Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
uk en
Sementsov Vitalii
Head of educational work of the Directorate
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Sementsov Vitalii


    In 2007 he graduated from the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture with a degree in “Machinery and equipment for agricultural production”, received a diploma with honors.
    In 2012 he graduated from the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture with a degree in “Machinery and equipment of agricultural production”, received a master’s degree with honors.
    In 2011 he graduated from Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after GS Frying pans in the specialty “Pedagogy and methodology. Language and Literature (English) ».
    From 2012 to 2015 he studied at the graduate school of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture.
    He received a B2 level certificate, which confirms a fairly high level of proficiency in a foreign (English) language in 2019.


    In 2009 he was accepted as the head of the laboratory of the Department of Language Training;
    In 2012 he was transferred to the position of assistant of the Department of technical systems and technologies of animal husbandry named after B. Shabelnyk
    In 2016 he defended his dissertation on the specialty 05.05.11 – machines and means of mechanization of agricultural production on the topic: “Substantiation of the parameters of the dosing process and the development of the design of the premix dispenser.”
    In 2016 he was transferred to the position of senior lecturer at the Department of technical systems and technologies of animal husbandry named after B. Shabelnyk
    Since 2018 he has been working as an associate professor of the Department of technical systems and technologies of animal husbandry named after B. Shabelnyk of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture.

Educational activities

    Teaches disciplines: “Machinery and equipment for livestock”, “Technical systems and technologies of livestock farms”, “Bioenergy in Agricultural Complex”, “Environmental machinery and equipment for livestock”.

Research activities

    It has 36 publications, including 29 scientific and 7 educational and methodological, including scientific papers published in domestic and international peer-reviewed professional journals and publications in periodicals, which are included in the scientific-metric databases Scopus – 3.

International activities

    Passed an internship abroad at WSB Akademia, Poland from 25.09. 2018 to 25.03. 2019.