Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Advanced training is ensuring the professional level of the teacher

Within the framework of the cooperation agreement between KNTUA and KNAU named after V. Dokuchaev 28.10.2020 at the Department of Accounting and Auditing was a working meeting of the director of IPO Autukhov A., head of the Department of Accounting and Auditing Marenych TG with representatives of KNAU named after V. Dokuchaev Professor Bedenkova M. and associate professor Ragulina I.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss issues of professional development of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical employees of related departments of KNTUA and KNAU.

The meeting was interesting and informative, took place in the format of discussion and discussion of the main tasks of professional development – gaining experience in shaping the content of education, taking into account its purpose, experience of practical work, and professional activity, in rapid social change..

During the meeting, the areas of professional development in the following disciplines were identified: audit, tax control, internal audit, financial accounting, accounting audit, and individual plans for professional development (internships) of research and teaching staff were signed.

The meeting will facilitate the further exchange of experience between teachers of KhNTUA and KhNAU, to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of training and improve the methods of teaching material in professional disciplines..

Dubrova O.V.