Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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About the Department

Department of UNESCO “Philosophy of Human Communication”, Social Sciences and Humanities is special and unique among the Departments of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. It occupies a worthy place among the Departments of UNESCO in Ukraine.
The Department was founded in May 1996, as a result of the signing of an agreement between the Director-General of UNESCO and the Rector of Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture (now – KNTUA). In 2008, as a result of merging with the Departments of Philosophy and History of Ukraine, the Department of UNESCO “Philosophy of Human Communication”, Social Sciences and Humanities was renamed.

The Department provides humanitarian training for students of all specialties of the University.

Since 2018, the department trains specialists in the specialty 242 “Tourism”.

The humanization and humanization of higher education is an integral part of the training of high-level professionals.
Studying the disciplines of the humanities contributes to the formation of a highly qualified elite of the state, successful leaders, cultural, creative personality, obliged to preserve and produce spiritual values, that are patriots of their country and can be realized in successful professional activities and society.

The heads of the Department in different years were: initiator and founder, professor, academician of the Higher School of Ukraine D. Rudenko (1996–2001), professor I. Karpenko (2002), professor O. Burova (2002–2007), professor S. Zaveitniy (2007–2017).

Since July 2017, the Department is headed by Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Moisieieva N.

The main directions of the university work  of the Department are teaching humanities to students, introduction into the practice of education of appropriate scientific and methodological support of the educational process, development of new educational programs in the humanities in technical freelance and research.

Special attention is paid to  national-patriotic education of youth (holding numerous educational events: round tables, scientific seminars, meetings of discussion clubs, flash mobs, brain-rings, etc. on topical historical and socio-political issues).

Topics of scientific research of teachers:  philosophy of communication, philosophical and sociological understanding of modern problems; issues of humanization and humanitarianization of higher education; the phenomenon of tourism in economic, philosophical and historical aspects; innovative development of the tourist sphere, recreation, local lore tourism, development of green rural tourism; communication theory, philosophy of science; pedagogy and theoretical and methodological bases of formation of social maturity of students in educational process, history of political repressions in Ukraine, political system of modern Ukraine, questions of national security and its historical and political comprehension, political life of Kharkiv region during revolution and civil war 1917-1921; history of agrarian education of Ukraine, history of KNTUA; history of Slobozhanshchyna; bibliography, information technologies, social communications; economic history, history of trade and consumption; introduction of gender approaches in education, implementation of gender policy, psychological support of the pedagogical process.

The department conducts research  “Consumption in Early Soviet Ukraine: male, female and children’s dimensions” (with the support of the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies).

Lecturers of the department take part  in the implementation of the State programs of the Verkhovna Rada and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine: “Rehabilitated by History. Kharkiv Region” (“On Rehabilitation of Victims of Political Repression in Ukraine”) and “Book of Memory”.

The department annually holds the International Scientific and Methodological Conference “Slobozhansky Humanities” and the All-Ukrainian Interdisciplinary Scientific and Practical Conference for Students and Young Scientists “Current Issues of Modern Socio-Humanitarian Knowledge” with the publication of collections of scientific papers.

In recent years, the department has published the following monographs and textbooks:
Media and philosophy: the facets of interaction: a monograph/ed. L.M. Denisko, S.O. Zavetnogo – Kharkiv, 2017. – 257 p.
Voronyansky O.V., Kulishenko T.Yu., Skubiy I.V. Political science: textbook. – Kharkiv, KNTUA, 2017. – 180 p.
Skubiy I.V. Trade-in Kharkiv in the years of the NEP (1921–1929): economy and everyday life: monograph / I. Skubiy. – Kharkiv. 2017. – 278 p.
Danchenko I.O. Formation of social maturity of students of higher agricultural educational institutions. – Kharkiv: Ivanchenko Publishing House IS, 2018. – 422 p.
Moiseeva N.I. Innovative development of the tourist sphere of the region: theory, methodology, practice: monograph / N.Moiseeva. – Mykolaiv: FOP Shvets VM, 2018. – 330 p.
General quality management: a textbook / O.V. Nanka, R.V. Antoshchenkov, V.M. Kis, I.O. Listopad, N.I. Moiseeva, I.V. Halych, A.O. Nikiforov. – Kharkiv: KNTUA, 2019 – 205 p.
The phenomenon of tourism: the diversity of meanings: a monograph/ed. O.O. Krasnorutsky, N.I. Moiseeva. – H., KNTUA, 2019. – 252 p.

The scientific student historical-political discussion club “Dialogue” works fruitfully at the department to discuss current historical and political issues of today; student permanent philosophical methodical seminar “Eidos”; student scientific circle “Nation, statehood, patriotism”.

Students under the guidance of teachers of the Department participate in Scientific competitions, Olympiads, Forums, Conferences and win prizes:
Diploma of the second degree of “Kharkiv organizational and methodical center of tourism”, KU “Kharkiv regional youth center” for the author’s excursion “Kharkiv trade: from the bazaar to the shopping center” (head: Ph.D., associate professor Skubiy I.)
Diploma of the Kharkiv Organizational and Methodological Center for Tourism, Kharkiv Regional Youth Center for the author’s excursion “Kharkiv – University City” (supervisor: Ph.D., Professor O.Voronyansky)

The Department cooperates with  the UNESCO Chair “Human Rights, Peace, Democracy, Tolerance, International Understanding” of the National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” and is part of the interuniversity network of UNESCO Chairs “Culture of Peace through Communication” and participates in the UNITWIN / UNESCO Chairs program. one of the participants of the network of special departments in the Free Economic Zone of different countries of the world; Ukrainian-Bulgarian Center for Cooperation and Partnership of Kharkiv National Economic University. S. Kuznets; TURAL International Travel Company (Republic of Bulgaria) and TURAL LLC (Kharkiv); International Women’s Human Rights Center “La Strada-Ukraine”; Regional municipal institution “Kharkiv organizational and methodical center of tourism” and is a member of the interuniversity platform of graduate departments of tourism; G.S. Skovoroda National Literary Memorial Museum; Slobozhansky National Nature Park; Union for the Promotion of Rural Green Tourism in Ukraine (Kharkiv Regional Branch); Municipal Institution “Kharkiv regional station of young tourists”; Gender Museum.
Lecturers of the department participate in the work of: Kharkiv Regional Fund for Rural Social Development, Association of Political Scientists of Slobozhanshchyna, Kharkiv Association of Political Scientists, Section “History of Science and Technology” of the East-Ukrainian Branch of the NAS of Ukraine, Sociological Association of Ukraine, Kharkiv Historical and Philological Society, Working Group issues of gender equality policy and anti-discrimination in education at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the All-Ukrainian Anti-Discrimination Network “Gender Observatory”, Kharkiv City Public Association “French Alliance”, Kharkiv Consortium of Universities (Support Department of Ukrainian History).

Employees of the Department are headed:  Committee on Youth and Sports, which coordinates, organizes and controls the educational work at the university; Center for Gender Education, the main task of which is the implementation of gender policy, the introduction of gender approaches in education; Psychological Service of the university, which provides psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process; Exhibition and Museum complex, which joins the historical heritage and contributes to the formation of civic position, the Department of Media Communications.

The fruitful work of the department was marked by numerous awards, diplomas, thanks. Among the achievements of teachers of the department:
Diploma of the winner and gold medal of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine DNU “Institute for Modernization of Educational Content” and the International Exhibition “Innovation in Modern Education in the category “Development and implementation of innovative teaching aids, projects, programs and solutions in educational institutions”;
The gratitude of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine; Diploma of the Kharkiv District State Administration; Gratitude of the Kharkiv Mayor; Diploma of the Main Department for Family, Youth, and Sports of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration; Diploma of the Trade Union of Agricultural Workers of Ukraine; Gratitude of the Department of Science and Education of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration;
Certificate of Honor and Gratitude of the Kharkiv Regional Olympic Committee;
The gratitude of the National Literary Memorial Museum of G. Skovoroda; Gratitude of the Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments of the Kharkiv Regional Organization; Diploma of the International Women’s Human Rights Center “La Strada-Ukraine”; Gratitude of the Regional municipal institution “Kharkiv Organizational and Methodical Center of Tourism; Diplomas of Kharkiv National Technical University named after Petro Vasylenko.

Regulations on the Department

Report of the Department for the Academic Year (2020-2021)

Report of the Department of Scientific Work (2020)