study here in senior courses. The parents supported this choice of the girls and hope that they will successfully pass the competitive selection and become students of our university.

Two Denisas, who came to the Admissions Committee of KhNTUA from Nova Vodolaga, are also counting on this. This year, the boys successfully graduated from Novovodolazk Lyceum №2, passed the external examination, and decided to continue their studies together. One Denis plans to enter the specialty of Agricultural Engineering, and the other – on Food Technology. The boys are a little worried whether they will be able to pass the competition and enter the budget form of education because this year these specialties are in high demand among entrants. We hope that everything will be fine with them and the rest of our entrants, incl. Oleksandr Polinkevych (pictured) graduated from Kupyansk Medical College and plans to master another specialty at our university – Entrepreneurship, trade, and exchange activities. Everyone has a choice.

The introductory campaign continues. And we are closely monitoring its course and looking forward to the results. Currently, according to the state enterprise Inforesurs, more than 4,000 people have applied to enter our university (for a bachelor’s degree), of which more than 3,600 are entrants based on a complete general secondary education. In total, according to the State Enterprise “Info resource”, as of 09:00 on July 19 on the site, created 452 thousand 933 electronic offices and submitted 793 thousand 969 applications.

More photos in the MEDIA GALLERY section.

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