Recently, the monograph “Legal basis of insurance of agricultural products with state support in Ukraine” was prepared, prepared by Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Life Safety and Law G. Clerini.
The monograph highlights the current legal issues of insurance of agricultural products with state support within the agrarian-legal direction. The paper reflects the essence, principles, and development of legal regulation of insurance of agricultural products with state support defines the modern legal framework and scientific analysis of the American and European models of legal regulation of relations in this area.
The monograph also reveals the content of the contractual structure of insurance of agricultural products with state support and presents the author’s bill aimed at improving legal relations in the field of insurance of agricultural products with state support.
The publication is addressed to legal scholars, teachers, graduate students, law students of higher education, practicing lawyers, as well as anyone interested in this issue.
Some complex provisions of the current land legislation, which are considered in the monograph, are set out in the elective – “School of Agrarian Leadership”.
Department of Life Safety and Law