Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Regular meeting of the admission commissions in KhNTUA, KhSZA, KhSUFTT and KhNAU named after V. Dokuchaev

Today the regular meetings of the admission commissions in KhNTUA, KhSZA, KhSUFTT, and KhNAU named after V. Dokuchaev under the chairmanship of Ruslan Tikhonchenko. The issue of recommendations on enrollment of entrants in the state budget based on complete general secondary education was raised. Reported on the progress of the introductory campaign in 2021: Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee KhNTUA S. Skofenko, representatives of separate structural subdivisions of KhNTUA, director of Kharkiv professional college of food industry О. Bondarenko and Executive Secretary of Vovchansk Vocational College O. Bogovesov; Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee of KhSUFTT K. Kalenik; Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee of KhSZA O. Malachi; Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee of KhNAU named after V. Dokuchaev M. Ponomareva. Enrollment orders were approved unanimously.