Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Dear friends and colleagues! Dear students, graduate students, teachers, and staff of the university! The year 2020, which has become a year of great hopes and great trials, is coming to an end. In connection with the educational reform, we have reached a new level of understanding of the main tasks and mission of our university in the modern educational space. At the same time, the spread of the coronavirus epidemic forced us to make significant adjustments to the plans and methods of educational work, which were partially carried out remotely. For the same reason, we had to cancel many mass events, including anniversaries, which were preparing for the 90th anniversary of our university.

But I am convinced that the year 2020 will be remembered not only by quarantine restrictions but also by pleasant events. After all, even in such difficult conditions, we managed to ensure the stable operation of the university and preserve its human potential, we were able to master new forms of communication and interaction, eventually, we began to appreciate each other more and appreciate normal human relations.

Thank you that the vast majority of students and teachers have an understanding attitude to work in the new environment and were able to properly organize the educational process and conduct the introductory campaign. The results of the admission campaign showed that our university has significant scientific and educational potential and maintains a stable dynamics of development. That is why I look to the future with optimism and believe that the challenges and trials that befell us will make us even stronger and more united. And together we can survive all the troubles.

So, no matter how difficult the passing year may be for us, we look to the future with hope and optimism, with faith in our own strengths and capabilities. Therefore, on the eve of the New Year and Christmas holidays, let me congratulate all of you on these holidays and wish everyone a peaceful sky, good health, and the realization of their most cherished dreams.

May all our troubles remain in the old year, and the New Year 2021 will be a year of new accomplishments, achievements, prosperity, and prosperity.

I am sure that our country and our university have a good future and stable development. So everything will be fine!

Sincerely, Olexander Nanka,

rector of KhNTUA