Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Optimization of technical and technological systems of agricultural production

All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference

“Optimization of technical and technological systems of agricultural production”

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine

Scientific National Center “IMESG” NAAS of Ukraine

Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture

Sumy National Agrarian University

Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University

Tavriya State Agrotechnological University

Poltava State Agrarian Academy

The Organizing Committee invites scientists, specialists, leading specialists, practitioners, business leaders, graduate students and students to take part in the conference.


Section 1. Operation of machine-tractor park.

Section 2. Intelligent systems of auto-tractor equipment.

Section 3. Mechatronics of technical and technological systems.

Section 4. Ecologically safe technologies of growing crops.

Working languages of the conference: Ukrainian, Russian, English.

Proceedings of the conference will be published in the thematic issue of the Bulletin of KNTUA “Mechanization of agricultural production”, which is included in the list of professional publications of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Tel: (050) 605-54-61, responsible – Artomov Mykola.

Tel.: (050) 025-57-11, responsible – Syrovytskyi Kyrylo.

Address of the organizing committee

Ukraine, 61050, Kharkiv, Moscow Avenue, 45, KNTUA. Educational and Scientific Institute of Mechanotronics and Management Systems. Tel.: (057) 732-75-33.

Email for correspondence:


Publication structure::

  1. Statement of the problem in general and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks.
  2. An analysis of recent research and publications that have addressed this issue and to which the author refers.
  3. Highlighting previously unsolved parts of the general problem to which the article is devoted.
  4. Formulation of the purpose of the article (task statement).
  5. Presentation of the main material of the study with a full justification of the obtained scientific results.
  6. Conclusions from this study and prospects for further development in this area.

Requirements for registration:

Paper size – A4. Do not number pages. Font – Times New Roman. Font size – 14 pt. Margins – 2.0 cm. Single interval. The first line is the UDC index, on the left edge, bold. Skip one line. The title of the article is in capital bold letters, in the center. Skip one line. Surname, initials of the author and scientific title – in bold letters, in the center. The name of the organization – in italics, in the center. Skip one line. The text of the annotation in the language of the article (volume 200-250 words) – in width, indentation of the first line of the paragraph 1.25 cm, in italics. Skip one line. The main text of the article – in width, indentation of the first line of the paragraph 1.25 cm. Graphic materials (* .jpg.) Should be placed in the center of the article. Numbering and signatures – in the center according to the sample: “Fig. 1 – The scheme of operation of the device ”.”. Names and numbering of tables – in the center according to the sample: “Table 1 – Results of calculation….”. Formulas must be typed in Misgosoft Equation 3.0, centered, formula numbers aligned to the right. At the end of the article: list of used sources, annotations in other working languages ​​of the conference, which should contain the title of the article (separate line), surname and initials of the author in bold letters in the center (separate line) and summary of 200-250 words. The names “List of sources used”, “Abstract”, “Abstract”, “Abstract” – print in bold, on the left edge. Skip a line between them and the text that was in front and follows. The title of the article in the annotations – in bold, in the center. On the next line – the author’s name, in the center. The text of annotations – italics, width, indent of the first line of the paragraph 1.25 cm.

Publications of the article in the KNTUA Bulletin are free of charge.


(050) 605-54-61 Artomov Mykola.

(050) 025-57-11 Syrovytskyi Kyrylo.

Optimization of technical and technological systems of agricultural production Optimization of technical and technological systems of agricultural production Optimization of technical and technological systems of agricultural production Optimization of technical and technological systems of agricultural production Optimization of technical and technological systems of agricultural production Optimization of technical and technological systems of agricultural production